New release on president's marriage verifies work of WND's Jack Cashill pointing to ex-terrorist's role
Confirming the literary detective work of WND columnist Jack Cashill prior to the 2008 election, author Christopher Andersen says in a newly released book that former domestic terrorist William Ayers helped Barack Obama write the president's highly acclaimed memoir "Dreams from My Father."
Obama's 1995 book won the 2006 Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word Album and drew praise from Time magazine, which called it "the best-written memoir ever produced by an American politician."
But since July 2008, Cashill has unveiled in nearly two dozen columns, summarized here, his compelling evidence that the unrepentant co-founder of the radical Weather Underground group – dismissed by Obama during the campaign as "just a guy who lives in my neighborhood" – shaped and refined the book with his exceptional writing skill and radical ideas.
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Cashill, who acquired a copy of Andersen's new book today, told WND the author "lays out the scenario just as I envisioned it."
Cashill, who acquired a copy of Andersen's new book today, told WND the author "lays out the scenario just as I envisioned it."
GO HERE to read more.
I'm glad the fringe media vetted him so thoroughly during the campaign.One fraud after another!
Since when does an allegation constitute proof?
If you want to get your news from a crappy nut bag website and believe it then enjoy your crap sandwich.
Can anyone just please tell me one thing Obama has not lied to the American people about ?
What is glaringly obvious--Obama deliberately LIED during the campaign when he said Ayers was just some guy in the neighborhood and that he HARDLY KNEW HIM. Obama-YOU LIE and AMERICA DIES
12:14 open your eyes where there is smoke there is fire when it comes to Obama the smoke is thick
it's only you guys looking for mud that fall for every line some nut job types. 2:08 hit it right on the head
2:10 Obama cannot help lying he is a pathological liar it is a disease he needs professional help.
Show me where the radicalism is in that book
President Obama is in the process of bankrupting our Nation to the same extent that he is morally and ethically bankrupt.
Examine the character of the man. Obama refuses to meet with the British Prime Minister. He will however, meet with the Iranian lunatic. It proves the adage that, "Birds of a feather, flock together." Therefore, Ayers, Wright, Farahkan and a host of others from the same flock.
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