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Sunday, April 04, 2010

Christophobia: Anti-Christian Bigotry Is The Last Fashionable Hatred

Christophobia: Anti-Christian bigotry is the last fashionable hatred

By Jeffrey T. Kuhner

The Washington Times

Christianity is dying. It was once the bastion of Western civilization. Now,
Christianity is a pitiful remnant of its former greatness. Across the West, it
is in full retreat.

The sex-abuse scandal is ravaging the Catholic Church - tarring Pope Benedict
XVI himself. The Anglican Church has been eviscerated, losing members as it
succumbs to the liberal winds of female ordination and gay rights. Many
Protestant denominations are abandoning their beliefs and fervent missionary
zeal, embracing chic environmentalism and watered-down socialism as a cheap
substitute for the traditional Gospel. Europe, the ancient stronghold of
Christendom, has been transformed into a secular neo-pagan culture. For
Europeans, God is dead; He has been replaced by materialist man.

The secular tidal wave has also hit and overwhelmed America. Since the 1960s,
the United States has been the victim of the sexual revolution that glorifies
hedonism and personal liberation. Pornography, abortion, homosexuality,
promiscuity, the AIDS epidemic, soaring out-of-wedlock births, sky-rocketing
divorce rates and the breakdown of the family - these are the poisoned fruits of
the Playboy philosophy. MTV morality is in; Jesus is out.

The war waged by liberals on Christianity, however, has gone to a new, more
dangerous level - one bordering on soft totalitarianism. Recently, the city of
Davenport, Iowa, removed Good Friday from its municipal calendar. The Davenport
Civil Rights Commission sought to change the name of the holiday to one that is
less "divisive" and more ecumenical. Hence, a memo was sent to municipal
employees stating Good Friday would be officially known as "Spring Holiday."
City administrators stressed that celebrating Good Friday violates the
separation of church and state.

"We merely made a recommendation that the name be changed to something other
than Good Friday," said Tim Hart, the commission's chairman. "Our Constitution
calls for separation of church and state. Davenport touts itself as a diverse
city and given all the different types of religious and ethnic backgrounds we
represent, we suggested the change."

After an uproar by outraged Christians, the city council decided to resurrect
the name Good Friday. The multicultural secularists in Davenport have been
defeated - for now.

Yet, the controversy is an ominous sign: The left is determined to extirpate
Christian holidays and symbols from our society. Liberals are determined to
smash traditional values and drive Christians underground. The American left is
following in the shameful - and much more bloody - footsteps of Marxist regimes.
Instead of eradicating religious faith through the barrel of a gun, leftists use
bureaucratic dictates and mass propaganda.

The result is the same. Christianity is gradually being purged from the public
square. Christmas celebrations have become offensive. "Merry Christmas" is now
considered to be politically incorrect; the proper greeting is "happy holidays."
The Ten Commandments cannot be displayed in courtrooms or classes. Prayer has
been banished from public schools. Christians are regularly mocked in movies and
TV. Taxpayer dollars are used to subsidize "art" that depicts Christ in
unflattering ways. Hollywood makes films - such as "Angels and Demons" -
portraying the Catholic Church as a repressive, sinister and primitive

Anti-Christian bigotry is the last fashionable hatred. It is easy for
Davenport's Christophobes to pick on Good Friday. What's the worst that could
happen? Angry phone calls and e-mails? Town-hall meetings? Maybe public
protests? But, in the end, progressive commissars realize they will not pay much
of a price - in fact, they will be celebrated by liberal elites for their
"enlightened ideals."

The same standards do not apply to Islam. Davenport's multiculturalists would
never dare to remove say, Ramadan, from the calendar and rename it "Fasting
Month" for fear of offending Muslims - and possibly triggering a fatwa.
Self-preservation - and cowardice - dissuades them from attacking certain

Christians, however, are an easy target. They do not believe in jihad or suicide
bombing. Unlike radical Islamists, they espouse the rule of law and human
rights. They accept persecution - even state-sanctioned persecution - as part of
their religious burden. Liberals realize that Christianity is a genuine
"religion of peace." This is why they do not fear systematically smearing it.

The Founding Fathers emphasized that the constitutional republic depended upon a
vigorous religious society.

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people," said John
Adams. "It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

The Founding Fathers were not secularists. On the contrary, they were devout
Christians (with the exception of some Enlightenment deists like Thomas
Jefferson), who feared an established church - especially, the Church of England
- which persecuted dissenters. They would regard it as bizarre and repulsive
were they to witness how the concept of the separation of church and state would
be twisted in our time into a form of radical secularism and anti-Christian

Our Judeo-Christian heritage provides the underpinnings to our constitutional
government for one simple reason: It acknowledges the transcendental nature of
man. Our fundamental liberties flow from God almighty - not the state. This is
why individual rights - to life, liberty and property - are the essential
bulwarks against government power: What God has given, no man - or regime - can
take away. Once America loses its Christian identity, it will inevitably lose
its freedoms.

Christophobia forms the basis of modern liberalism. Leftist progressives are
determined to destroy traditional America and its seminal institutions - the
Constitution, capitalism, national sovereignty and the family. This is why they
have declared war on Christianity. If Christians do not rise from their apathy
and man the ideological barricades, they will be driven into the catacombs once
again. And with their defeat comes the end of our great republic.

We must boldly stand against any who attempt to degrade our Christian heritage.
We must identify them as practicing one of the last acceptable forms of bigotry
and hatred: Christophobia. Our right to embrace Christ is no less than their
right to embrace a perverse lifestyle.

Jeffrey T. Kuhner is a columnist at The Washington Times and president of the
Edmund Burke Institute, a Washington think tank. He is the daily host of the
"Kuhner Show" on WTNT 570-AM ( from noon until 3 p.m.


Anonymous said...

There are troubling times ahead. There is no doubt about it. People fear to say Christ name in public. Humanbeings killing other humans over pet fur & trees harvested. We are willing to kill for coins. Yet they will not fight for religous beliefs. The moral fabric of America is severely frayed. I remember years ago the Salisbury Y.M.C.A. had a painting of Jesus up as you entered the building. A person visiting the gym stated he was offended by the painting and it was removed. The wall was faded and where the painting had been was bright. I guess the man did not know what Y.M.C.A. stands for.

The painting was placed back after a couple of complaints including my own. I have been a member of the Y for 29 years in various states.

America has lost its core values. Only we can change it.

Joe Happy Easter !!

Anonymous said...

Sad, but true. America is becoming, and become, modern day sodom.

Anonymous said...

Oh please, this is the new spin. We are the victims. You constantly preach your superiority over everyone else.

Anonymous said...

yes, you are a victim. of your own doing

Anonymous said...

Christianity is being systematically destroyed by the descendents of the people who killed Jesus Christ.

They own the central banks and are the leaders of all the major secret societies.

Of course, I am a paranoid conspiracy theorist.

Anonymous said...

My Constitution does not contain the words "separation of Church and State".
Mine says that "CONGRESS shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the the free exercise thereof..." which empowers the people to speak of, display, and celebrate the Creator anywhere anytime we wish, without CONGRESS getting in the way. This includes having the Ten Commandments in a courthouse if that is what we want.

Anonymous said...

It's a shame that America doesn't stand as it did many years ago. I stand with Jesus Christ - my Redeemer and Savior - today and for the rest of my life. As for me and my house - We Will Serve the Lord !