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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Did O'Malley Unload His Cat Too?

Some Scumbag dropped off this almost dead, skinny, bony kitten to our home on Father's Day. I was sitting on the front porch when I heard a meow and thought, NO WAY!

The next thing I knew, Jennifer was out there calling out to this kitten like a mother would and he popped up onto the porch. I immediately went inside and got it some milk and he went to town drinking it like he seriously hadn't eaten in many days. So whomever dropped off this kitten hadn't fed it in quite some time.

Look, I'm not opposed to taking in animals if someone is desperate but to do so where the animal is almost dead, that's cruel! So whomever you are, EAT YOUR HEART OUT SCUMBAG because this animal is now healthy, playful and loving life, like he should have been treated when he was born. If there were others, I hope you know that they never made it to our front steps and that should be on your shoulders, a$$hole.

As for O'Malley, trading in your dog simply because it barks simply means you're too freakin lazy to TRAIN your animal and or HIRE someone to do it for you. So what did you do? You pushed the animal off to someone else or the animal was put down because your spoiled ass couldn't handle it or take the time to better the life of a perfectly good animal. Some pet owners flat out SUCK! In O'Malley's case, the animal is better off!


Anonymous said...

I understand completely your anger at this. My (otherwise okay)neighbors have several dogs, all of whom live on short ropes or chains, rarely if ever have an opportunity to run free. When the kids are outside playing, these poor animals bark and bark, just hoping for some of their attention. It constantly breaks my heart that these very nice animals have such a bad life. Since they appear to be in good health, there is nothing that the Humane Society can do, as I've asked. This is an ongoing situation, with no end in sight.

Anonymous said...

So sad....reminds me of people who leave their animals outside all year long and call them "pets".

Anonymous said...

Your family sounds like ours growing up. People constantly droppped off mommas and babies near our house. Guess they heard that we ALWAYS fed them and got them healthy. Some made it to new homes....most we just grew too attached to! My poor dad spent as much on the animals food as he did on us! God Bless you for rescuing these precious little lives.

Anonymous said...

Joe. I understand your venom, but is this just a feral stray that was lucky enough to survive long enough to wander for many days and ultimately ended up at your place? If you watch the Sopranos you know that even sociopaths have a soft spot for animals. I don't think (perhaps just don't want to think)that there is someone out there cruel enough to starve and neglect the poor cat for weeks, and then take time and gas money to load it into the car and drive it to you. Maybe cats can just read, and it caught your pet ten commandments article and knew you were a supportive face. I'll at least sleep better if I try to convince myself that is really the case here.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to burst your bubble, 10:10, but the cat may have been dumped nearby and made it's way to Joe's. I have called the cops more than once on animal-dumpers that I saw doing it. I was a witness at a trial where one was apprehended after throwing a plastic bag of kittens in a dumpster. I got his license number! And rescued the kittens and found them all good homes. There are a lot of scumbags out there! Sorry to bring you down, but that's life.

Anonymous said...

Some sorry mother of a raccoon dropped her baby off on the edge of our woods. That little sucker came up on the porch about 10:30 the other night and scared me to death. Not like it's something you expect to see staring up at you. If I ever catch that mother I'm going to shoot, skin and roast her sorry butt. In the mean time, I'll keep leaving food and water out for the baby to feast on in the dark of night.

Anonymous said...

There can only be something good ahead for you.
God bless you and your family.
Id do the same thing ,some people just dont understand the hurt that such small animals go through .

Anonymous said...

That's OK. After posting earlier, I got payback on Ralph Cifaretto for cooking Pie-O-My. I still want to think of the kitty as a survivor rather than a victim. I still can't get those damn ducks out of my head though.

Anonymous said...


Has anyone ever told you God loves you? You come across as you and a few against the world. You're okay. Everyone needs love.

Peace, man.

Anonymous said...

there is alot to say about a man who gets rid of his dog for barking. think of what he has done for the people of maryland. i think more of this cat of joes who i only see on the pc here than i will ever think of that govenor we have.sure he is thinking of way he can impose a stray tax or a cat shit box tax next.

Anonymous said...

If you are so cold that you would abuse animals you are the scum of the earth. I am an animal lover and take very good care of my animals. It truely breaks my heart to see people who have no compassion for these innocent animals. They were put on this earth for us to take care of. I took the dog I have right out of his own yard. I approached this house many times in hopes of talking to the owner about how this dog never had food or water and was left outside in very hot and cold weather. He is my best friend and is loving life. I couldn't leave him in those conditions anymore. Everytime I left I couldn't get him off of my mind. I could see those little eyes looking at me. I know if he could have spoken, he would have said please take me with eventually that is what I did. I did not STEAL a dog..I rescued him.