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Thursday, June 18, 2009

ATV Owner Speaks Up

That was my avt. A couple of things.

1. The reward was for the return and conviction!!!

2. We never got a conviction.

3. I wanted the conviction just as much as getting back the bike. I have friends that have had there bikes stolen and I want the a$$ holes that do this stuff to pay.

4. If Mr. bowling would of found and got a conviction. I would of giving him the reward with no questions asked.

5. I was very thankful for Mr Bowling finding the Atv. I did bring him a gift card to his office for 100. And my wife mailed to his office a 30.00 gift card and a thank you card. All of witch I did not half to do.

6. Talking with Mr. Bowling yesterday he stated he did not get either gift card. I will look into.

So with all that I thank Mr Bowling for his help.. I will look in to the gift cards that were sent. I sent this as a thank you for his effort even know we did not get an conviction. Right now I wish he did not find the atv in the first place. I could of file in for insurance and got a new bike.


Tim Chaney said...

David Bowling is a nice guy I'm sure he's not sweating this, however pretty shallow of the owner.

hmmmm He'd rather have collected the insurance?

Anonymous said...

thats bs! If he found it and got it back to you he should get the reward. You know you are happy to get the bike back even though no one has been charged.

Anonymous said...

I would have offered at least a
small cash reward even if one
was not offered by the owner of the ATV..........
And..........for God's sake man,
use a spell checker!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

i feel sorry for this guy that his ATV was stolen, but did he even graduate from HS? criminy the grammar in that list is freaking pathetic. maybe he should stop riding an ATV and get a GED???

Anonymous said...

thats the first thing people do is bash the spelling. 80% of the population can't even read on a 6 grade level so he was doing you a favor.

Anonymous said...

Why so he can wipe his a$$ with it, thats about what a ged and a college degree are worth these days.

Reese Bobby said...

That is really chicken-{guano} to cop-out on 'technicality' like that...

Anonymous said...

Owner is a complete a-hole but I am sure he is complete trash.. big time

A conviction.. give me a break... what a total loser for not ponying up the money

Anonymous said...

Please tell me this post is made up!?! You cannot be serious!

"I didn't half to ..."

What?!?! What kind of English is that, anyway?

You sir, are a dumbass. You are ungrateful and completely ignorant.

Also, your wife looks like PWT.

Anonymous said...

Dude, go away! You know you offered and owe the finder a reward so give it to him! Now 'you wish' he hadn't found it??? Karmas' going to bite you dead center of your crooked little a** boy!!

Anonymous said...

english? really? holy moley.

Anonymous said...

All of witch I did not half to do. English 101 would be a great investment.

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of crock. The guy found your ATV for you. Give him the reward he was promised. The fact the thief wasnt convicted is of no fault of his. Its because of people like you no one wants to help their neighbor these days...

Tim Chaney said...

He must have taken a few crashes with no helmet ; )

Anonymous said...

The reward was for the bike pay up.
If you hope on getting a conviction that is your problem.
You said you wanted the a holes who do this to pay, well you are just as bad if you dont pay.
in other words your a liar.

SunnyInOC said...

if you didn't want the atv found, maybe you should've kept your mouth shut and took the sounds like that's what you wanted in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Why is everyone making such a big deal of this whole thing and publicly humiliating these men? I won't publicly bash someone (the owner or the guy who found it) on a blog when there is information that I am unaware of and when I personally do not know them. With the information available I could either say maybe the owner hid it to collect the insurance money or maybe the person who found it, is also the one who stole it. This is why a conviction is required for a reward....

Anonymous said...

What a loser!!!!

Anonymous said...

engrish prease?

Anonymous said...

the comments the owner just made makes me like him even less and in the future if he has something stolen from him i hope noone helps

Anonymous said...

If there was no conviction then and the ATV was found on someones person then it sounds like there was an attempted fraud on the owners behalf. It was summed up in his statement at the end. I find it surprising that someone would be stupid enough to steal something from there neighbor that big and expect to hide it without it being seen. Something is fishy indeed! Then a good samaritian comes along and ruins a good scam. Shame on you owner!

Anonymous said...

When the conversation starts out that the owner claims he had a two stage requirement for the reward and THAT'S why he didn't HAVE to pay ... but wait he DID pay... but wait... the the guy NEVER got it... you know you're dealing with a BS artist.

Anonymous said...

Insurance would never cover that.

Reese Bobby said...

11:50. Cheers!!

Chimera said...

If you can afford an ATV you can afford to pony up the reward bucks.
David Bowling has learned that no good deed goes unpunished and I hope this does not change him or anyone else who wants to help somebody.

Anonymous said...

I did bring him a gift card, but he didn't get it??? If you brought it to him, that's not like mailing it and having it get lost. What a con artist!

Anonymous said...

5. I was very thankful for Mr Bowling finding the Atv. I did bring him a gift card to his office for 100. And my wife mailed to his office a 30.00 gift card and a thank you card. All of witch I did not half to do.

What would you say if I said I really doubt you did any of the above?? I think you like to tell stories.

Anonymous said...

I think hims needs the monies more then bowling. hims needs to paid fer tooter fer spling!

Anonymous said...

Agree with poster above who smelled a rat. Sounds like the owner wanted the insurance money and never thought the ATV would be found. Oops! Really had no intention of paying the reward, and obviously not playing with a full deck either! Come on the spellings and grammar in that letter are laughable. ATV owner - you have really only made yourself look rediculous with this post. I hope if you really did mail those gift cards, you used better spelling than you did in this letter. No wonder they didn't get there.

Anonymous said...

Well then perhaps the police should not come to your house when you call them. Why? Because if they show up and cannot guarantee a conviction, why bother?

This is BS. You freely admit that "I could of file in for insurance and got a new bike" (great English BTW), smells of insurance fraud.

You're a piece of work. I hope you never need real help some day.

Good luck looser.

Anonymous said...

So if you had insurance why worry about posting a reward at all? I have to agree with a few others I smell a scam.

Anonymous said...

Really he does sound PO'd that he got the ATV back, smells fishy

Anonymous said...

David Bowling, thank you for going out of your way to do the right thing. We all know the owner is not a man of his word, but you showed the community that there are still people out there that do care and will go that extra mile, regardless if a reward has been offered or not!

Oh and congrats on making #11 on the sexiest bald men list! :)

Anonymous said...

Some people will jump on any band wagon here.
Me, I would like to hear from Mr. Bowling what
He thinks this. Also from people who know these
Victims. I’ve been reading this blog awhile and
seen many of these same people make spelling and
Grammatical errors. I laugh to my self but why point it out. Stupid or nothing better to do. Me, I need to get back to work.
Nice laughing on you.
Tom Sawyer

Anonymous said...

It makes me laugh that there are so many people out willing to bash someone without knowing the true story. The ATV was stolen in front of my house and then found later. The owner is not a scammer but Is mad that the finder does not come to him and He did send the gift cards. Makes me wounder what is going on at his office that he does not get his mail, if there is a scam then it is comming from the side of the fINDER. Before you post know what you are talking about. If you do not you are adding fuel to a fire, and no one needs or wants that.