Although his popularity has slipped nationally, President Obama received solid approval ratings in a new poll of Maryland voters.
Fifty-eight percent of Free State voters said they approve of the job the Democratic president is doing, while 31 percent disapproved and 11 percent had no opinion, the poll by Gonzales Marketing & Research found.
By way of comparison, a smaller number -- 48 percent -- approved of the job performance of Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley. Thirty-seven percent disapproved of the Democratic governor's performance and 15 percent had no opinion.
Obama's numbers diverge sharply along both party and racial lines. Seventy-five percent of Democrats approve of the president's job performance, compared to 57 percent of independents and 29 percent of Republicans.
Meanwhile, 83 percent of African American voters approve of Obama's job performance, compared with 50 percent of white voters.
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The Maryland vote is overwhelmingly influenced by the Balto and DC metro democratic block..most of whom are quite happy to see government's role in our lives expand.
They are less enamored with O'Malley since the Governor is facing the grom realities of out of control government spending and is having to "cut back" on handouts
Maryland has always sided with the Liberal Democrats. That is what you get when you have a strictly Democratic state where majority of your decisions are made on 2 principles, 1) is how can we, the Demoocrats, keep control which is made possible by the second, 2) majority of the voters want something for nothing or so they think. They don't realize there is no such thing that they will pay along with the rest of the tax payers. So when you think with a you owe me attitude and the Politians lie and make you think they are giving you something for nothing, your mentallity tells you to agree with the Democratic / Liberals. Majority of Marylanders need to start thinking for themselves for a change instead of continuing to being led any further done this road of destruction.
Gee how can anyone approve of our president's performance. He promised millions of new jobs and he has lost us millions of jobs. Highest unemployment number I can remember in my lifetime and I am almost 60 years old. He promised not to raise the national debt and he has already in 8 months spent more money than all the presidents from George Washington to the present. His adminstration has cut off water to farmers in California
and put them in food bank lines to save a 2" minnow. He promised not to tax anyone making less than $250,000 a year. But he is trying to tax all of us with cap and trade, and now wants to tax sodas and other things we all buy. Now he wants to cram healthcare down our throats. Another trillion dollars($1,000,000,000.00) simple math tells you, you cannot add forty million more people to our healthcare and make it cost less money. Where will this trillion dollars come from? Yes you guessed it hard working american taxpayers.
So I repeat how can anyone approve of this. You must be idiots with your heads in the sand.
This tells me how ignorant voters in Maryland really are. Unions are really controlling our state government.That is why we on the shore are the minority in our own state.FED UP!!!
Time for the Eastern Shore to secede from the rest of Maryland.
Yeah cause most work for him.
What Hood was that poll done in?
wow, you guys are right, there are not racist undertones to the current anger against Obama...
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