Portion of Glen Avenue to be closed for Poodle Club of America Dog Show at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center
(Salisbury, MD) Glen Avenue from the intersection of Civic Ave to St. Albans Lane will be closed from Monday, April 20, 2009 through Friday, April 24, 2009 to allow for pedestrian traffic across Glen Avenue.
This closing is on behalf of the Poodle Club of America during their Annual International Specialty Breed Dog Show to be held at the Wicomico Youth and Civic Center. The Poodle Club of America requests this closure to ensure safe passage to and from the old Salisbury Mall parking lot and the Wicomico Youth and Civic Center from Monday, April 20, 2009 through Friday, April 24, 2009.
We anticipate some minor adjustments to the driving patterns of our citizens who might normally use this area.
Give me a break , enough problems and we have to close the streets for a dog show.
Why dont we do something constructive in this dam town instead of so much bull for nothing.
If the county and city cant make a civic center big enough to handle there bullcrap shows then dont except them.
This is disruptive to most of the community. Oh we forget about the ones who make a few bucks on it.Hotels and motels to hell with real working people.
I agree, there is no need for this. Like there are going to be so many people walking across the road for four days. Furthermore, isn't this why the Civic Center has a parking lot?
Yeah anonymous we sure don't want to accomodate these people...we don't want all they money they infuse into the economy. Get a life and worry about real issues not the temporary closure of a little used road for safety purposes.
The parking lot is not big enough the Mall lot has been used for years for large event like this. Do you pay any attention at all???
I was going to keep my mouth shut but you know what, some of you people are the most ungrateful people I have ever seen.
This Show brings a positive economic impact to the County like none other. If YOU have a problem with this, go away for a few days and shut you fat traps. My God, you would think the world was coming to an end. GET A LIFE and travel around it, for crying out loud! We have warned you that the road would be closed, GET OVER IT!
In the mean time, if you still want to bitch, use your name so people know just what fool you are and then the Ciovic Center can charge you back additional taxes because they lost the Dog Show because of too many complaints and YOU need to balance out the taxes for that loss.
What a terrible inconvenience! You mean we'll have to drive, like, a whole minute out of our way? And for what? To accommodate a group which will be dropping tens of thousands of dollars into the local economy over the course of the week?
God bless us, we'll complain about ANYTHING in this town.
More reason to build the new civic center on the Old Mall property and keep the old one for smaller events and (get this) YOUTH programs, which is the Y in WCYCC.
Joe: Thanks for injecting a little common sense into the discussion.You too anon 10:12.
anon 11:03....are you willing as a taxpayer to foot the bill?
The youth Director position for the Y&CC was eliminated years ago during a similar buget crunch.
Then several years back on the wake of the revenue cap movement, the County Council demanded that the Y&CC be run as a profit center...this lead to fee restructuring.
Most times the things I read on blogs and in the DT are people griping about thier tax money being used to support the Civic Center.
If you do your research you will find that facilities of this type across the country all require significant taxpayer subsidy...amenities like this do not come for free.
Build a new one?....we can't pave our roads, replace police cruisers or repair and maintain our schools....so where do the untold millions required for a new Civic Center come from??...Obama?Pelosi "funny money" ???
If they close it for the pooches, then why cant they close it for all of the big events. People would feel safer not having to fight traffic especially in the evenings at rush hour to get over for an event.
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