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Sunday, October 11, 2009


Reading the comments posted, on this blog site, prompted me to check out the financials of two companies. I leave it to the reader to reach their own conclusions. We are told Health Care problems are caused by the greedy private insurance companies. I picked United Health Care, one of the biggest, to look at.

United Health Care reports its operating cost is 14% of revenue. This, I believe is lower than most competitors, but still higher than other industrial nations. They report a 6.6% profit, pretty good. However, they pay 34% of revenues in taxes. Who do you think benefits the most?

I then chose to look at Goldman Sachs. This financial institution is a large political campaign donor. Secretaries of the Treasury, serving both parties, have their roots in Goldman Sachs. They reported a profit of 48% of revenue, while paying only 1% of income in taxes. There could be many accounting reasons for this, but where is the cry for a windfall profit tax?

"It appears it's not what you know, but who you know."



Anonymous said...

Good example of government abuse.

Anonymous said...

doesn't matter what company pays what. It's all coming from the same place, US! and it's all going down the same rathole!

Anonymous said...

The sad part is that the one who provides a service to society is the one who is victimized by the government, and the one who does nothing but make money (and pay off the politicians) is the one who skates on the taxes. It's just like the doctor/lawyer scenario-the doctors provide a service and are victimized by the leeches who pay off the politicians. It's the American way.

Anonymous said...

Great point. Everyone should also know that Goldmans Sachs donated $230,000 to McMain's campaign and over $900,000 to Obama's. Goldman Sachs was Obama 2nd largest donor!!!!! Obama calls this "change."

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that no one is surprised by the outcome of your research. This is the American way. I don't expect any "change" where these issues are concerned.