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Friday, May 30, 2008

A Letter To The Editor


Just wanted to introduce myself.

I'm originally from Salisbury, and my family still lives there. My brother works for the city and was sometimes amazed at what I would tell him about your blog, and the information on it. He's an avid reader now also.

I appreciate that I can find out whats going on there, being so far away. Thank you for your honesty and integrity, thank you for keeping the citizens informed of the mare's, and her cronies, dishonesty, and thank you for keeping your finger on the pulse of Salisbury.

We all appreciate it.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I second that! And third that! And forth that! you get the idea.
Great job Joe from another avid reader, I love this site and would feal like less a part of this town without it. Thank You Joe.
