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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Questions From Two Sentz

Why does the Eastern Shore have so many racists and why do they feel the need to display there ignorant attitudes here on this blog? And when they proudly engage in such racism, why do they always cry foul (reverse racism) when the tables are turned on them? Please explain your views, anonymous racist commenters.


Anonymous said...

They post here because most of the sentences are only 4 or 5 words in length and all of the words are small.

Anonymous said...

Why is it when someone disagrees with a liberal the first thing out of their mouth is racism ?

Anonymous said...

Are you sure you are talking about racism? Or are you talking about religion? There is a difference. There is only one religion founded on racist principles. There is also only one country founded upon racist principles.
Hint: the religion is worshipped in that country.

Anonymous said...

Two Sentz, White folks generally make racial comments when around own kind. Black folks use racial comments all the time, in public, music and TV. White folks don't use the race card when not given that job. Just the truth. Compair each others race.

Alex said...

Good question.
I think they are commenting here because they have the forum. They can reach more people here than by having their ralleys and burning crosses. Furthermore they can remain cowardly anonymous which in turn allows them to make even more outrageous comments.
They are enjoying their first amendment right to bash muslims, democrats, African Americans, liberals, Hispanics thru this new medium that is internet.
They engage in reverse racism because they are not used to confrontation. Take away their computer, and they still live in the 50s. They think that their radical redneck views reflect views of all Republicans not realizing that they hurt their own party. Younger generation, in major part realizes, that racism and prejudice is wrong and that is why they side with the Democrats, sometimes overlooking actual political views.

Anonymous said...

I too, have always wondered why there are so many racist, as a white man i am very sensitive to being called a cracker, honkey, whitebread, and sometimes just a white cksukr, i agree, why does there have to be so much racism, man.

Anonymous said...

go watch some ads or something you pansy

Anonymous said...

If you grew up around here, it's not so hard to understand, just look around. If you grew up in a place that isn't as "diverse" then that would qualify as "Lilly white" and you really, really would not understand, this you have trust, even though you don't like it.

Anonymous said...

twosentz, it's not just here, its everywhere... really... and i think the minute that some "black" people stop acting like thug idiots, most "white" people will drop their guard, and until then, it will not stop. the jails give us the numbers that fuel the racism... numbers do not lie...

Anonymous said...

1. Define Racist:
a. Conservative politically
b. Thinks affirmative action is bad for all Americans.
c. Opposed to welfare for the able minded/bodied but lazy citizens.
d. Sonia Sotomajor, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Ruth Ginsberg.

Anonymous said...

They feel victimized, because black people have repressed them through years of being their slaves, fighting off their sheet-wearing cousins, raping their women, and taking all of their money through entitlement programs.

*sarcasm off*

PS - the Google validation letters are "humpably." lol

Anonymous said...

Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah

Anonymous said...

Because bleeding heart liberals overreact to comments that really aren't racist. If it's true, it ain't racist.

Anonymous said...

this post is about as insulting to the eastern shore residents as it could possibly get.

beach boy said...

First you need to define "racism" as many people do not know the definition of the word. It is used as crutch by many so as to avoid accountability.

Anonymous said...

Define Racism . The word has beed corrupted by those that cry it so often. I wonder if you really know it's true definition.

Anthony of Salisbury

Anonymous said...

So, anyone who comments here is a racist? You post a baited question and think people will not stand up to you and your sissy ways??(BTW calling you a sissy is not racist.)

Anonymous said...

There is no such thing as reverse racism. I would put money on the fact that there are more black racists than white. Maybe they have a reason or were just raised to think it is always the white man's fault for everything that bad happens.

Anonymous said...

Are you talking about white racism or black racism?????

Anonymous said...

Or hispanic racism?

Anonymous said...

Two Sentz,
I wish I knew the answer to your question. I suppose that much of the racist attitude we see here on the Shore can be attributed to the relative geographic isolation. As we become more assimilated with the general population and experience more diversity, racism will (hopefully) decline. Most the the racism such as that expressed on this site comes from people who have lived here all their lives and have no clue as to what is beyond the Shore.

I could not believe some of the truly off-the-wall comments made after the death of Michael Jackson, for example, or in reference to President Obama.

Yesterday Joe had a piece about all the comments he had rejected because they contained inappropriate language. I was thinking then that the racist comments he allows are a whole lot more egregious than "cussing"; they certainly are much more hurtful. How about eliminating all such comments, Joe, or is the goal to expose the stupidity and ignorance of some native Shoremen?

Anonymous said...

I am only racist toward New York, Italian a-holes! LOL Just kidding Joe, you know we all need you around here!

Racism is ignorance at it's finest-people simply find faults in others to make themselve feel better, but in actuality, it makes them look worse! And two Sentz is right, it is so much more dominate here on the shore than other places-I think that is mostly because there are less "worldly" people here because the E.S. can be so isolated. For instance, I grew up here and I never met a Jew until I went to college-do I hate them though? Absolutely not, they just have different beliefs than I. I think it would benefit all these racists bastards to get the hell off the Shore for a while and grasp a hold of some manners and lose the ignorance before they come back! The things they say and do WILL NOT fly in other places-They would be lucky to return unscaved!

Anonymous said...

sorry 2 cents there are no racist left on the eastern shore after the freedom rides begain

Anonymous said...

This should be good . . . can't wait to hear people try to defend what they have been anonymously posting on here the last few days. It has really gotten out of control. While you are at it, please explain to me why some of you fly the confederate flag on July 4. That day is set to honor the country that DEFEATED those who waved the confederate flag.

Anonymous said...

Racism is the belief that one race is superior to others. This is TRUE, and its not the whites or blacks, its the Chinese! Think about it.

Anonymous said...

Its been this way since the seven tribes split and it will be this way.

Mardela said...

Sticks and stones....

Anonymous said...

i agree it does get racist on here. also i agree that racism is worse here than other places i have been. people here seem really bored and just seem 2 focus on being immature. and racism here in Salisbury is definantly coming from and targeted at more than one race!

Anonymous said...

Honestly though... a lot comes from the fearless leader Joe. He might not think his posts (and comments) aren't... but they are easily read that way.

Change must start from the top!

Anonymous said...

Would you rather have your daughter married to a black man that treats her like a queen or a white man that gets drunk and beats her? Or vise/versa.

Two Sentz said...

Mardela, "sticks and stones" sure, if you are on the recieving end. What about those who dish it out? What's their problem?

Anonymous said...

if your white your racist in Salisbury. The black folks say that all the time

Anonymous said...

Racism will always be around until we do away with all references to race. Things like affirmative action are simply legal ways to use reverse racism. To say someone deserves a better than even chance simply because someone totally different was treated wrong years before is an ignorant way to guilt someone into reverse racial discrimination. How can you expect someone not to start to be a racist if they keep losing jobs because the person they went up against for the job got extra points because of their color or gender. These types of laws fuel racism and need to be abolished!

Anonymous said...

another 2centz thought straight out of the Alinsky playbook.

What's sad is he can't see it from that far left.

You have NOT seen real racisim yet young man.

Anonymous said...

Is that a threat 2:57?

Anonymous said...

Yet? Care to elaborate, 2:57?

Anonymous said...

Racism is now just a ploy by the Dem's so they can keep getting elected. Keep the promises to the minorities coming guys. I just wish they would wake up and understand it is all a bunch of crap.

Anonymous said...

I live on the Eastern Shore , I came from the D.C. area. I taught
my child not to be a racist when he was attending school in the D. C. area. The blacks treated him like crap. That's why I'm a racist.
I'm white and proud of it. I'm
sorry some of your ancestors were slaves , some of mine were slaves too. We have been slaves to your wants and needs for years now.
Look at the jails , the percentage
of whites and blacks , get a friggin job and quit bitchin.

Anonymous said...

If you don't want to hear what people believe, good or bad, then don't offer anonymous posting option. If you want a blog that is filled with racism then get a racist to start it and attract his low-brow friends and followers. You reap what you sow.

Anonymous said...

WHO CARES!!! I haven't seen any burning crosses or crips beating up white kids. This is the stupidest question posted by an obvioulsy stupid person. GROW UP!!!!

Anonymous said...

The entire Eastern Shore should be considered prejudice. Each year no matter what color you are you hear "God I can't wait for the people from the other side of the bridge to go home and stay there". It's a time honored tradition from each summer season to the next.

Anonymous said...

Racism? Let's mean the white racists or do you mean the black racists who blame 'whitey' every time they don't get their way??

Remember back in the 60's and 70's when we didn't have to lock our doors around here, had good schools, no(or very little drugs, no rapes, no murders and people knew the meaning of respect? What's changed? Blacks have been given everything and the right to do everything. Walk into our schools and see who's disrupting everything, look at prison populations, walk through the mall and see who's acting like a fool and on and on and on.

Not saying there aren't good blacks around here because there are but it's a shame for them that so many others are ruining everything for them. If you don't see this with your own eyes you're blind, ignorant or too much of a candy a** to say what you really feel when you're confronted with their actions!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:16pm
Well Said!!

Anonymous said...

Hows that CHANGE working for everyone.

Anonymous said...

I personally think Two Sentz should change his name to Nonsense.

Anonymous said...

I am not racist. I hate everybody!

Anonymous said...

A lot of people give the others in their race a bad name. Unfortunately, the more I am around these people, the more they anger me.

Anonymous said...

Growing up as a military child, I had friends of all colors and socio-economic backgrounds. Race was a non-issue. We were all proud, happy Americans.

First time I experienced racism was when I needed to go to UMES to work on a research paper. The amount of people staring at me, the hushed speaking as I walked near small groups of people, and a few students over there who rather rudely positioned their path of travel to coincide with mine in a deliberate manner showed me what it was like to be an "outsider." I have no doubt that it was racism making itself known.

Not to trash UMES totally. Most of the students I came across during this project were nice, and the staff were extremely helpful and friendly. Don't let an extreme few ruin the reputation of the campus as a whole.

delmar gun club said...

You know call me a racist or not , i will employ who i want raise my kids my way,and if you dont like move on .Why should i be forced to be around ppl i dont like but more importantly why would they want to be around me ?
If i want to have a club of like minded ppl or color or creed and i pay for that membership i should allow who i want period.
We got a black president great ,times have never been worse .Lead and PROVE yourself .Private clubs should be private /public should be public period

just my 2 cents

chuck said...

I find it humorous that all of the racist comments that filled this post were anonymous... just as two sentz predicted.

Hiding behind anonymous allows you to say things you would never say to someone's face. It's sad that people can't police themselves better than this.

Anonymous said...

Nothing draws out the racists like asking them why they are racist! Notice nobody has actually explained WHY they are racist! Allow me to answer for them: because they are ignorant. Mr. delmar Gun Club is a sad person, because he declares that he should just be allowed to hang out with people of his own color. Sure, knock yourself out. Too bad you are shutting yourself off from a lot of people who might be pretty cool.

What do you racists think Heaven is going to be like? Will there only be white people there? Will it be segregated? Do you think God will let you in if you have spent your life disliking the majority of His creation? I'd like to see your answer to that.

Anonymous said...

As a teenager, I dated a hispanic and a black guy and was shunned by my family and friends, terrorized by the police and hated by black women! Black women have been the ones that have treated me the WORST!
Now, I am married (to a white man) and am STILL treated horrible by black women! The ones I work with won't even look at me or acknowledge me. In the grocery store or wal-mart, I get pushed and nudged and totally disrespected by them. I have NEVER done anything to them nor have I even met most of them. Nonetheless....I am treated like crap by black women for being a white woman. WHO is prejudice?
I think we need to take a good hard look at who is REALLY being prejudice nowadays.
My sons were teased in school for being "all white"..... some of the teachers bring it up the race issue all the time....with Obama in office, I hear comments regularly about "now that we have a black man in office..."..... so come on..........get honest with what is really going on twosentz!

Anonymous said...

Hey 4:26, if you have sense enough to read 3:40 you'll see the reasons are there!! As for the anonymous postings...what's your real name 'two sentz'? ...and chuck, what's your whole name? You want to call people out, out yourself first! No excuses now, just names.

John Henry said...

You are as anonymous as the rest on here. Just because you have a blogger account doesn't mean anything until you post some personal info about yourself.

doug wilkerson said...

I havent ever seen you sign your last name Chuck. Some of us try.

Anonymous said...

First figure out what there, their, and they're means. Only then, can you begin to understand what you are talking about.

Anonymous said...

Racsim is a two way street, make that a 4 way intersection. I treat people the way they treat me.

Some blacks have a chip on their shoulder like all whiteys owe them something.

My ancestors immigrated here and were to poor to own slaves. I don't owe anyone anything, they respect me and I'll respect them.

Chimera said...

I have witnessed racism from both white & black folks around here people are not born that way,they learn it.With so many interracial families on the Shore you would think that both sides could get over it.

chuck said...

Chuck Cook

Are you kidding me, Doug? You've seen me post my full name MULTIPLE times at 2 centz, and I used to post it here all the time last year when I was soliciting volunteers to help with the Democratic HQ for the candidates.

Anonymous said...

Two Sentz

If you don't like it, move somewhere else!

Stevie W said...

Ebony and ivory live together in perfect harmony side-by-side on my piano keyboard. Oh Lord, why don't we?

Anonymous said...

You really should keep your names anonymous, unless you have nothing to say. Joe being the exception, it is his blog. But any person expressing views which are contrary to publicly held views and purported as reality by the media, should keep their anonymity. Some of us are aware of what can happen when people tell the truth. The internet has allowed lots of truth to flow freely. Sure there is a lot of BS also, but each of us can sort that out for ourselves. Our internet will change soon in an outward manner. Our society is fine with government censorship. We are a stupid lot.
But most of us know well enough to keep as much anonymity as possible. We want to speak and the internet (for now) gives us the opportunity to do so with some level of comfort.
Thank you

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

They post here because most of the sentences are only 4 or 5 words in length and all of the words are small.

11:56 AM

Just like yours!

Anonymous said...

Hey Bozo 1:31 PM what is wrong with the Confederate Flag?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Would you rather have your daughter married to a black man that treats her like a queen or a white man that gets drunk and beats her? Or vise/versa.

2:36 PM

And I am not racist my best friend in high school was black.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I personally think Two Sentz should change his name to Nonsense.

3:57 PM

That should be "her" name!

Anonymous said...

Hey two sentz is this the comment that got your panties in a twist?

"I wonder if Obama will ever choose a white person to fill a post? Seems like the majority of his appointments are minorities."

Anonymous said...

Ok, I asked you mister 2 cents, define the word you so blithely throw at people you don't like. You have failed to do so. Here is the definition.

The prejudice that members of one race are intrinsically superior to members of other races.

Discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of another race

Not what you seem to think it is. The idea that someone does not agree with you on every little thing burns you up. So you abuse a political buzzword. That is all it is now.

So please, everybody here, learn what a word means before you throw it out at evry little offence.

Anthony of Salisbury

Two Sentz said...

Anthony that is exactly what it means. Please re-read the post if you must. I NEVER said anything about agreeing or disagreeing with anything. It is clear racism/prejudism exists here on the Shore and I was simply looking for answers. Maybe you shouldn't have prejugded my post?

The winner though, has to be:

Anonymous said...
Two Sentz

If you don't like it, move somewhere else!

9:28 PM

LOL! Why didn't you just say "I'm a racist and proud of it dammit!"

Anonymous said...

Many areas of the eastern shore are rather isolated. There are a lot of islands and wetlands where people live far from any town. Some of the people who live in these areas have never even been across the bay bridge. So that's why there is so much racism on the eastern shore. It's just a bunch of ignorant isolated rednecks.