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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Returning Marine -- 8/21/08


Brian Mason - a resident of Quantico Creek Estates in Hebron, MD - a graduate of Mardela High School - a two year Marine - is returning from a 6-month tour of duty in Iraq on Thursday, August 21st!!!!!

His plane is scheduled to arrive in Salisbury Airport at 5:30pm. The tentative plan is for him to be escorted to Hebron by the Sheriff’s Department and a convoy of motorcycles - and we are assuming he will arrive at the Main Street of Hebron approximately 6:30ish.

We want to line Main Street of Hebron with welcoming people - waving flags and applauding him and the job our military is doing for us.

Will you please join us?

Will you please pass the word to everybody you know?

Let’s have all of this county (that isn't welcoming him at the airport) on the Main Street of Hebron - and at the entrance of Quantico Creek Estates - on Thursday evening!



LetterWriter said...

I'm picturing this welcoming in my mind and its literally bringing tears to my eyes. I have to work tonight unfortunately, but I'm going to see if my hubby can go with the little ones. Its never too early to let them see a hero!

LetterWriter said...

Yeah apparently I can't read! haha.... We wont be in town on the 21st either :(

Anonymous said...

Come one, come all--it will be the bright spot of your week! Do something for one of our own--be there!!!!!!! Nothing more than showing up and saying "Welcome Home" is required.

Anonymous said...

its a volunteer army.

Anonymous said...

Been to a few and hope as many ppl as can attend, get there, it is feel good thing for all. Happy tear time.

That's right it is a volunteer military. All the more reason for a sincere welcome home from a grateful nation.

I was very young during the Vietnam conflict, I doubt I would have supported it, however it's a shame the way Vietnam vets were treated coming home. We can't ever let that happen again.

Anonymous said...

I would attend but I will probably be saying goodbye that evening to my own soldier/husband who will be returning to Iraq and who has been home for two weeks during a 15 month tour in Iraq.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I would attend but I will probably be saying goodbye that evening to my own soldier/husband who will be returning to Iraq and who has been home for two weeks during a 15 month tour in Iraq.

2:34 PM

Good luck to you and him, you should be so proud. Please thank him for me for serving our country. I would love to sign my name, but there is someone in the city that would retalliate against me for blogging if I did.


Anonymous said...

2:34 it sounds like you are doing your all now, please let everyone know when he returns again so we can give him a rewarding welcome home from a grateful nation. I doubt there is anyone who hasn't been affected by 9/11 or the conflicts there after.

It is a feeling that can't be described, when that bus or plane is in site and the banners are waiving and the flags are flying. Let's pray for a homecoming for all.

The original 4 Old Mall Maulers are a big part of organizing these homecomings. Yup a bunch of C.A.V.E. people and NIMBYS, not bad huh? Thanks good peoples.