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Friday, October 09, 2009


Both Cardin and Mikulski voted against the Vitter Amendment, H.R 2847, to Commerce, Justice, and Science Appropriations Bill. It was tabled with 61-38 vote.
Offered by Senator David Vitter (R-LA) , this amendment would have prevented CSJ funds from going to cities or localities with "sanctuary" policies (those cities that prohibit their police officers from assisting Immigration and Customs Enforcement, refuse to report criminal illegal aliens and act as safe havens for illegal aliens.)

Sanctuary policies bar public officials, including police officers, from asking an individual's immigration status and from reporting illegal aliens to federal authorities.

In 1996, Congress passed a law that specifically prohibits state and local governments from enacting sanctuary policies. Despite that, cities such as San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and Houston, still have sanctuary policies in place. Maine is the only state with a sanctuary policy. The Vitter Amendment would have been a huge incentive for states and municipalities to rescind their sanctuary policies.

Cities with sanctuary policies are officially favoring outlaw employers who hire illegal foreign workers over unemployed Americans and legal immigrants.

Senators Cardin and Mikulski, who voted YES to table the Vitter Amendment, were taking a strong pro-illegal-alien position even though they tell their constituents that they oppose illegal immigration. Will Americans have more opportunity for JOBS with invasions of illegal aliens? How are Maryland's senators fighting for their constitiuents by supporting and condoning illegal aliens?

They chose to side against Black and Hispanic Americans who make up the largest part of the unemployed in those sanctuary cities. Are these Senators racist? Maybe not. But their pro-sanctuary stance has the effect of racism by disproportionately keeping jobs out of the hands of America's unemployed minorities.

Just who are Maryland senators representing? Supporting SANCTUARY CITIES? Supporting illegal aliens?

Senator Barbara Mikulski in D.C. (202) 224-4654 Salisbury (410) 546-7711

Senator Ben Cardin in D.C. (202) 224-4524 Salisbury (410) 546-4250


Anonymous said...

this comes as a surprise to you?

Anonymous said...

The people that vote for these two must be insane. If not they must agree with them and in that case they are getting what they voted for. As for me, I would never vote for either on of them. It looks like they are trying their best to destroy this country.

Anonymous said...

Our senators are certainly representing the wishes of their constituency. La Raza, Cas Maryland?

Anonymous said...

Their D.C. offices have no official statement supporting these votes, yet.
Asked for letter, not a generic share your concern letter, justifying this attack on Americans seeking JOBS.

Anonymous said... has a great aticle on this.

Orsonwells said...

Obviously these two know that as soon as the health care thing is rammed through and the Illegals would be made legal and given all those hotels to live in that it would just cause more work to have to rescind this vote.

See how efficiently they are working?

Anonymous said...

These two are elitist-socialist snobs. Every letter I write to them is responded with a snobbish letter telling how wrong, mean, unfair and uninformed I am.
I've never voted for either of them, but I bet they get re-elected again just the same.
Will we ever wake up?

Anonymous said...

The dems will never wake up 12:36. They want their government to take care of them from the womb to the tomb and provide for everyone else on earth as well.

Brittanicus said...

The doors are covertly opening again to another illegal immigration invasion. We now discerned that religious organizations are trying to use their congregations as a fulcrum to apply president Obama's Immigration reform package. It's in my mind that just people of the Baptist faith like myself, who are ardent worshipers, but whoever live in the stark veracity of real-time. Many are aware of the dangers of leniency for lawbreakers, that will be even more magnified by not only those already here, but the destitute restless people waiting for the--AMNESTY--bell to clang? It’s utterly irrational to expect that millions more will not tear across our borders? Yes! They will greatly benefit, but what about the 15 million jobless Americans?

There is no possible way Citizens and legal residents can compete in this deep recession, against the poor of other countries? An avalanche of the young and old that will devour billions of more dollars from government handouts, to not only clothe, medicate, shelter and feed them, but the illegal laborers wages partly transferred abroad? Churchgoers may think they are doing god's work, but what they are actually doing is stealing the bread from American children's table, low income families lifeline of paying for gas to get them to work, pay for an apartment? The magnet of course is the inevitable abhorrent businesses, who will solicit for minimum wage illegal aliens to build on their profits. THIS IS WHY WE MUST DEMAND NATIONWIDE E-VERIFY! A COMMITMENT FROM THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO MAKE IT MANDATORY FOR EVERYONE WHO HAS A JOB, TO BE VETTED. THAT NOBODY SHOULD BE EXEMPT. PENALTIES FOR NOT UTILIZING E-VERIFY, SHOULD BE EXEMPLARY? WE ARE TALKING ABOUT AMERICAN LIVES IN TURMOIL, BECAUSE JOBS ARE BEING STOLEN BY ILLEGAL WORKERS.Its operation will draw to the surface illegal labor who should not be here. We should inform ICE of anybody hiring illegal immigrants or you have suspicion of underpaid workers. My church pastor on the outskirts of Indianapolis has been playing on the congregation’s sensitivities, but the good man was unable to answer the torrent of questions?

Least of all myself, who explained how the Council of Foreign Relations has been planning for years, to incorporate Mexico and Canada with ourselves, to import an unceasing flow of cheap labor? Or that the ACLU was founded by a communist or that groups like the Southern Poverty league was substantially financed by the business community, to undermine the reputations of anti-illegal immigrant groups. That even the radical ethnic caucuses such as La Raza was furnished by grants from our own government or corporate concerns. That in actual fact--WE--are paying the price tag as taxpayers for our own downfall? Unless a large majority of the population yells down the phone-lines at 202-224-3121 this nation will become a balkanized society?

Brittanicus said...

This country was built on the strength of one language, one Judeo-Christian culture. Multicultural societies usually collapse, as in the Middle East. Even in the developed countries of Europe, their is a tenuous unsettled calm that will erupt finally over both legal and illegal immigration. Even America cannot support millions more people in their vehicles on eroding highways and surface streets. Our infrastructure has been blatantly ignored for years, bridges in urgent disrepair. We remain mostly alone in fighting foreign wars and other countries are telling us, that the dollar is unlikely to be the main trading currency. Then we have programmed political idiots we elected telling us, we need to pass a path to citizenship for the 20 million plus unfortunate peasant who illegally crossed our border.

WHERE IS THE BILLIONS OF DOLLARS COMING FROM TO SUPPORT THE POOR PEOPLE OF THE WORLD? THE TAXPAYERS POCKET OF COURSE? My faith is very important to me, but that doesn't mean I'm going to commit financial suicide. Let these illegal aliens get there own governments in order, and not take from us? The Urgent truth can be found at NUMBERSUSA. Read about the corruption in Washington at JUDICIAL WATCH. CAPSWEB for the truth about OVERPOPULATION. BE REST ASSURED THAT THE PEOPLE WHO ARE EXPECTED TO BE GUARDIANS OF ALL AMERICANS, ARE IN ACTUAL FACT THE PUPPETS OF THE BUSINESS CONSORTIUM'S AND SPECIAL INTEREST LOBBYISTS.

Anonymous said...

Britannicus is correct. If you have read these posts and your blood is not boiling, take a nap.

For all others, make the call to your senator if they voted to table the Vitter Amendment.

If your senator is not Mikulski and Cardin, your senator's voting record is on If that senator voted to table amendment, CALL YOUR SENATOR and blast them for giving away JOBS.

Don't let them get away with supporting sanctuary cities and illegal aliens.

Anonymous said...

Please dear God, let her get mugged again and again! hopefully by an illegal!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully the voters of Md will realize what these two Senators stand for and will vote them out. It is my understanding that some great conservatives are making themselves available for the upcoming elections.