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Monday, July 26, 2010

NYT: More Married Couples Sleeping In Separate Beds

NYT: The marital bed, once the symbol of matrimony on a par with the diamond ring, is threatened with extinction. “Till Death Do Us Part” is fast becoming “Till Sleep Do Us Part.”

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

and beds getting smaller and smaller

Anonymous said...

im happily married with 3 kids and the kids always want to get into the bed and sleep with us either because they are scared or just want to watch tv with us..Well I totally understand wanting a seperate bed, its not that the love isnt there, its that with 3 kids sleep is a precious commidity. I JUST WANNA SLEEP

Anonymous said...

Not in my house!

Can't sleep without the wife very close

Anonymous said...

amen 517

Anonymous said...

I've been sleeping alone for 20 years and love it, the wife knows her duty and her place.

Anonymous said...

During my secound marriage, after one of many arguments, I decided to sleep in the spare bedroom, finding that I slept much more comfortably and was more refreshed and able to face the next work day. Over the years my wife and I both slept better seperately as we changed back and forth from sleeping together to sleeping seperatly due to better uninterrupted sleep. Arguments no longer the reason for seperate beds. Well, after being single again for over 25 years, I wouldn't be willing to share a bed for long with anyone. They always keep moving, bumping into you, snatching the covers and continually waking you up. I don't miss any of that at all. I now sleep like a dead dog with little stress in my life or annoying human noise like, "come on, get up lazy bones" or noise like "what did you do with that twenty dollars I gave you"? Yelp, things have changed in my life for the better and I don't miss either one of them. Hugs and kisses all around ladies. FredG

Chimera said...

If my husband is snoring very loud I will sleep on the couch with no problems.Thats why alot of marrieds sometimes sleep apart.

Anonymous said...

My wife and I sleep in the same bed, but have different comforters, with different textures and materials to suit our individual preferences. Restful sleep, and no chance of anyone stealing the blankets in the middle of the night.

Anonymous said...

I am a single (divorced) woman who loves sleeping in my own bed. Whats nice is that I dont wake up in the morning feeling "pressured" if you know what I mean!!!
I work a full schedule so getting a good nights sleep is very important along with being financially responsible for everything I do and have. I hear too many women who are in an unhappy marriage and stay in a marriage to "please their husbands"! I can certainly understand too when a husband (or wife) snores so loud that no one is getting a restful night sleep! Why go through all that agony?

Anonymous said...

7:30AM,Well, now we all understand what "pressure" does to a marriage and that explains why you are divorced and still single.

Anonymous said...

752AM.....Yes, I am single and loving it!!! Get to travel to great places and meet new people, dont have to cook when I dont feel like it, can sleep in when I want to, no sounds of snoring to keep me awake, etc etc.
Sorry guess you got the wrong impression.