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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

WBOC's Website Really Does Suck

"You can't fix something you're not aware of." That's a saying I have used most of my life because it's very true. I chose to post yesterday's survey question because I wanted to let WBOC know they have a problem and IF they choose to listen they can do something about it.

I personally think their new Website sucks. Is it something we're all going to have to deal with, certainly. If WBOC doesn't listen to what others have to say, well, it will be their loss. The old layout was easy to follow.

Mind you though, even WMDT has some issues with their new Site taking forever to load and what bothers me most about theirs is when they announce, "Just go to out web links for more information." PLEASE! You go try to find their "Web Links" page! Its not impossible to find because it's there but let me assure you, it's in a place you would NEVER expect it to be if you're searching for it.

This is one of the main reasons I like Blogger so much. It doesn't allow you to do all those fancy things like ads that rotate. That's cool because I want our advertisers to be seen each and every time you come here. I don't want it to be like gambling, hit or miss. You're paying for a service.

I'd rather you drive down the road and hit nothing but green lights all that way. On WBOC, WMDT & the Daily Times, its hit or miss. No matter what happens along the way you're going to hit red lights.

Anyhow, we'll see if they choose to listen down the road.


Anonymous said...

I didn't know they had changed it until you mentioned it. I did head over there to check it out. It is horrible. Trying to find things is difficult and going from one page to the next takes to long, not to mention if you want to view more than one thing you will be there all night looking and waiting for pages to load. NO THANK YOU!

Anonymous said...

I've complained to them before about their website being so hard to navigate and taking too long to load but you're right, they don't care.
My husband is a webmaster so I understand some of the issues sites have and why they have them.
Get the rotating and flashing junk OFF the website and streamline your layout! That's rule 1, 2 and 3!
To know that WBOC has a DEDICATED web programming department is just them wasting good money. I don't know who runs that department but I think I'd find somebody else to run it!
I get most of my online local news HERE anyway but at times, I do check their site for things you may not cover here.

Anonymous said...

WBOC's website is a menace.
Whoever is running their site does not vet the advertisements they serve up from third parties. Numerous times i have witnessed them serve up trojan horse viruses and other varied malware. Over the past 7 years working here on the shore in the IT field their negligence has resulted in a large number of infected computers throughout the delmarva area.

Anonymous said...

Why are all the comments against WBOC? You are a fibber if you say you have received NOT ONE good comment.

Anonymous said...

I would love to leave WBOC a good comment, but their new layout is horrible. It's obviously designed to create more page views (increase ads) and to try and make people look all over the page to find what they are looking for (increase perception that all ad placements are more valuable, instead of the ones "above the fold."

The WMDT web site has gotten better when it comes to load times. Since it changed it has gotten much better and I enjoy using it more nowadays. But Joe is right - they need to make weblinks a lot easier to find by giving up an ad spot to make something really obvious. If they actually explained, on air, how to get to Weblinks it would take them about 30 seconds.

Anonymous said...

I also have complained to WBOC about their website. It is extremely junky, hard to navigate and it takes forever for a page to download. They don't care.