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Thursday, April 03, 2008

The Daily Times Grapevine

Salisbury City Council

I find it very disturbing that two current City Council members -- Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen -- have each been involved in the past two years in lawsuits involving the city. In both cases, they were siding against the very city they're (not) representing. So who do they really represent -- the taxpayers or themselves?

Can't the city of Salisbury and its governmental antics (you, too, Wicomico County) settle down? Now we have yet another City Council member testifying in court against the city? Gracious. Debbie Campbell seems to be on her own personal crusade -- one that apparently is bent on giving the city more black eyes. Can't everyone just relax?

Are You Freakin Kidding Me? The Daily Times is THAT desperate that they would allow such comments? You know what Greg Basset, you really suck at what you do, seriously. And the Times complains about the Blogs?

Not for nothing Folks but back in the day when I played Pool on Tour, one of the main strategies was to always make your opponent shoot your game. In other words, if he was a really slow player, force him to pick up his speed and you've got the match won. You get my drift. As far as I'm concerned, the Daily Times is no longer playing their game and the match has been won. Hence the comments above.


Anonymous said...

Refering to the pictures in the previous post... At least they are printing the rag on the correct color paper!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sour Grapevines? The paper failed to add that a judge ruled in favor of the citizens in that lawsuit. So if you are on a city council you can't defend your rights in court?

Next stop for the paper minions, Moscow.

Anonymous said...

Somebody needs to point out that none of these cases were "suits against the City." That's the Tilghman spin on things to make it sound bad. These were administrative appeals asking the Circuit Court to look at what an administrative body did to see if their actions were proper. The City was never sued in any of the cases and neither the City nor its Attorney had to get involved, they chose to at the cost of $30,000 and $24,000 in two of the cases that we know of. This is yet another example of how well BPT is wasting our tax dollars.

Anonymous said...

The City is wasting tons of money -- well into 6 figures -- to pay Wilber to provide services free to landlords and other investors, such as "Salisbury Mall Associates", in those appeals to the Circuit Court. As noted, the City and the mall owner lost in that case, in which Ms. Cohen was involved before she ran for the City Council. Ms. Campbell was a witness, not a party, in the other case, in which she testified about a statement by that model citizen and FOB, Richard Insley.

Bassett, of course kows all this, and also that those appeals are not "suits against the city".

Anonymous said...

Everyone who gives a damn about Terry and Debbie should go to Grapevine and post rebuttals, pointing out what anon 9:31 and 11:04. Maybe if they are deluged with responses pointing out the errors in the original comment, they might, altho doubtful, correct the misinformation. Terry was one of 4, if memory serves, suing the developers, and long before she ever decided to run for Council to try to help stop the corruption of the city.

Anonymous said...

Responding electronically only helps a little bit. All those elderly voters out there who only receive the printed newspaper have no idea of the citizen input on-line or all of the many comments seeking to correct the newspapers' faulty reporting. We need people to send letters to the Editor EVERY time the newspaper prints a smear against the only two councilpeople doing their jobs. That way, it will be in print for those not privy to the discussions on-line. Just think how the public would vote if they got both sides of the story.

Anonymous said...

Folks, Anon 1:34 has it right. If you are afraid to write a letter to the editor with your name on it, then at least submit an anonymous Grapevine that will appear in the PRINT edition to counter this muck-raking.

Give these gals some support.

Anonymous said...

Good idea about sending letters to the editor. Isn't Grapevine published in the print version as well as on-line? Since I don't pay for the bird-cage liner, I don't know.

Anonymous said...

The idea is to reach the folks who only see the print version -- still quite a few -- and they tend to believe what they read in the Daily Slime (sad, but true), so it is essential to get send responses to the rag in the hope of getting at least some of the truth to the readers mentioned above.

Anonymous said...

Well, I do believe those comments in the grapevine column were done by FOB's who are not interested in good government, only appeasing the mayors wishes. Probably "no nuts" was one of the writers or perhaps both!

A. Goetz