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Monday, July 26, 2010

Obama's Message To Voters: Things Could Be Worse

President Barack Obama, who rocketed to the White House promising "change you can believe in," is now telling voters they shouldn't change a thing.

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

tisk, tisk, politics.

I just hope the electorate realizes that economics and geopolitics is a world of chess, not checkers. The moves made today don't necessarily impact the present as much as they will the future trajectory.

Fact; the scenario we find ourselves in today was brought upon us by decisions made by Reps. and Dems. years in advance. Therefore Obama is right that it is not necessarily his fault.

But we are looking for our pres. to help lead us out. So far, the stimulus has done some good but has not lived up to its promise. For all that "Obama socialism" crap Reps. talk, it is actually sagging demand and consumer spending that is keeping businesses from hiring.

We would all do better with a bit of objective analysis.

Anonymous said...

That AP article is misleading and he never said that. But what can we expect from the AP, who's political editor is Ron Fournier, who tried to get a job with John McCain's campaign team in 2008. His message is simple and one you should take heed. Elect Republicans and we go back to what caused this mess. Not that things could be worse. If you want more economic problems, more joblessness, and more tax cuts for the rich vote Republican.

Concerned Retiree said...

As an Independent, fisically responsible and common sense person, I was better off under the Republicans. That is until the last 3 1/2 years of Democratic control of Congress. Liberal Democrats accuse Republicans of 8 years of control. They do not want to admit it was only 6 years, since they would have to take responsibility of spending and bad regulations since 2006. There is a lot of memory lapse

Anonymous said...


Fellow independent here (11:24 commenter) and I agree fully. But will add that the short memory resides on both sides of the aisle.

lmclain said...

11:24 "Sagging demand and consumer spending is keeping businesses from hiring"....WHAT?? Why do YOU think there is "sagging demand" and consumer spending is down? Could it be because at 9% unemployment (14-17% ACTUAL), people don't spend unless they HAVE to??? Demand is down for the same reason...and if I'm not mistaken, Obama said if we spend a trillion dollars, unemployment would NOT exceed 8%. Tops. So the "stimulus" passed and what do we get for a trillion dollars? Some Census workers and new GOVERNMENT jobs (that don't produce anything!). How many more years will he claim the title of President with all the perks of golfing with the stars, flying around the world, and taking a vacation every 3 weeks or so, but not taking the responsibilities of the office? Or assume some ACCOUNTABILITY??? Every bad thing -- the economy, unemployment, the war in Afghanistan, the oil disaster in the Gulf, immigration issues, the problems with Iran, even Scott Brown's election --- are Bush's fault!! Man up, jack!!! You want the job, then handle your business and quit blaming someone and making excuses for all the things going wrong ON YOUR WATCH!!! He has no experience in running anything at all ---ANYTHING -- and now as President, our country gets to watch him learn on the job and he ain't learning very quickly...He will go down in history as one of the worst Presidents of all, right up there with Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge...and Jimmy Carter. His best talent? Shifting the blame...

lmclain said...

1:42 agree?? Here's some "objective analysis" --- Instituting a health care plan that insure 30-40 million (thats right- MILLION) people by taxing the rest of us to pay for it, taxing the rich (socialists call it "redistribution of wealth") to pay for social change and saying to people in a free market, capitalist economy that "I think there comes a time when you've made enough money", increasing governmental control over private businesses (General Motors, for example), well, I think THATS the "socialism" that Republicans and others rail against. Those ARE the actions of a socialist. If it walks and talks like a socialist, then its hard to deny that it IS a socialist....and he surrounds himself with like-minded people and appoints like minded people and has friends who have written (undeniably) about socialist change/programs in this country. And like ALL socialists, he thinks there is an unlimited supply of money to be given to the poor, the needy, and the "deserving". And like all socialist leaders, their country is soon bankrupt. Refer to: Greece, Finland, etc.

Anonymous said...

ok 3:27, now that you have blown off some steam, lets have a logical think session.

The downward spiral of the economy began way before Obama came into office and did not bottom out until after his inauguration. We were at war well before he came in, and as we have learned, problems that led to the oil disaster were also already in existence. These are facts "jack".

Now I'm no Obama cheerleader, as you can tell from my previous comments. But my overall point is that we as a nation would make better electoral decisions and our leaders would govern better if citizens would stop falling for the BS that politicians spew on the daily. Think about how much more accountable pols. would be if they knew that 50% of the electorate is not automatically falling for the party talking points or the Beck/Limbaugh/Olbermann narratives.

lmclain said...

4:38...I'm not one to fall for anyone's narratives. I prefer facts and what can be deduced from them. As you might see from my prior posts, I don't think ANY politician gives a dang about the country or the people, just themselves and their ability to keep the cushiest, best job on the planet. And that includes that incompetent bozo, Obama. My point in that post was that it's time that Obama owned the job. He's in the big leagues now and he cannot continue to blame every problem on someone else. The oil regs that he says Bush worked with? He worked with them, too. The unemployment issue? A LOT to do with his policies, both in place now and coming soon to a neighborhood near you. He is scaring the hell out of small businesses. A 40% tax rate on them?? 40%?!! And you wonder why no one is hiring and people aren't spending? There are no jobs and there is no spare money. Man up, jack. He's the president and he campaigned for the job. But he doesn't want to accept responsibility for the issues and he has been in place almost 18 months. Being President is much more than photo ops and softball interviews on Oprah and The View. STOP mentioning historical figures and blaming them for the problem of the day. Facts. 8% unemployment? Close Guantanamo? Terror trials in New York? Appointing a MUSLIM to a high post in Homeland Security? Businesses are closing every day and hundreds are losing their jobs every day. It doesn't matter what TV or radio station one listens to --- these are FACTS. And they indicate someone who is learning by trial and error how to manage a multi-trillion dollar operation (the United States) when they have NEVER managed ANYTHING at all.. Another uncomfortable FACT. From a "nobody" to President of the most powerful nation to have ever existed on this planet....he ain't looking good....

Anonymous said...

The downward spiral started when the Democrats won control of the house and Senate and the Fanny Mae and Freddie Mack collapse under the watchful eye of Barney Frank and Chris Dodd did us in . So far everything Obama has promised hasn't worked . Doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result is the definition of insanity !

Unknown said...

Sean Hannity and the Bible, that's where the answers are!
We're Eastern Shoremen!

Anonymous said...

No 6:09, that's just not the truth. Sorry. The downward spiral started in 1981 when Ronald Reagan came to power and convinced the middle class that they were better off when the rich got richer. And all of you fell for it.

Anonymous said...

No the real downward path happened when Obama spent all this money like it was going out of style. Buying the banks, bailing American General out, helping GMC etc....

This made us head faster downhill then Bush ever did 2000-2008.

Anonymous said...

8:56 Ever heard of Reaganomics ? That's what brought us back from Carter it's the trickle down effect and Clinton road it for 7 of his 8 years .

Anonymous said...

How about this?

Barry Soetoro and Dubya' work for the same elite international bankers - The Rothschild Family.

They are cut from the same cloth and its number is 322.

Wake up Amerika