When Wicomico County held a public session on the Budget the other night, I took the opportunity to speak and express my thoughts on issues that concerned me as a taxpayer.
On one subject I explained my issues referencing the most recent proposal by Palmer Gillis in which we posted the other day showing how the County would not only take quite a bit of property off the tax role, they'd destroy certain businesses by limiting the amount of metered parking spaces Downtown so desperately needs.
The Market Street Inn, (for example) would lose 90% of available parking spaces under this new plan. The other issue is the little secret plan the City is allegedly working on with UMES. They're trying to cut a deal, (so I'm told) where UMES would take over the old Fire Station 16 and turn it into a restaurant. Some might say, well, wouldn't that be nice. However, there's a good chance, (should this happen) UMES would NOT be taxed on the real estate. UMES would NOT have the typical expenses a taxpayer would have to invest into equipment and taxes and they're praying on Downtown Salisbury, rather than doing this same thing in Princess Anne.
Notice, (from the link/article above) the breezeway crossing the roadway from PRMC to the newly proposed Library. It's a direct walk from PRMC to the new restaurant. I personally find that VERY interesting. It's a win/win for UMES. Yet Rob Mulford has invested millions of dollars into the Market Street Inn, he's not getting any favors from the City. My guess is that if the City follows through with such a concept the Market Street Inn would go out of business within weeks, let alone the construction for such a project killing their business. Then there'd be no more taxes coming in AGAIN. I also explained how Libraries are getting smaller, not bigger. Most people now use the Internet as their source for most information, not books from a Library.
Anyhow, I explained myself to the County Council the other night showing them how the County is in fact affecting the City and explained how IMO it was putting good money after bad money. I then explained how high crime is in the City & County and also explained that the City of Salisbury IS IN THE COUNTY.
While the Sheriff's Department is experiencing major budget cuts and crime is on the rise, why not consider reinvesting into the Sheriff's Department, rather than a new Library. I went on to say that the Library Downtown is one of the only "Green Buildings" in the entire County and was designed to last for at least 50+years. Considering ANY proposal right now for a new Library is simply out of the question in this economy.
I finished my speech and during the speech and after I received an applause from the 200+ people in attendance. John Cannon stated there would only be two more people allowed to speak and after two citizens got up there after me, Tom Hayman, (Director of the Wicomico Library System) immediately raced to the mike and stated this was not the time nor the place to discuss the Library. He went on to say that if anyone wanted to discuss these matters they could contact him at the Library.
Well Tom, I disagree completely. It was the exact time to express this matter and the fact that it was done of PAC 14, I personally think you made a fool out of yourself for saying that. I am a taxpayer in Wicomico County. In fact I own around 16 properties in Wicomico County and pay serious taxes to boot. I have more rights than most to express my concern and opinion and quite frankly I think you need to start respecting the people who pay your salary then attempting to belittle them publicly.
Let me say this as well Folks. I like Tom and I think he does a fine job as the Director. I simply see the former Mayor of Salisbury, Gary Comegys, Shanie Shields and Louise Smith doing anything and everything they can to get the Library out and the City's office relocated to that building. It's all about politics Folks. I'm sure Lore' Chambers is helping them along with grants and feeding them everything they need to move forward with that project.
Let me remind all of you that the City has still not signed the contract with the County to purchase 1/2 of the current GOB. For $1.00 and a signature, the City could own 1/2 of that entire space but Comegys and others say, the building is old and requires a ton of maintenance. WRONG! That building is NOT old and as a taxpayer, for $1.00 and maintenance costs, I'd jump on that opportunity so fast you wouldn't know what happened.
Barrie Tilghman wants her name on anything she can and some people backing her will do whatever it takes to get the Library. The Director of the Library doesn't want the public to discuss this openly and would rather have you contact him one on one. It doesn't work that way any more Tom. It's OUR money and WE the People will make that decision. If WE do not get what we feel is right, WE will elect YOUR Bosses out of Office and YOU will be without a job. Let me remind you of a few names that tried playing this game in the past so you can see what happened to them for doing so.
John Jacobs, Barrie Tilghman, Jim Rapp, Carrie Samis, Mike Dunn, Lynn Cathcart, shall I go on! I'll tell you what Tom, I'll make a fair and honest deal with you. If YOU can sell me and the public as to why Wicomico County NEEDS a new Library, I'll take back everything I have said right here and publicly apologize to you. This is ALL about politics, (IMHO) and NOT about necessities.
It's preying, not praying. Good article, though.
Grammar Police.
With officials like we have the proper word is preying.
Example: Our government and police officials are preying upon the tax paying citizens.
Just because you pay taxes on "16" Wicomico properties, that does not mean you have "more rights than most". You are entitled to your opinion, but please don't imply that it's more important than those of others.
Joe speaks for most of us citizens. (99%) He makes us aware of crime, underhandness of our elected officials (which are alot of them). Joe tells it like it is. Get over it and try to do a beter job. If eveyone in government did their jobs and looked out for the taxpayers you would put Joe out of a job. Until then Joe keep up the good work by keeping us informed.
With the economy in the toilet like it is now some of these leaders better be PRAYING for money to run as they have in the past. Agreed the editorial department should have caught the spelling mistake but in these times Joe had to lay them off. Thing is you got the point of the article so quit b!tching.
This UMES rumor is intriguing.There are already too many instances of local government needlessly competing with private enterprise...like the liquor dispensary.
If UMES wants a restaurant, let them build it on thier campus.
It is in Palmer Gillis's interest to persuade gov't agencies to construct and expand, providing his company is awarded the contract. This has been his pattern having since served on City Council and learning the system. Unfortunatley, the people in gov't are easily mislead.
It has very little if anything to do will genuine gov't need,i.e. the library is a great example.
Joe, can you show us some statistics to back up your "libraries are getting smaller" claim?
I can.
In fiscal year 2002, there were 2.9 million registered borrowers in the state of Maryland, and libraries circulated about 19.4 million items.
In fiscal year 2007, there were over 3.1 million registered borrowers in Maryland, and libraries circulated about 37.8 million items.
That doesn't sound like a shrinking institution to me.
anonymous 1:58, use your head. You can bury it in the sand if you'd like though.
Keep in mind that the plan proposed by Mr. Gillis is not the Library's plan.
Isn't the "Cannon building" next to that parking lot as well??
A new library is pie-in-the-sky! Sorry folks, we need new schools.
Palmer Gillis tried this plan years ago. It's nearly identical to the plans he introduced then. Back when Art Goetz was director. Ask Art. He might remember the plans. They never took off then and they won't now. There is too little available parking downtown and parking permit revenue helps the city of Salisbury. And, of course, the walk-way to no- where.
Does the library use the Cannon Building space now? I see it's now getting a new roof. I think that would be the expansion space, and a crosswalk for pedestrians with a light would suffice if there's THAT many people trying to cross there. The only ones I see crossing there are the hospital workers/ visitors crossing to have a smoke... and I never had any trouble doing that when I worked there last year. It's time to put a pedestrian counter at the library door to find out if there is a problem in the first place.
that this is being considered is a DISGRACE!
There are a few points I think need to be addressed. First is that the Gillis design assumes too much and in fact is hindering the ability of the library to make anything happen. The Wicomico library is becoming filled to the brim with books and patrons, so a new one may be necessary in coming years. Adding this bridge makes Tom's job much harder because it is not necessary. Of course you can't justify it and the only positive thing in his design is the location. If the library needs public backing for a new facility, the bridge has to go. Period.
The other main point that needs addressing is the picture in the 11/2/09 DT article. The walkway DOES NOT lead to the firehouse. You can clearly see S.Division St and the walkway in the diagram is easily 100yds from where the Fire house stands currently. I would like to see someone on record about the UMES restaurant/firehouse idea because I simply do not believe it. So Prove It! If a shady deal is going on and someone told you about it, they should be quoted on it. If UMES wants to buy the property why shouldn't they be able to? If a tax exempt deal is going to go on, push it into the public eye with sources and fight it! We all want to revitalize downtown and another restaurant would not be the worst thing to happen. Media should help encourage money to move into downtown, open businesses and they should obviously pay taxes. Fear mongering without sources takes some of your credibility away. You have used your blog in many good ways and I enjoy it! When you say things like "secret plan" or "there's a good chance" but don't back it up, it is irrelevant. I'm sure you'll be there when the council will have a vote on this deal, so take that opportunity to speak out against it. That is why the system is set up in such a way.
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