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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Daily Times Still Can’t Get It “Write”!

What happens when you have little to no command of the English language, are lazy, opinionated, and unable to admit that you’re wrong?  You go to work for the Delmarva Media Group, the Gannett unit which publishes Salisbury’s Daily Times.

Case in point – yesterday’s fiasco over the non-existent “report” authored by Salisbury councilwomen Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen.  As we pointed out yesterday, Daily Times managing editor Erick Sahler claims that the article is credible because Salisbury PD chief Allan Webster is credible.  Let’s review what reporter Laura D’Alessandro and Webster had to say:

… a six-page document listing complaints against the city's top law official has reportedly been crafted by Councilwomen Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen.

"I have seen the document, but I can't comment its contents," Webster said late Thursday. "I will be
responding in the near future."

As we noted, there was no report, six pages or otherwise.  However, the Daily Times simply can’t admit that they were wrong.  Instead, they are attempting to “clarify” their own poor journalism by running another biased piece on Saturday, better known as “Take out the trash day” in newspaper and political circles.

In today’s piece Webster attempts to hold the party line:

Webster reiterated Friday that he has both documents in his possession.

"Both documents were authored and signed by Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen and dated for June; I got copies of them sent to me late Thursday," Webster said. "But I still can't discuss the contents yet because of personnel restrictions. I will be responding to them in the near future, though."

While Webster now admits that there are TWO documents (instead of his previously stated ONE report), he still implies that both documents were authored by Campbell and Cohen.  While I realize that Webster, his defenders, and the Daily Times (I apologize for the redundancy) will argue that there is no difference, they would be mistaken as usual.  IDEAS HAVE CONSEQUENCES and WORDS HAVE MEANING.  If Webster’s grasp of basic grammar is so poor, it merely lends more credence to the argument that he is not fit to formulate policy or give orders.  Since Salisbury’s new mayor, Jim Ireton, is a grade school reading teacher, perhaps he can offer Webster and his defenders a little one-on-one tutoring if he decides to keep the man who has overseen Salisbury sinking to its current crime ridden reputation.

Despite the complete lack of credibility of their “credible source”, the Daily Times insists on continuing to smear the character of Campbell and Cohen while defending Webster – a relic of an administration which was run out of town on a rail (given former mayor Barrie Tilghman’s inability to seek re-election and Ireton large victory against her anointed successor).  Why else would D’Alessandro choose to question whether or not Cohen was truthful in her response:

Cohen reportedly submitted a five-page document to Ireton relaying “constituent concerns”

Beyond attempting to cover their past mistakes with more innuendo, the Daily Times did manage to include one bit of news in their report:

“I’ve requested a copy of any documents or allegations against Chief Webster,” (Salisbury councilman Gary) Comegys said.  “I feel the entire council is entitled because these documents were sent by council members and the information should be shared.  I’m getting quite a few constituents asking questions about something I have been given no information on.  …”

IF council members are permitted to review the personnel files of department heads (or city employees) then he is absolutely correct that he should be given access AND that he should review them, given that Webster has chosen to make this a news story.  This is not only a prudent action, it is the right one.  However, if council members are not routinely permitted access to personnel files of department heads (or city employees), then Ireton would be foolish to grant access.

If this is important enough to Comegys, he should then introduce legislation requiring such access.  This would firmly set policy rather than making it personal whim.  However, Comegys will have a tough time making a case because of his past claims of the almost dictatorial supremacy of the city’s executive.  Perhaps he should ask Campbell or Cohen to introduce the legislation for him since they have always advocated a more mainstream role for the city’s legislative branch, including a vigorous oversight role.

I’m waiting to see what the next attempt at smearing Campbell and Cohen will be.  I’m also waiting to see how many times it will take them to get an attack right without appearing so obviously biased.


Anonymous said...

Seems like Webster isn't telling the truth. Being untruthful. Get him Joe!

joealbero said...

Man, GA, I sure do miss your regular articles here on Salisbury News! The Daily Times would be wise to offer you big bucks to write for them but they're too stupid and you're too smart.

Anonymous said...

GA should be hired as Chief Editor. In fact, if Gannett wants to save their sinking ship in Salisbury, they should realize that stories like these drive readership down and reconsider staff members like Shaler, Carmean, Bassett & Dalasandro. That might reinstill confidence to the point that people would subscribe. I don't think anyone on my block subscribes anymore.

Anonymous said...

Your interpertation of the article is different than mine. When I read it I thought Campbell and Cohen typical politians - telling 1/2 truths. They could have said in yesterday's DT article that they EACH had written a report instead of denying there was a joint report. Sorry, I have more faith in Webster than I do Campbell and Cohen. You and Joe are so vindictive toward the DT and Webster I do not put much stock in what you say on the report.

Anonymous said...

Wait and see what the reports say. If there are any?

Anonymous said...

7:46, officials are not supposed to break personnel confidences. I blame the reporter. Here is what Cohen's statement said, and I believe her. Look at the last sentence (my bold):

"I wrote (under my own signature alone) and hand-delivered to "Mayor Jim Ireton a letter reporting concerns raised in a meeting with constituents about crime, law enforcement and quality of life issues. The letter also addressed other citizen complaints. It included issues raised at the Mayor’s Crime Task Force open meeting, which I attended in June. I advised the Daily Times reporter of these facts."

Why didn't the reporter include those facts in the article? Because then they couldn't try to smear Cohen and Campbell.

In fact, now that I think about it, nowhere in her statement say the letter was "about Webster" or "not about Webster."

What this tells me is that Webster stupidly told the paper it's about himself. And Webster still insists that the two documents were authored by BOTH when Cohen clearly says she wrote and signed hers alone!

Either the reporter screwed up or Webster. Or both. Cohen is such a stickler for legal and wording detail, there's no way I think she's lying.

Anonymous said...

Cohen should come straight with this if she has future desires in politics. I am a supporter of her but this is somewhat shady.

Anonymous said...

G.A. it is good to see you back and writing for this blog! As to the matter of your piece, I do not think Webster or The Times editor can be trusted to tell the truth in this situation. They both have too much to loose and they know their lies won't stand real scrutiny, so lets wait and see what does develop from all of this Political mumbo jumbo, or whatever it really is?!

Anonymous said...

After reading the first sentence, I thought the writer was going to say, You go to work for Salisbury News.

Anonymous said...

11:45 p.m. - Cohen was "straight" on this from the very start.

If you are a supporter of hers, then call her like I did,(410)845-0296.

If you don't call her, then don't post things about this being shady like that something shady is her because it's not. And don't lie that you're a supporter.

Anonymous said...

Why is Webster hanging on? His people at SPD don't like him, in fact talk bad bad bad about him behind his back (would they assist him in an emergency. Probably not, I hear).
...the handwriting is on the wall. CAN'T HE READ???