Wicomico County residents are invited to get rid of their scrap tires free of charge (a savings of $5 per tire) today at the landfill on Brick Kiln Road. Open for drop-off from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., up to ten tires per vehicle will be accepted. One visit per resident. No commercial or business tires.
Same program and rules in Worcester County, but hours are 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.
It was $2 last time I went. Are they raising the rates?
Thanks for posting this Joe. I didn't hear about the one last year until after it was past. I have already been and dropped off the tires this morning. The line was kinda long but it moves pretty fast. They even ask where I heard about it
It's still $2 for passenger tires. The $5 is for truck tires. Thanks for pointing this out.
Oops just noticed Phronesis posted this not Joe. Thanks Phronesis
On my way there I saw 2 tires thrown on the side of Brick Kiln Road. Are people just to dam lazy to wait in line.
No, its the eastern shore. In case you havent noticed ppl here are lazy. Check out all the trash and furniture on many of the porches in the area. Poor or not it doesnt cost anything to pick up trash in your yard.
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