This is it Folks, tonight is the last night to see Barrie Tilghman LIVE in a City Council Meeting. I feel sorry for former Police Officer Brian Beaver who will have to receive a Shadow Box from the current Mayor and not be recognized by the new Mayor who would present it with honors and true gratitude.
Nevertheless, tonight at 6:00 PM will be it. If you feel like stomaching Barrie Tilghman for the last time, be there or be square. I have yet to decide if my own stomach can take it but we'll see what happens. I'd like to be there for my friend Brian who served this community so well.
Joe I'm suprised that she will do the honors, since you and Brian are good friend.
Does that mean she'll have her headlights covered?
Is anyone going to her "farewell party". I'm told it is being held April 17, at 230, fire dept headquarters training room. Food provided by TJ, apparently "all are welcome"
Was Dinglebarrie drunk. She couldn't pronounce the names correctly.
When Dinglebarrie was handing out her junk certificates she called out Mike Lewis and she was quick to point out that it wasn't the Sheriff, but a "wonderful person" that is a professor at the college.
Barrie Tilghman is attacking Councilwoman Campbell for questioning why NSCC wants to surplus a 2004 Ford Pickup with 50,000 miles on it. Debbie put her in her place but she was outnumbered by 3 morons. Barrie Tilghman someone needs to Bitch Slap you. You are wrong and you are only a guest at that meeting. If you think you are the boss or her supervisor you are wrong. You and John Pick need to go.
Watching now wow She is really pushing Debbie's button. Good bye B****.
Hold on while I choke back a tear . . .
I watched her tonight and I swear she really needs to go home and wash her hair and quit sipping (or guzzling) before she comes in council chambers. She is such a loud mouth. I'm truly glad we don't have to put up with that anymore.
Well, I was going to watch it but had a late appointment. Maybe Joe could post it here for all of those that would be interested in seeing it.
I had to get up and walk out when she started jumping on Debbie for questioning if the vehicle may have had a use for another department. It was either walk out of the council meeting or throw my shoe at her!
Thank God, no mas.
Since this is Mayor Tilghman's last council meeting and her last week in office, maybe we could at least acknowledge her accomplishments over the past decade. Like her or not, can't we agree that she worked tirelessly, making the office full-time with part-time pay? Can't we also agree that she has had Salisbury's best interests in mind as she has performed her duties, though of course many may not have agreed with her stands on certain issues. How about we at least thank her for her ten years as mayor?
At least the "era of embarassment" for Salisbury is almost over.
This has been a huge ugly black mark, enhanced by bad decisions and worse judgment by Barrie and the others with out any concern for how much money they spend.
The hazmat trailer....needs a tractor to pull it. DUH!
At least the new regime has a clue.
What a sad group.
Where was Barrie in such a hurry to get to, on her last Council meeting?
The bar at Market Street Inn?
Good Question Tidewater!!! And if she had to have a few sips to get through this - does she have the police dept to take her home? Or will she just get away with it?
Market Street Inn? Yep, that is where all her "Boys" go!! What is the fire dept gonna do now??
Anonymous said...
Since this is Mayor Tilghman's last council meeting and her last week in office, maybe we could at least acknowledge her accomplishments over the past decade. Like her or not, can't we agree that she worked tirelessly, making the office full-time with part-time pay? Can't we also agree that she has had Salisbury's best interests in mind as she has performed her duties, though of course many may not have agreed with her stands on certain issues. How about we at least thank her for her ten years as mayor?
8:05 PM
Have you been smoking crack again you stupid freakin idiot!!
How do I get the vomit out of my keyboard after watching that? I guess the best I can glean id that a million dollar change order back to the city was only offset by the Hazmat trailer and tractor debacle, which may still leave Salisbury some change. Thank God this is the last week of this crap.
Go Cynthia!
Could she have praised gary any more? It was good to see Brian get his award. It was funny though, they had to remind Barrie several times, Shouldn't we get our pic taken with the Beavers before they leave? Knowing Brian, I'm sure he was ok not getting the photo.
Heard you saw my brother there Joe...
I did, good man.
Yeah we think so too. Gonna post pics of the Beavers?
TO: Mr. or Ms. 8:05 (& FOB)
The answer to your question/suggestion about thanking Barrie for serving as mayor (make that screwing us) for 10-plus years is:
Can someone tell me what Resolution No. 1770 accepting the donation of miscellaneous furnishings and services in the amount of $221,576.32 from Volunteer Corporation (Fire Station #16) for new fire station facility and heritage center project
Can someone tell me what Resolution No. 1771 accepting the donation of miscellaneous firefighting tools and equipment in the amount of $102,558.47 from Volunteer Corporation (Fire Station #16) is?
Where did the Volunteers get that $300K from? How did Gordo con them out of that money? Was that equipment, furnishings and services really needed? What were the tools? What was the furnishings? What were the services? Someone please answer these questions for the tax paying citizens of Salisbury and Wicomico County.
I was wondering if they approved the new cvs pharmacy to go where benedicts is
Have you been smoking crack again you stupid freakin idiot!
Thanks, 8:19! I guess there are many of us "stupid freakin idiots" out here, since we voted Barrie in twice! If she was so bad, why did we re-elect her? Were we all smokin' crack?
That caption kills me!! LOL!!
Because www.sbynews.com wasn't around back then.
anon 10:32
"If she was so bad, why did we re-elect her? Were we all smokin' crack?"
I still wonder why you did - you must have been smoking something!
Why don't you leave with her because you are going to find soon that you're beautifully equipped for a world that no longer exist.
Adios idiot! hahaha!
I spoke to a member of the State Fire Marshalls Office yesterday who advised me that his vehicle, an early 2000's model Crown Vic, has 211,000 miles on it. The vehicle just went in for a fuel pump replacement. It has been repaired before but the cost of the repairs don't even come close to the replacement cost of the vehicle. He stated that it is intended that this vehicle stay in service until the mileage reaches approximately 300,000 miles. Money is TIGHT! How can it be justified to surplus a vehicle with 50,000 miles on it? Governments need to recognize that money doesn't grow on trees. Just because it is funded by taxpayers doesn't mean that it is a never ending supply.
Confidential to those poor and probably very embarassed people who voted for Barrie, more than once?:
You did what you thought was right at the time. Hopefully you know better now, and realize how bad she was for the job. NOW, after the new mayor takes office you should pray every day that he can fix the mess left by YOUR choice to run the city.
Anon 8:05
The only thing that I will thank her for is not running again!
135 hours - 58 minutes and 6 seconds isn't soon enough.
The picture above looks like she was sparing with Fernando before the council meeting. That or she took a little beating from Jack, Jack Daniels.
You can view the list of furnishings and equipment in the Council Ageda portion of the city's web site in the briefing book from yesterday's meeting. The spending is wildly excessive. The volunteers used to purchase fire trucks for the city, but now their money is being forcefully redirected to fluff and they have no fair representation. Gordy was not chosen by them, rather for them.
Hey Joe, what's the deal with this Hazmat trailer? I know that the Council approved it, but I'm in concurrance with Debbie-just because they have the money doesn't mean it has to be blown right away, especially in these economic times. What station is it going to and how much is it going to cost to buy a truck to pull it? I recall saying a few months ago, when they bought the new Crown Vics, that a full-size 4x4 truck would be more practical for a fire station...yet again I AM RIGHT! We'll see a Ford F250 or something of the sorts on the Agenda in the next couple months...
If you remember correctly the last election offered Barrie or the pizza guy Michael Philipino in Shanie's words. Yup we should have voted for the pizza guy, my bad. You right you right!
Plus a lot has come to light since the blogs came to life! The Daily Dissappointment always told the citizens everything was great!
Thanks, 8:19! I guess there are many of us "stupid freakin idiots" out here, since we voted Barrie in twice! If she was so bad, why did we re-elect her? Were we all smokin' crack?
No, you were all voting under the same voter intimidation tactics that turned the tables on them this time. Barrie Tilghman has not done one thing for this city in her entire 12 year tenure. Nothing that has benefited anyone other than herself and the FOB's. I can't think of one positive thing she has done in all that time. If you can please list them for all of us to see. Don't name the Fire Palace as a positive thing for the city that is the largest piece of fraud standing.
Dave C,
In last night's meeting, it was mentioned that it would need an $85,000 TRACTOR to pull it.
"Since this is Mayor Tilghman's last council meeting and her last week in office, maybe we could at least acknowledge her accomplishments over the past decade."
If you mean POSITIVE ones, well, the list is non-existent.
"Like her or not, can't we agree that she worked tirelessly, making the office full-time with part-time pay?"
Well, Erik Prince at Blackwater put in a lot of hours, too, doesn't make what he did good or noble.
"Can't we also agree that she has had Salisbury's best interests in mind as she has performed her duties,"
No, most of us will not agree on that, because we don't believe she has.
"though of course many may not have agreed with her stands on certain issues."
That's an understatement. Gee, how thoughtless we all were, wanting a wastewater treatment plant that works, a fire department that had adequate yet not luxorious equpiment, and a police department led by someone with a clue on how to bring down violent crime?
"How about we at least thank her for her ten years as mayor?"
Thank you that it wasn't more!
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