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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mayor Ireton Proposes Library Locations To County Executive

Mayor James Ireton, Jr., sent a letter to County Executive, Rick Pollitt Monday, April 26, 2010. Attached to the letter were aerial photos and computer generated renderings of potential library buildings.

There are three proposed locations, all in downtown Salisbury, using city-owned parking lots for use by the County. Each proposal is subject to approval by the City Council.

Mayor Ireton said, “We have attempted to make these proposals attractive based on our belief that the library should be located in downtown Salisbury.” He added, "I am grateful to Library Board Chairwoman Valerie Murphy for coming back to the table on numerous occasions in order to get to the point where the city was able to address the needs of the public.  I am confident that the County Executive, the County Council, and the City Council will recognize the hard work, time, and effort that went into crafting these proposals.  My sincere thanks to members of the Greater Salisbury Committee, Urban Salisbury, and to Bradley Gillis for all the time they gave in making the downtown the clear choice for the new library.  I am in awe of what our community can do when we rally together."


Anonymous said...

With the economy the way it is and all Politians are trying to raise taxes any way they can, why is this even being discussed? The priority should be cutting spending on " I WANTS", not raising taxes and being fisically responsible for a change. Ireton sounds like another Norman Conway. He comes for the Educational system and knows nothing bout responsibility to the Tax Payers except spend spend spend tax tax tax .

Anonymous said...

It's called The Wicomico County free library, not the City of Salisbury tax library.

Anonymous said...

Why hasn't he chosen the right fire chief? It has been a year now and the department is in the worst shape it has ever been in!!

Anonymous said...

These people dont hear, comprehend anything. We cant afford a library or anything else. They seem to keep trudging along to get a new library when we dont need a new one or even an old one. DROP THE SUBJECT and act like you have some sence. We cant afford to pay any more taxes. Stop spending!!!!!

Anonymous said...

get real, why dont they put there time into getting businesses in salisbury so people will have a job.
We dont need a library.

Anonymous said...

why are we discussing WHERE instead of WHY? we dont need a new library now. hell, ill even take a WHEN arguement - as long as the WHEN isnt now!

Anonymous said...

Liberal agenda. Sorry folks but you elected him.

Anonymous said...

The county/city can't "afford" to fix roads badly deteriorated by this past winter's storms, why are we proposing moving a library that's perfectly fine right where it is?? What am I missing??...

Anonymous said...

The only reason this plan exist is so local design firms and contractors have a project to build. If the economy was stable, this project would not be happening.

Anonymous said...

Did you naysayers all notice the tax increase this year, since those "liberals" have been in charge? No, you didn't, because there was NONE! In fact, your federal taxes were cut, local taxes stayed exactly the same. Maybe you should go to the library and read a newspaper before you spout off nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Keep the library in downtown Salisbury. Salisbury is rising!!!!

Anonymous said...

If the City of Salisbury feels the library should stay down town, why doesn't the City of Salisbury donate the land to the County no strings attached and contribute to the construction cost? We do not need a new library but if the politicians are set on going aheah with this project, it's location should be the proposed property which cost the COUNTY taxpayers the least amount of money. From what I have read that would be property outside of the CITY. SORRY.

Anonymous said...

Here we go, again, Jim-beau.

Anonymous said...

Constructing a new Library for Salisbury is a done deal. It will happen. Period.

It has been decided down at the PNC building in Downtown Salisbury and there is nothing that can be done to stop it.

Ditto with the Fire Palace.

Anonymous said...

I am in awe of just how stupid our local politicians are.

Of course they didn't raise taxes this year, it's an election year, wait until next year and they sock it to us.

Who asked for a new library other than Tom Hehman? I damn sure didn't, the one we have is just fine.

Anonymous said...

The mayor is not up for election next year, and he proposed a budget with NO tax increase. So there goes that theory. You might just want to face the fact that your easy "liberals=taxes, conservatives=no taxes" equation is wrong.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if the Mayor didn't have such ridiculous proposals to begin with, he wouldn't be at where he is now. He wanted a fortune for the parking lots, and wanted the existing library to be given to the city. Talk about wanting your cake and eating it too. What did he think would happen? The county said hell no, eat your parking lot, we will move it out of downtown (which makes sense anyway). They should start charging them a huge rent for use of the GOB.

Orsonwells said...

We don't need another library, we can't afford it, it's not necessary, it's not even something that would do any good for our city. If we need a library downtown, then all we have to do is go to the one we have...downtown!

Anonymous said...

This is not the economy in which to build a new library.

Anonymous said...

same ole, same ole...why do we need a new library...again???