Of all the ridiculous things that have been said about incoming Sen. Scott Brown (R) in the wake of his surprising win in true-blue Massachusetts last Tuesday—like that Brown somehow represents a nationwide repudiation of universal health care even though he voted for it and was elected by people who already enjoy it—perhaps the most ridiculous is the suggestion that he should immediately pass go, collect $200 million, and start running against Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential election.
Or is it?
The"Brown 4 Prez" speculation started as soon as the results rolled in. The morning after the election, reporters were already asking the senator-elect if he saw himself as "presidential timber."Matt Drudge led his site for days with the headline "NOW . . . WILL HE RUN FOR PRESIDENT?"—in giant red type. Conservative talk-show host Jesse Lee Peterson predicted that Brown " will be the next president of the United States." Darrell Delamaide of The Wall Street Journal wrote that Brown "is to the Republicans now what Barack Obama was to the Democrats in 2004—a fresh face, a new voice, an 'overnight success 'who has been working in politics for years." And the scottbrown2012.com domain name was, of course, instantly snatched up.
Ask any liberal about this whole Brown Fever thing, and she will dutifully recite the reasons why it is completely and utterly preposterous. Brown is way too inexperienced to hold the highest office in the land, she'd say. And even if he weren't, his pro-choice, pro-civil-union views would doom him with the evangelicals and social conservatives who makeup the most energetic segment of the GOP's base, possibly depressing turnout and swinging states with large black populations that were close in 2008—like Missouri, Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia—in Obama's direction. What's more, she'd add, Republicans always gravitate toward former presidential candidates and familiar faces when choosing a standard bearer—not untested newcomers. Then she'd tell you again how inexperienced Brown is.
But are those arguments convincing? After listening to naysayers on the left (and right) for the past week, I'm inclined to say no.
GO HERE to read more from Newsweek.
It is a real plus that the evangelicals do not like him.
Of course he will run for president and will beat obama by a large margin!
The dribble coming out of the 24-hour news and print cycle is just getting to be soooo predictable. Hats off to Brown if he does choose to run. What I'm saying is that the sensationalized headlines of "so and so is so hot this year!" and that "party is dead" only distract us from whats really going on.
Sorry guys. While a moderate can get the GOP nod (Bush41, Bush43, McCain), a pro-choice candidate can't.
He's got mine. I don't agree with everything about the GOP which includes the opposition of pro-choice and stem cell research but I'm still a die hard Republican and will vote such. Where the difference in votes are going to made is in the primaries.
1:46 and so then the GOP will continue to lose
and lets not forget he once posed nude in a magazine. he could run with Palin. Looks over substance every time. Get me to a third party, I am choking.
At least he showed it to america, unlike the current president who's making americans suck it instead.
Does anybody else want an early adult beverage?
Although I like Sen. Elect Brown very much, but I have a problem with this idea that we "hire" a person with very little experience to be President, the highest job in our government. Isn't that how we got Obama? Let's see how Brown does as Senator for the next 2 years and then see if he gets re-elected to the Senate. Let's not make the same stupid mistake in 2012 that was made in 2008!
There is NO doubt in my mind that he is the next Republican "good boy" for running for President in the next election.
Remember how Sarah Palin came out of nowhere? Bet she'll be the VP choice.
I hope not though, I can't stand her.
She's a beautiful woman on the outside but she's very ugly on the inside. I was excited when she came about but the more she opened her mouth, the less I liked her.
Wait and see, but I'd bet money on this!
Palin is at best, unintelligent and Brown does not look like he is that much better.
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