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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

G.A. Harrison Is Back!

One of the pleasant surprises SBYNEWS.COM will be offering this year is a partnership with G.A. Harrison from Delmarva Dealings. G.A. has chosen to join forces with Salisbury News creating a larger network on one location. The convenience will be, he won't be pressured into creating articles every day and he won't be tied down to a particular time.

So welcome back G.A. and to all the readers who visit this Site, enjoy what 2008 will deliver.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back GA.

Take a look at Barrie's proposed "CIP", please. It's at

Anonymous said...

I hope GA is allowed to have some input on the overall content of this blog, and is able to talk you out of some of the stupid tangents you go on. You uncover some good stuff sometimes, but it is tainted by you vendettas against innocent people.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back, G.A.--we've really, really missed you! Can't wait to hear your opinion on things!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, is this a great new year's

All we need is a moderate Democrat that will provide the fulcrum for this awsome pair.

Anonymous said...

That is good news and GA will be a nice calming addition to what does get a bit heavy at times. Can't wait to hear what he has to say about several things, like the audit!

A. Goetz

Anonymous said...

I would call this great combo the "Dynamic Duo" for sure. G.A. has such an analytical mind on political issues--Barrie should be very scared ad these two start shining the light of Truth!! City spin will not cut it any more.

Anonymous said...


G.A. is AWESOME (and fair) at vivisection of Salisbury and Wicomico politics. You've got the audience, he's got the power pen.

Good work, you two. Take on and take out the evil stranglehold on our city!

Tim Chaney said...

Glad to hear that. It really was no surprise to me that he stepped back, he has in the past after elections. Everyone needs a break sometimes, if nothing else just to unwind and come back fresh.

But just in time for election knowledge he'll busting out articles I bet, and I'm sure when the time comes he'll be hard at it, sounds like a good merger. Best wishes good folks!

Anonymous said...

Joe, Your blog would be a much better read if you left all of the B/S vendetta crap out of it. Such as all of the FD crap. It's used up. Move on. We're all tired of seeing the stupid comments.

joe albero said...


I agree. We're now into 2008 and if you haven't noticed, that's exactly what we're doing. Now if you're going to ask me to say nothing at all about the Fire Fighters when topics come up, you're out of line.

Anonymous said...

Also suggest dropping the "police beat" posts -- or limiting them to short summary pieces and links to the press release material issued by the Sheriff and SPD for those who just have to know.

And please ditch those "cuff 'em & stuff 'em" shots. I used to watch Dragnet, Hawaii 50 and Kojak, too.

joe albero said...

Might I suggest you start your own Blog. If you don't like those posts, don't read them. Do you read the Daily Times from front cover to back? I didn't think so.

Didn't I divorce you many years ago?

Anonymous said...

Joe, I wasn't implying that you ditch the FD posts alltogether. If they're wrong they're wrong. Simple as that. What I am saying is, most of the FD stuff appears to be plain B/S. It's tiresome. If you would knock some of the crap off, people would take you more seriously, that's all I am saying. Thank you.

joe albero said...


Are you suggesting my last Post about the sunken Fire Boat wasn't a worthy Post?

Anonymous said...

I appreciate the police posts. It's a good public service. You don't like them keep scrolling. Who besides poor Joe isn't on high speed? If he can find time to post them on his slow connection, you can find time to scroll past.

Anonymous said...

Lighten up, Joe.

Some folks don't even read the Daily Times at all because it's mostly junk stuff, and we hope that won't happen on your blog but are concerned about increasing police and fire department stuff of a routine nature, over and over again. Sure, a sunk fire boat and big drug bust warrant coverage, but not DUI arrests (and photos of same) and other events of no real import.

Joining up with GA Harrison presents an opportunity to go to the next level -- please leave most of the police and fire stuff behind.

Chimera said...

Welcome back GA!You and Joe just keep on taking on the hot topics and I will stick to the fluff like movies,tv,and other oddball if you guys start a news agency of your own,gimme a damn job!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Joe, where did I suggest the fireboat thread was B/S? Nowhere did I single out any. I just think of the crap that I have seen isn't so much news or even opinion but total hearsay. What happended to the NAACP investigation into the FD discrimination or so-called discrimination matter. You post that stuff as if it's fact and then, BOOM! nothing more. That's the kind of B/S crap I was referring to. I have to agree, who docks a boat without a working bilge pump? Certainly not any responsible boater that I know. So kudos to you for posting that. That wasn't B/S in my opinion. Some of the other FD stuff. Total crap used to incite these guys/gals.

Anyway, thanks for not name calling me out on this and for posting some reasonable messages.


joe albero said...

"What happended to the NAACP investigation into the FD discrimination or so-called discrimination matter."

Why do you think this should come together and happen overnight? Patience, all in due time. There's no denying LC has been called the "N" Word by other Salisbury Fire Fighters. If that is NOT true, then LC lied to me personally as well as other Fire Fighters. Therefore, it's true.

Like it or not, the City is in deep shit and they'll probably do anything to make this one go away.