WASHINGTON (AFP) – Sonia Sotomayor, nearly sure to become the first Hispanic US Supreme Court justice, distanced herself Tuesday from her past remark that a Latina woman's heritage might make her a better judge.
On the second of at least four days of confirmation hearings by the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sotomayor called the much-criticized comment "a rhetorical flourish that fell flat."
"I want to state up front, unequivocally and without doubt, I do not believe that any ethnic, racial or gender group has an advantage in sound judging," the appeals court judge, 55, told the panel.
"I do believe that every person has an equal opportunity to be a good and wise judge regardless of their background or life experiences," the appeals judge told the committee after weeks of fierce attacks on her impartiality.
Her comments came in response to questions by the panel's top Republican, Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama, about her remark that: "I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would, more often than not, reach a better conclusion" than a white judge.
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A woman of honor....unlike Senator Sessions. The very basis of his questions and position on the subject assume a white male is the standard for non racism. A pathetic man.
Her response was ridiculous. She said it on the record, time and tme again, and now expects us to believe she is not biased.
Her answers today should scare many Americans.
If Sessions or any other Republican had said the same thing they would be unelectable ever again. This double standard is ridiculous. I thought after Obama was elected this type of petty bulls--T was supposed to end.
4:27 --
Make that "every American, including Hispanics".
When Obama was elected he said a lot but only the Liberal agenda is pushed. This Judge is just another example of this. Today her responses were opposite of her original ones. They always say your fist response is 90% of the time your true feelings and opinions. What you do if you were in her position? You would say something different because you had time to evaluate your answer and now say the politically correct thing. Look at her confirmation answers when she was up for the Appellet Court and look at her record, she can not change or hide that like Obama is doing with his, and you will see a major contradiction between heranswers and her decisions. She is directly opposite of wha tour founding fathers had in mind for the highest Court ofthe Land. Wher is the transparency of the Democractic party / Obama
There is a reason that lady justice has a blindfold on when holding the scales.
Justice from the Supreme Court is to determine the constitutionality of cases brought before the court.
There is NO place fot empathy, or ethenic upbringing!
Sometimes the big giant corporation is right and the little guy is wrong.
This lady is so tainted by her get even attitude that it would be impossible for her to be impartial!
She should be disqualified!
worthless token....
She is a racist piece of crap who is a member in good standing of " La-Raza" look that up !
I was prepared to dislike her, largely due to the comment and the Ricci opinion. I thought she did really well today, and liked her more and more as the process dragged on. The fact that she didn't put Beverley Leslie in his place showed she has much more patience than I would have.
She is a total racist and should be disqualified. Justice is about the law. A judge's job is to interpret the law no more no less.
They should be impartial and only interpret the law anything else is biased racism. Just another one to put in Obmama's gang to help the agenda along.
I guess it's OK to be racist so I'm starting tomorrow.
She a pig! I'm telling you... were in trouble!!!
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