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Sunday, June 28, 2009

China Laughing Their A$$ Off

Kratovil Votes For the Cap & Trade Bill and China must be laughing it’s A$$ off

As expected, the new “representative” on the block, Frank Kratovil, went along with his party barons, led by Pelosi and voted for the Waxman massive higher energy cost and regressive tax bill. Incidentally, Rep Waxman decided to add a 300 page amendment to the bill at 3pm??? As if the 1200+ page document wasn’t enough.

One has to wonder if Frank read the bill this time before voting on it???.....

Here is the final vote tally:


Anonymous said...

Part of the 300 pages added makes all new home in the U.S. construction comply with Ca. building codes for energy standards, and all existing home sales would also have to conform to stricter energy standards. This will basically destroy an already devistated housing industry. Folks this is change you can believe in. What you need to know however is that this idiot and his far left minions are destroying our country right befor our eyes.

Anonymous said...

China is going to be laughing Joe as well as South America, this bill actually makes it MORE difficult for American Ag to take part in the trade part of cap and trade. It actually creates incentives for American companies to use Chinese and South American agribusiness instead of our own. The next round of outsourcing will be the American farmer unless everyone contacts the senate and tells them to vote this trash down. I can't wait to see what is going to happen to food prices. Get your garden ready America..

Anonymous said...

more government control. it really needs to stop

Anonymous said...

I spoke with a co worker who said she doesn't care what happens. If we don't stop global warming the ice caps will melt and the entire eastern shore will be under water in a few years. Did anyone else get Kratovil's letter about the Eastern Shore being under water? I deleted it. Someone post it on here please.

Anonymous said...

300 pages submitted at 3PM. What time was the vote? Probably imposible to read the bill that late. Kratovil is just a pelosi lap dog, it's time for him to go. Are you happy now republicans that voted for him.

Anonymous said...

I thought the amendment was adding at 3:00 A.M., not P.M., giving the few who seemed to care even less time to read and understand the ramifications before voting.

Anonymous said...

The states must leave the federal union.

Anonymous said...

The states should just stop listening and obeying the federal goverment. What are they going to do lock us all up, I dont think so. The only power they have is the power we give them.

Anonymous said...

We are fast becoming a nation of renters. Thats ashame, the landlords win again.

Anonymous said...

Do you think its time to raise the flag upside down yet?

Anonymous said...

Delaware Republican Congressman Mike Castle also voted for this bill. If you live in Delaware, you can express your feelings about his vote at:

Anonymous said...

Not even Blue Dog Democrats voted for this horrible bill, so does that make Mr. "I am blue dog, independant" Kratovil? either a liar or a sold out.

Anonymous said...

Go to the tea parties on Saturday
4th of July. I'm sure Kratovil will be absent that day. How could he possible face the people that he just screwed.

Mike said...

Get ready for Tea Party 2 on the 4th of July!

Anonymous said...

Hey, the earth must be scared, it's cooled already retroactively in anticipation of this bill. This was one of the coldest Junes on record. The sea levels are falling and the ice caps are growing. That's change you can believe in!

Concerned Retiree said...

Anyone receive his propaganda in the mail. In the letter part he said "I am working hard to protect your hard earned tax dollars." he also stated if you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. His brochure stated the right decisions to get our economy on the right track, fighting reckless spending, restoring fisical responsibility and helping small businesses grow. For those who would like to take him up on his request, or Salisbury office at 410-334-3072. Hopefully I will not be a loner on this since he lied in this brochure and the way he votes.

Anonymous said...

Where is the Obama Club praising him for voting the Obama way. Do they see a lot of people who post against these ridiculous bills are right and Obama's way is the path of destruction for America?

Anonymous said...


"Global Warming" is a moniker given to denote an overall upswing in mean temperatures across the planet. The end result of overall global warming is erratic weather patterns exactly like the ones we have been seeing for over a decade now. But keep on whistling "doo dah" bumping around town in your entirely too big SUV, it's not like we can change anything now. We have over 100 years of this crap to shake off and it ain't going to happen. Welcome to millenium.

Anonymous said...

6:04 - keep drinkin' that kool-aid. Your brain is just about where they want it.

Anonymous said...


In the 70's (not that long ago), we were preparing for the next ice age. Even the school children were being taught that the world was cooling quickly.

Too bad they couldn't tell us to burn fossil fuels to warm the planet during those years, but we were standing in gas lines to get rationed gasoline.

Let's see, that was 30 years ago - so I guess we have less than 30 years of that crap to shake off since that decade took care of the previous 70 (by your estimate of 100 years).

Anonymous said...

"Global Warming" is a fraudulent crisis ginned up by the radical left to create an excuse to jam their marxist agenda up America's tookus.
It's amazing how a small handful of obsessive-compulsive, determined radicals has managed to pull off such a massive deception and to quench almost all opposition.
But it's also amazing how few of them walk the talk..
Kinda like Democrats and paying taxes...

Chimera said...

Well then we just vote the bum out in the next election.Send them all a message at the polls.I never did trust Kratovil.

Anonymous said...

The House of Representatives(in name only) passed the "Cap & Trade" bill by a narrow margin. 219 to 212 despite the HOT lines in opposition all across the country. Not to fear, however. We have yet to hear from the Senate. How many have any idea of what this means?

In 2 words...carbon credits:
It's simple .We require oxygen. Our survival DEMANDS it.
Plants put out(make) oxygen & require carbon dioxide (we make or put out with EVERY BREATH)for survival. WHY would we want to limit plant's requirements? YES! Anything with roots & growing!
The whole thing is almost as stupid & assinine as anything gets!

How does the EPA get to tell me what dishwasher I have to buy? Oh, I forgot, presbo's EPA. EPA has STIFLED the SCIENTIFIC DATA about the climate changes (a new "catch phrase", since worldwide recognition of the global warming FARCE is everywhere but here in the U.S.of A.) But the gov't controls the purse strings for the research in the form of grants & the info HAS TO BE HELD IN CONFIDENCE. There have been firings for breach of info.(Wish it could be "leaked" like the White House happenings.)

The new STEALTH taxes from this GLOBAL WARMING legislation will increase the cost of your utilities. ALL of them. They say $175 a yr. for the average family. My foot. The increase in consumer goods will be at least TWICE the now prices. Penalties will follow excess carbon output & "credits" will go to others for a price.

You won't be able to repair an appliance but will be required to purchase new, more energy efficient one; most at a starting price of $1000. Your car of 20 years in working order will get you around $4000, but only if you buy a new plastic roller skate with an engine.

You will be forced to buy those terrible cfl bulbs that don't light anything and don't last as long as incandescent ones and emit MERCURY & cost 3 times as much as regular bulbs..(We switched to 40 watt clear bulbs since they emit about the same light and have some bulbs in place that have lasted for 35, YES, 35 years.) It'd be better if they promoted dimmer switches & use regular bulbs. There's only a little glass & metal upon destruction. Both are recyclable.

Not only will car parts dealers be out of business, but any parts places for anything will as well.

Your teenager will never be able to buy his own car to remodel or restore. If he wants to be a mechanic, so what? Nothing available for him to fix or to fix anything with.

Not to fear...Al Bore, from his 30,000 square feet mansion in Tn. & others like him will sell you his carbon credits since he has them by the ton because his 20,000 a month electric supply is carbon emission free. (I'd really like to challenge that.) The whole thing is his idea in the first place. He originated the "carbon credit bank" & evidently holds the combination to the safe. (Awful glad I don't have to pay his electric bill or put gas in his private jet.) It's called MONEY.

There are many other ramifications, TNTC. One BIG one is that IT'S being RAMMED through the legislature. More job losses, more businesses out of business...& on & on.

Write or call your Senator & tell 'em how you feel about this bill. After looking into the more than 1200 pages of it, drafted in just a few short days.(they added 300 pages @ 3 in the a.m. Friday, right before the vote. How many reps in name only had a chance to read it entirely?
What happened to the 30 days AVAILABILITY NOTICE to the public prior to passing legislation of this magnitude, as PROMISED by presbo during his campaign?

This is just for starters.

Life as we know it today, will NOT exist.

Anonymous said...

I love the way everyone is beginning to open their eyes. Our government is totally rigged and corrupt. They are going to tax us into oblivion.
By the way, these guys don't choose what to vote for and what to vote against. They are told.

I_Didn't_Vote_For_Him said...

Kratovil is Pelosi's lapdog. She barks, "Jump" and he asks, "How high, Queen Nancy?" on the way up.

What do you expect from a friggin' LAWYER?