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Sunday, July 04, 2010

Virginia Stands Against Obamacare, For Freedom

Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli continued his valiant fight in federal court Thursday to keep alive his lawsuit against the new Obamacare law. It is a fight that not just Virginians, but all Americans, should hope he wins.

The Old Dominion has passed a law to protect residents from the mandate to buy health insurance. Without a mandate, much of Obamacare falls apart. In defending the state's power to pass such a law, Mr. Cuccinelli argues that the Obamacare mandates are unconstitutional. The Obama administration, for its part, wants to avoid any constitutional examination of the mandates. President Obama says the state has no right to enact such a law - and that if the law is illegitimate, the state has no legal standing to file its suit. The administration thus moved to dismiss the whole suit before its merits could even be considered. Mr. Cuccinelli's court appearance Thursday was to argue against dismissal.

In his brief, Mr. Cuccinelli made a strong case based on both the language of the Constitution and Supreme Court precedent. He said Virginia was not trying to nullify a federal law but instead claiming the sovereign power to challenge the mandates through the legitimate means of the courts. He cited Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's decision in the 1992 case of New York v. United States: "At least as far back as Martin v. Hunter's Lessee (1816), the Court has resolved questions 'of great importance and delicacy' in determining whether particular sovereign powers have been granted by the Constitution to the Federal Government or have been retained by the States."

Mr. Cuccinelli could have quoted another part of Justice O'Connor's decision, in which she wrote it would be illegal for the federal government to "'commandeer' state governments into the service of federal regulatory purposes, and would ... be inconsistent with the Constitution's division of authority between federal and state governments."

"Virginia has already been forced to make decisions regarding insurance exchanges under the act, as well as changes to Medicaid," Virginia's attorney general explained to the press. "One of those decisions made the commonwealth forego more than $100 million in federal money." In short, the federal government is commandeering state governments, while forcing the states' citizens to buy a product they may not want.

On behalf of Mr. Cuccinelli's suit, Virginia Solicitor General E. Duncan Getchell Jr. said to the court, "The government can't draft an unwilling citizen into commerce just so it can regulate him under the Commerce Clause." This is the same issue that Sen. Tom Coburn, Oklahoma Republican, was exploring when he asked Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan if Congress has the power to force people to eat their veggies, to which Ms. Kagan - frighteningly - said Congress does have such power. If a state has no standing, on behalf of its citizens, to challenge such abusive federal power trips, then both the state and the citizens are at the mercy of a federal monster that knows no bounds.

Read the rest here


Anonymous said...

Don't want an insurance mandate? Then give up your right to receive treatment regardless of your status to pay. How about insurance verification/credit check before you get patched up from an accident.

Anonymous said...

"Then give up your right to receive treatment regardless of your status to pay." It isn't a right! Should never be a right! If hospitals would stop taking money from the government they wouldn't have to worry about treating people for free. If you can pay you get treatment. If you can't pay - sorry but health insurance wasn't a priority so unless you can afford cash or have credit - you don't get treatment.

Anonymous said...

Only you ideaological idiots on the right believe that most of the uninsured just decide not to have insurance. In the face of high unemployment and high premiums, you idiots still believe this myth.