The items you see above are either "like new" or "brand new" still in the wrappers. This upset some local politicians. The question, why can't these items be used in the new High School?
While I looked closely at many of the items being sold, I couldn't disagree. If you've ever been in the restaurant business, you know what it costs to purchase stainless steel counters, bowls, trays, you name it. These items were flying out of there for 2 cents on the dollar and they could have been re used in the new High School and probably saved tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars to the taxpayers of Maryland.
When it comes to the Board of Education, the sky is the limit. Mr. Fredericksen was nowhere to be found yesterday as many of us would have enjoyed debating him on these issues. However, even Pete Richardson was having a difficult time finding representatives from the BOE to answer questions.
I was quite amazed to see the lack of county council members there to see what was being sold. Perhaps they previewed the items in advance, I don't know. All I know is, some other private schools took advantage of this sale in a big way and good for them.
Let me tell you organizations that operate with funds are a whole different ballgame than industry. It is a total reversal. In government, when the fiscal year is hitting year end, the organization gets into a rampage to hurry up and spend any grant monies that are sitting on the books because if they don't, their funding for the following year will be cut. I have seen Plasma TV's, computers, furniture, you name it, bought for the sheer benefit of getting the money off the books.
More waste and I hope that not either BOE kitchen places an order for a stainless bowl this year.
This is just like the fire department when they left the old Station 16. The members felt there were numerous items that could be used at the new station. Mr Gordy would not have that and firmly ordered that everything be left and only the new would go there. What a waste and its no wonder we're broke today.
Joe ,
why don't you ask the wboe why they had the entire guttering and down spouts around the entire school put up 2 years ago and get this - it was ALL stainless steel. Every foot of it. Including the cap that goes over the gutter. Go back and see for yourself. I was there and was working when I found out this piece of info. Thanks.
Like you I was disappointed in what I saw being discarded. Although most items were surplus these tables and stainless items could have surely been used in in one of our many schools.I spoke to one bidder who was there from a privite school and he stated that they always attend and purchase items that are deemed surplus and get many years service out of them. There needs to be a change in the way the BOE handles these sales.
Another reason to keep the cap.
The county is is going to online sales most people won't even know whats being sold.
So, the school holds an auction to sell items NO LONGER NEEDED and you critize them? Everything they auctioned off was not needed and therefore, already provided at the new school. I'm sure everyone who went to the auction, including myself, were thrilled to see the school for one last time, to look at old, now bare, classrooms and see the old junk the school still had. In my opinion, you can't critize this.
They should have atleast seen if other county departments could have used those items. I knew this would end up happening. A new school, so they want everything new inside.
Management at the BOE is fiscally irresponsible. You have no idea how much so.
It would be very interesting to see what items were purchased recently that ended up being sold cheap and what school officials purchased the items "BEFORE" anyone from the public had a chance to buy them.
I am shocked that they made only $30,000. (May have been less-not sure if that was before or after the auctioneer's fee.) And how could they sell off the trophies and the Anchor?????
I want to know why they sold the trophies that countless kids over the years worked so hard to win? That was the legacy of classes going back for years. The school had no right to sell those trophies. They should have put them in a display case in the new school.
This is the change part of the "hope and change" legacy that will be part of our lives from Jan. 20, 2009. We will not entertain the retention of anything from the past, all things will become new, and we will soon tread the same paths many 3rd would countries now travel, because we refuse to honor our heritage.
I went to WiHi, but many of my friends went to Bennett due to the fact we split coming out of Wi Jr. Many of those friends who have since moved from the area would be appalled at this.
The trophies sold were not the ones that were in the display cases. There was about 20 of them that were for individual accomplishments to individual students from local businesses. Over 80% of the stuff that was there was junk. You could buy 20 desks for $10 but most of them were falling apart. Many small business owners were there buying things at an affordable price. I was able to purchase Items that will help my business and because of the items were purchased at a good price I will now be able to hire a few people because of the money I saved. Also the anchor was not the one that was outside of the school. It was a prop anchor. People commenting here are giving a wrong image to the ones that were not there.
Some of the desks are already on craigslist
10:12 - You say you will be ale to hire a "few" good people because of the money you saved?
Those must be very low paying jobs.
The whole sale only made them $30,000 according to one post but you can hire a "few" good people with what you "saved"?
You went on to say "people commenting here are giving a wrong image...". I believe you as well are giving a "wrong image".
Your post may have been fine but you had to throw that "little white lie" in the midst of it.
Nice try!
11:35 I saved a few thousand dollars on items purchased. The jobs I will hire are for partime and not low paying. Not sure white lie your talking about. I ll be there tommorow getting the rest of my stuff. By the way the trophies are still there so if anyone questions what type they are go look for yourself.
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