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Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Wicomico County Republican's Club

While their booth was manned the entire time I was at the Farm Show, the Democrats booth had absolutely no one there and Kratovil signs just leaning up against a table. Do they think they're a lock on the Eastern Shore?


Anonymous said...

It would have been much nicer there if the politicians, all of them, had stayed home!

Astonesthrow said...

Probably not, which is why I imagine they didn't bother wasting their time sitting there.

The guy that was manning the table while we were there looked like he was having a blast... ( huge eye roll)

Of course if I had to sit in that run down building looking at all the canned veggies I'd be less than thrilled too.

I'm not dumping on those who had items on display, there were some nice photos, quilts and woodworking pieces there. Wonderful work! It's just sad that we had to trip over the ratty carpet which was duct tapped together.

Maybe it was a set up? We were literally tripping over ourselves to get to the Democratic booth. lol

Anonymous said...

It was good to see Harris attend this venue, but with so few people there (at least when I was there on Saturday), I don't know how many votes will be achieved by the candidates attendance. At least it shows an interest in the lower shore.

Anonymous said...

Who is that in the photo? Is that Bob Laun the former sports guy from WBOC?

Anonymous said...

How can I get some McCain bumper stickers?

Anonymous said...

I guess the Democrats think they have the election "sewn up" all the way around. Interestingly, this morning I got e-mail from a friend that lived in Salisbury for many years (says he would never come back if it was the last place on earth)anyway, he remarked that Maryland was going for Obama. ( am registered Democrat, HOWEVER, he won't be getting any of my family's vote this time around. We need people that know that they are talking about, not what we want to hear!!!!

Anonymous said...

8:53-You can thank the county for the duct taped carpet. It was their contribution. This is what they provided when the Farm and Home Show rented it.

Anonymous said...

11:25- You could have gotten plenty at the Wicomico Farm & Home Show

Anonymous said...

Nobody said...
How can I get some McCain bumper stickers?

11:25 AM

Go to the Chamber building tomorrow night in Salisbury and attend the Republican Club meeting. I am sure there will be stickers and yard signs there. You don't have to be a member, but we would like to see some new faces.

Next Meeting of the WCRC:

August 25, 2008
Refreshments 7:00 pm Meeting Starts 7:30 pm
Location: Salisbury Chamber of Commerce
144 East Main Street, Salisbury, MD

Regular Business Meeting

For more information contact

Anonymous said...

That event pretty much sucks unless the county helps them market it and they change it to a "Fair." The majority of the public doesn't want to spend there weekend looking at pretty tomatoes and ribbons. The Tractor pull is a great addition, but they need rides for the children and good marketing. They need to put it back until September as well. It is also competing with the Sharptown Carnival. Kids love carnivals and where the kids go, the parents have to go. It's a win win situation for everyone.

Anonymous said...

That event pretty much sucks unless the county helps them market it and they change it to a "Fair." The majority of the public doesn't want to spend there weekend looking at pretty tomatoes and ribbons. The Tractor pull is a great addition, but they need rides for the children and good marketing. They need to put it back until September as well. It is also competing with the Sharptown Carnival. Kids love carnivals and where the kids go, the parents have to go. It's a win win situation for everyone.

Anonymous said...

After last nights show on TV where the two candidates answered questions, it is my opinion that John McCain came off as the winner well ahead of Obama.

A. Goetz

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
After last nights show on TV where the two candidates answered questions, it is my opinion that John McCain came off as the winner well ahead of Obama.

A. Goetz

6:03 PM

That means he won the debate, not the election. He will have a difficult time winning the election with the liberal media and today's youth.

I pray that American's will wake up and do the right thing.

Anonymous said...

How can I get some Obama posters. I need something to line the cats liter box and dogs box with.

Anonymous said...

If you saw 60 Min. tonight on CBS it is rather obvious that CBS is for Obama.

Anonymous said...

There is only one thing worse than a Democrat, it's a Republican. A vote for Republicans is a vote for continuing George Bush's stupidity!

Anonymous said...

The Wicomico Farm and Home Show gets NO support from the County at all. They actually have to pay RENT to have their show in that building. Other counties help their fair, ours DOES NOT.

Anonymous said...

To 10:00 -- I'm glad to hear that the "County" doesn't support the farm show. The County gets its money from taxpayers. There is no reason that tax money should be going to support these kinds of things. The people who want to participate and attend them should bear the cost. The taxpayers should not be forced to subsidize it. Hell, we give enough welfare to farmers as it is.

joe albero said...

Then how do you feel knowing the City of Salisbury wastes some $300,000.00 just for the Salisbury Festival each year? Granted, I know it's not County money but if the City can throw that money away, the County can't help with $2,500.00?

Anonymous said...

Thanks Joe, for your support. To 10:55am, A county fair/show is a tradition in each county in the US. Where would you be without the farmer?? And not everyone involved is a farmer. Other events are not charged rent and held with county support.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
How can I get some Obama posters. I need something to line the cats liter box and dogs box with.

8:05 PM

Don't do that, it might give them the SH!TS....

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
There is only one thing worse than a Democrat, it's a Republican. A vote for Republicans is a vote for continuing George Bush's stupidity!

9:47 AM

So what is it that would be continuing George Bush's stupidity? What is wrong with this country because of George W. Bush being the president. Please inform us with your educated opinion or even some facts.

Anonymous said...

Joe, I'm not really happy with the city of Salisbury wasting its money that way. I'm not happy about a lot of things the city spends money on. That's why I bought a house in the county and not in the city. At the very least if they are going to waste the money they won't be wasting mine.

To 12:06 -- so what if it's a tradition? Those who use it should pay for it. There is no reason to forcibly extract money from the taxpayers to pay for what amounts to entertainment for a relatively few people. I'd like to see a list of other events like this that receive taxpayer money. It would be good to know how our tax dollars are being wasted.