As I stood in my front driveway saying goodbye to one of my Son's, the sounds of sirens got closer and closer until I watched the Hebron Fire Department come by, obviously in a hurry for a fire. I decided to pack my Grandson into the car and go to the scene, all the way in Downtown Delmar. Another Fire Truck came racing up behind us on Rt. 54 on the way and when I came to East Main Street I could see this was a house fire with what seemed like 20 Fire Vehicles there and that's no exaggeration.
At least one Salisbury Fire Departments were there, Hebron and Delmar. The fire was within 1/4 of a mile from the Delmar Fire Station and this is the same street an elderly man was murdered on in his own home earlier this summer and also the same street that huge tree fell over and onto that mini van.
Anyhow. I'M NOT trying to knock these Fire Departments but one does have to question so many on the scene for one fire? Oh well, I'm sure I'll get knocked for saying so but Hebron coming all that way for a house fire seemed to be an extreme, including Salisbury.
All that being said, the idea of building a $10,000,000.00 Fire Station on the West side of Salisbury still begs the question, will ANYTHING ever be good enough or will they still travel from all over the place just to put out fires because these guys are bored?
Bring it on, blast away.
You have alot of good comments on problems with spending in the SFD, but you as well as most other citizens cross the line placing a negative cast on the fire department for the amount of response on incidents. Alot of this comes automatically from the 911 center based on standard assisgnments. All the 911 center has is the report of a house fire and dispatches the standard equipment for that fire. Understand that there are standards as to the number of firefighters needed on a scene and what seems like a mass amount of equipment may bring only 20 or 30 firfighters. Keep up the good work , but ask some questions and get some infomation before you do harm to hard working individuals doing a thankless job for free. We all need to say Thank You in life much more than we do!!
Come on Joe,
You are stretching it to get some post started. If MY house was on fire, I would want every firetruck within 100 miles there. You know how close those houses are to each other on that street. If it were not contained quickly, it could wipe out an entire block. I would like to send out an open invitation to every fire company and every fireman on the shore to come to my house, if it catches fire. Delaware included.
Ron Thomas
Perhaps YOU needed to be there. The entire street was loaded with Fire Trucks and other vehicles, INCLUDING Gordy's Crown Victoria and his shoes sitting on the sidewalk. It's not that I don't appreciate what these men and women do, I do. I just personally believe you go way overboard. This is not the Bronx or Manhattan. Like I said, Delmar Fire Department was 1/4 of a mile away. It's overkill, period.
Don't think most people watching these guys racing down Rt. 54 and it says Hebron on the side of the trucks that people aren't thinking, what the hell are they doing way out here?
IF the local Fire Department can't handle something like a house fire, someone's not managing their company properly. Argue all you want with me, I was there and I saw how many people were there.
You would have thought and entire Industrial Park was on fire, that's all.
Just goes to show that you still know NOTHING about how fire department operations are run!! Stick to reporting the facts, you do a much better job!!
It's standard for 3 dept's to be deployed for a structure fire. Keep in mind fighting fires is hot work, and crews inside have to be rotated frequently. You wouldn't think it was too big a response if it were your house.
Oh come on! I could see if it was a California fire spreading from one home to the next with Santa Anna Winds but for the taxpayers to spend all that money every time there's a fire and heading 10 to 15 miles away each time, it's overkill, period. Oh, Delmar, this is Hebron, we're on our way to hold your hands. The Game wasn't that good anyway, so we'll be there.
I could also see the Chief in charge calling out at a later point saying it's too much for them to handle but 3 Stations no matter what?
Do you require 3 Police Departments every time there's a chase? Yeah, I can see it now, NOT. Uh, yeah, this is Sheriff Mike Lewis. One of my guys is on a chase and I need the Delmar Police, Salisbury Police and the State Police to get involved because OUR guys are not qualified. I DON'T THINK SO!
By the way, 2 Hebron Fire Trucks just drove by my home on their way back. 2 OF THEM! UNBELIEVABLE!
I personally think you guys aren't properly regulated and you get a thrill out of this bullshit. There, I'm sticking to the facts, better?
Your lost joe. You prove everyone's point when you open your mouth!
You know nothing about the fire service!
I should add, racing 70 mph down Rt. 54 from Hebron just to be a back up for a fire, again, bullshit! These guys just won't learn their lesson. OVERKILL!
I'm also glad I was heading in the SAME direction as Hebron and NOT the opposite direction, if'n you know what I mean?
I suggest you take some of that money you are so apt to talk about and take Firefighter I. Classes start in January. Once you have been through it, then you can come back here and have an educated discussion, untill then, you shouldnt talk about something you obviously know nothing about.
If you want to sign up for a class, here is the website
Perhaps you should take some of my business classes instead? You see, I retired at 40 years old and you think I should change careers?
Any SMART business person would realize YOU'RE LOSING MONEY AT WHAT YOU DO. I stand corrected, the Taxpayers are losing money allowing you guys to play Fire Men.
A group of you decided you're so important that you made this a regulation, stupid. You need to get a life and stop this bullshit where every fire is that important. It's OVERKILL, period.
But then again, who ever challenged an organization like yours? No One! Things are about to change.
Your way wrong on this one. You generally do good research, so research how the system works. You will understand it.
Fire is a wild creature. These scenes can quickly turn into horrible tragedies. They can also quickly spiral out of control. And has already been said, not every FF is a twenty something athlete.
Lastly, Murphy's law says there will be another call nearby... sometimes it's all about moving resources around for the best coverage.
Are there issues to be discussed, yes. and when the county gets a fire director(as has been discussed), they will be.
i'd like to meet 1 homeowner whos says, jesus wish you hadn't sent so many people to fight my fire
The WHY multiple vehicle from Hebron IF there's high odds of another fire breaking out elsewhere?
I could see ONE vehicle but they had chase vehicles there too, not just the two HUGE Fire Trucks.
I'll add, YOU COULDN'T GET ANY ADDITIONAL VEHICLES NEAR THAT FIR ANYWAY! It's a one way road and if it's not, it should be. Those vehicles are so huge, you couldn't even rearrange them if you wanted to.
You're going to get an arguement out of me over this one because it was OVERKILL no matter what anyone say. I am one man standing up to at least three Fire Departments and we're talking about people that DROP EVERYTHING to leave their spouse and children because fires are more important, every time the pager goes off!
That's your choice and I thank God there are many like you. However, someone needs to get some control over 20 vehicles being at one fire. It's bullshit no matter what you say.
"i'd like to meet 1 homeowner whos says, jesus wish you hadn't sent so many people to fight my fire "
I don't know who you are but IMO, you're an a$$hole. Now you bring Jesus into it and others throw out fear. Pitiful, very pitiful.
It is procedure to send a 3 company response to any house fire no matter what and it so happens they were the 3 closest stations to that location. That is not the FD's decision! It's what the 911 center does and they just listen, sorry it doesn't please you but it gets the job done. If delmar didn't need the other 2 stations they would have cancelled them but didn't. And they do rotate out crews and people at hydrants because believe it or not fighting house fires is tiring! For example...this morning Fruitland had a house fire and st 16 was next due and command requested Allen to respond as well as 2 specific pieces from st 16 and 2. Command also request st 1 to standby at st 3 because they knew they'd be a while at the fire; my point is command knows what they need that's why there's a 3 company response to get the job done. They only cancel responses if there's nothing to the fire. Just for you FYI.
i would rather be an asshole with a bunch of firefighters on scene with a saved house, rather than an idiot with nothing but rubble left.
Wow Joe easy with the horrible grammar on your 6:52 post geez!!
Here's the difference between you and I.
NOW, as far as the house still standing? IF my home was that out of control that three fire stations needed to come in. let the SOB burn to the ground and let my G Damn Insurance pay to rebuild it, rather than live in a Hotel for months while some Idiot tries to repair major damage.
I would also rather see each and every Fire Fighter safe and alive, not having to risk their life because of a material item.
Yeah, sorry about that. I was a bit excited, can you tell? LOL
Yeah, I thought that might shut everyone up.
Were there like 35-40 firefighters there? It looked like a swarm in picture #2.
More than that.
All that does is prove you have absolutely no clue what the hell you are talking about, so you resort to an incident that took place in another town with a different type of call, with a different response.
YOU just make sure when YOUR house is on FIRE, that YOU tell 911 that you only want a SINGLE station response.
Ill bet money when that time comes, you will want every peice of fire equipment in the county on the way.
There one hell of a perception difference when its someone elses stuff burning.
And you can talk all the crap you want about it, joe, but I've seen how you are.
I wish you had stepped in front of me at the fire asshole.....but i did see you had your little shield with you around all those big bad fireman. Fucking loser...oh and by the way you need to learn how to count..There were exactly 11 pieces of equipment there. If you wanna a specific list i will give it to you..And dont throw the " i was there you were not" bullshit on me. I was there fighting the fire.
Anonymous said...
It's standard for 3 dept's to be deployed for a structure fire. Keep in mind fighting fires is hot work, and crews inside have to be rotated frequently. You wouldn't think it was too big a response if it were your house.
It may be a standard response to "deploy" three stations, but that doesn't mean you have to empty all three stations. The hillbillies in the county who make these decisions need to research real box alarms.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. MY valuables are licked up in a massive Fire Proof Safe.
The rest of everything I own can burn, melt or whatever, I pay for damn good insurance and it can be replaced.
I know what I'm talking about and you guys simply make bullshit excuses of why it's so important ALL of you show up for a good fire.
One Station is good enough for me, I live in DELMAR!
One Station is good enough for me, I live in DELMAR!
7:46 PM
Aren't you affraid Wayne might show up and scare your Son?
WatchfulEye said...
Were there like 35-40 firefighters there? It looked like a swarm in picture #2.
7:27 PM
And there were a bunch of "Fire Police" there as well from Delmar and Hebron. WTF are they good for. These fire departments need to be regulated by a countywide fire department instead of a bunch of freelancers riding as fast as the can in their nice parade fire trucks.
Joe, thanks for bringing this to our attention. As a retired firefighter from the city I can tell you this would never happen across the bridge.
Anonymous, thank you for the Fire Truck head count. However, I said chase vehicles as well. Now you just convinced me there were more than 20 vehicles there. Idiot.
As for my shield, my Wife happens to be in North Carolina and I've been watching my Grandson for the past 5 days. Unlike you never visiting your children, deadbeat. I'm also trying to show him ALL Fire Men aren't ALL bad. You, on the other hand, need professional help.
Since you are sooo woried about everyones exspences why dont you ask Pocomoke why they have a police car sitting in a driveway in Millville DE? Thats a hell of a ride.
Joe, I hate to bust on you here, but this is somewhat personal. I got a call a little while ago and found out that this was a church member's home. What I was told is that the first floor is gone and they were not at home, and I thank God for that.
In addition, I've been in a somewhat similar situation. We were ran out of our home at 3:30 in the morning by a fire at our neighbor's home. We were told to leave because of the potential risk to our home. They lost everything and we had something around $15,000 worth of damage to our home. The wind was blowing ashes right over top our home. My fence was right up against theirs and for a little while it looked like it would be a wick lighting my own home on fire. I was greatly relieved to see the Laurel Fire Dept. show up in addition to 6 other companies. Was I glad to see others come? You had better believe it. We are also on a small street but the risk to other homes was also present. I would assume having the extra companies there minimized the damage to any other property. If you'd like to see some pictures they are over on the Laurel FD's site here.
And a side note, on a whim I came to your site to see if you had any information on the fire. Yes, your site. Thanks for getting the pictures up there. I'm just disappointed, no really disappointed that you used the occasion of their loss to beat on the issue of multiple companies coming to one structure fire.
And there were a bunch of "Fire Police" there as well from Delmar and Hebron. WTF are they good for. These fire departments need to be regulated by a countywide fire department instead of a bunch of freelancers riding as fast as the can in their nice parade fire trucks.
Joe, thanks for bringing this to our attention. As a retired firefighter from the city I can tell you this would never happen across the bridge.
7:51 PM
Spoken like a true union idiot.
Thanks for coming by and I'm sorry you had such a bad experience.
Our opinions differ, that's OK, I believe. As I am greatful the people in this home were fine, life has a way of throwing us shit bombs every so often.
Now I want you to think about this. What kind of person do you think I am? Am I thr type of guy that sees something like this and ignores the outcome? Or am I the kind of guy that would step in and help these families, (PRIVATELY) if they were in such need?
My Post is justified and what I do on the other end is my personal business, respectfully.
Thanks for coming by.
I believe there is a phone number for Wicomico Central. They will have the equipment run down and they total number of staffing. 20 vehicles is a little fetched. 50 firefighters is probally right. I was there watching like you were, it seemed as everyone was doing there job. Not trying to fight with you, you have your right to your opinion and I have a right not to agree with it.
Now that's a man. Thank you for your opinion. Again, the 20 vehicles included chase vehicles. Perhaps I'm stating that wrong? Vehicles that didn't make the Fire Truck, so they used their own.
Joe, after our conversations via email and reading some of the posts on the site, I think you are the kind of person that would step in and help someone in need.
This is your blog, and you decide what's posted and how news is covered, just the same as any other blogger. That's your right and choice, just the same as on my own blog.
I don't know of any needs the family has. I was told they have a place to stay tonight. If anyone thinks they would like to offer help to them, drop me an email (it's on my profile) and I'll pass that along to those that would know. Thanks in advance for any prayers and help extended.
A picture says a thousand words. But the ones that were not taken say much more.
Joe...I'm with you on this. These unsupervised renegade firefighters are completely out of control. As soon as they hear "structure fire" they ALL try to get there. Not in the interest of saving anyones property or life but rather they treat it as an "event". If they are there, they can talk on and on about it and try to impress their friends and family. Trust me, I used to volunteer but the political bullshit was way too much to take. They all try to make themselves more important than they are. For anyone from Salisbury or Hebron to say they are "trying to save lives" is complete and utter bullshit. By the time they arrived on scene it would be way too late. This brings me to my next point. To all of you firefighters who come on here and read this, I am sick and tired of hearing about how you "save lives". Is there the possibility that you MAY save someones life? Certainly. However, when was the last time you or your department ACTUALLY saved someones life? I know the EMS and Paramedics do it ALL the time. However, as a firefighter, I would venture to say that you have NEVER saved someones life from a fire. I personally know of a couple of instances and know the people involved. But, if you check the facts, more people die in fire than are actually saved by firefighters. Most are saved by neighbors, police or other citizens. This constant talking about "saving lives" has to stop. It is nothing more than scare tactics to intimidate the uninformed. Most of your work is salvage and search and recovery. Not RESCUE. Like I said, EMS is different. I am talking about actual FIRE response. Tell me, when was the last time you actually SAVED A LIFE. You can have all the retarded t-shirts you want printed with ridiculous phrases like "I go where you fear" or "Firefighters save lives" It's just not true and people need to be informed. I WAS a firefighter so I speak from experience. I know it was all about the thrill of riding in the engine, fighting the fire and being part of the event. If not, why do so many people disappear when it's time to clean the equipment, roll hose or put everything back in service? Why do you have to fight to get people to training or meetings. Because they have no interest in that part...they just want the thrill. Unfortunately, that is the part that put innocent citizens at risk.
Let's see Joe...two family pets were saved from Salisbury units..a dog and a cat. If it had been any longer all the pets would have perished. Granted some of the pets weren't so lucky but if this family had children at least they still have a few pets thanks to us. Get a life Joe you have lost this battle for sure! You come up to the fireground (hiding if I may add) because your scared someone might wip dat ass. I'd like to see your cigar smoking skinny ass get up in there with all that gear on and do what we do. I would put money on the fact that you wouldn't last FIVE minutes! Don't knock it before you try it. Everyone of those firefighters were used and needed. No overkill anywhere. And the fact the homeowner has insurance is ignorant...what about the surrounding homes and exposures. What if the other houses caught on fire? Then what? Let them all burn because OH they have insurance no problem. Insurance can't replace sentimental items..photos..etc. Grow up Joe.
Another pansy Fire Fighter using Big Words, yet No Name.
Hiding, me? I think not. I believe you can easily tell by the 54 photos I took of this fire, I was everywhere. Now granted, I wasn't wearing a Fire Jacket like Wayne and the rest of the crew there but I think I did a good job covering the event.
Now let's see, did any other Blogs cover it? Nope! Yet you want ti kick my ass, tough guy? If there's one thing I'm grateful for it's the fact that you saved the animals. Nice work. Perhaps you could wear a pink outfit the next time so I won't have to know your name but I'll know who you are?
As for the Insurance and other homes catching on fire. YOUR Homeowners Insurance covers their homes too. As a matter of fact, if you're even on a Golf Course and you hit a ball into someone's windshield, your Homeowners Insurance covers it.
Finally, I stated very clearly my most valuable possessions are locked up in a fire proof safe. The more valuable items are trusted in a safety deposit box.
I was speaking for myself, NOT anyone else. To try to make it look like I have no heart towards anyone else is exactly my point about many of you Fire Fighters. You can be immature Idiots at times and try to throw cheap shots at the real men of the world.
I'll have a post up tomorrow that will show you what a real man is all about, ME! Now don't go getting bored and start a fire on an old barn or something, OK?
A 3 department is SOP for a house fire. If you disagree with this, I suggest you get your Doctorate in Fire Science and a job with the NFPA, and work on changing their recommendations. You are absolutely right in that there is intentional overkill built into the response. In fact, one unit is supposed to be a "standby unit" that is there, ready and waiting, just in case something goes wrong. This is how it should be. Until someone invents real world Star Trek transporters that can beam people and equipment directly to fireground in no time flat, this is the way to do things. You get assets coming from a distance in motion JUST IN CASE you need them. There are so many things that can go wrong. For instance, these houses are packed like sardines in this area. What if the a house next door catches fire, and suddenly you have 2 structure fires? What if there is a structural collapse, and your entire inside crew is trapped in the basement, under the rubble? Are you going to call and wait for firefighters from Hebron to help then? Guess what? All those firefighters will be dead by the time they get there. This level of response is not something Chief Gordy or See or Delmar's Chiefs dreamed up. It is part of a NATIONAL STANDARD that fire officers and other emergency personnel go to school to learn. It ensures the safety of emergency personnel as much as possible, and they are to abide these guidelines when managing a fire.
49 firefighters were there and idk how many units and they did their job quickly and thoroughly no matter how many units or people there were..end of story. and saved 2 animals :) so back off
Well here's a newflash for you Joe- some people dont have the money to spend on fire proof safes and safety deposit boxes.
At the risk of being told to shut the F up,since Joe mentioned insurance,I wanted to bring something up that is very important and often overlooked until someone loses everything in a house fire.
Homeowners insurance is for people who own their homes but I hear alot of people who rent comment"Oh,Im not worried about renters insurance because my landlord has insurance"That is WRONG!The landlords insurance ONLY covers his losses,i.e. the structure-NOT the tenants personal property!Alot of people think renters insurance is too expensive but it really isnt when you compare it to the cost of replacing everything you own if it is stolen or destroyed by fire.Clothes,furniture,electronics,jewelry-think of how much it would cost to replace.Renters insurance,on average,is about 120-200 bucks a year,depending on the value of the insured contents.Just wanted to get that out while we are discussing fire and insurance.
anonymous 9:13 said.....
"What if the a house next door catches fire, and suddenly you have 2 structure fires? What if there is a structural collapse, and your entire inside crew is trapped in the basement, under the rubble? Are you going to call and wait for firefighters from Hebron to help then?"
First of all, WTF would you have Fire Fighters in the basement while the house is still HOT? No, I'm not a Fireman but let me tell you something Idiot, your example is about the most retarded thing I've ever seen. The home is burning to such a degree that it's located very close to another home and you'd take the risk of sending people down in the basement?????
Then it catches the other home next door on firs SO FAST that the guys in the basement can't get out? WTF, Idiot!
Even if you're setting TWO examples here and the house is structurally unsound, WTF, are YOU going to send your people in? You let the SOB burn to the F/N ground, you Idiot! Save WHAT at that point, STUPID? The home is structurally screwed anyway, you want to risk a LIFE, FOR WHAT?
I've had enough of you stupid retards with your BS excuses. However, I need to say this first. DELMAR IS A HUGE FIRE DEPARTMENT capable of taking care of themselves professionally. The DFD probably could have parked in their front driveway and shot a string of water all the way to this house, that's how close it was to the Station. I don't give a flying shit what you guys say, they could have easily taken care of this fire on their own. Like it or not, you people are Fire Freaks.
WAYNE BARRALL, stay the hell off my Blog. I will NOT promote your Site. Never havem never will.
you do not know what it takes to put a fire out. you stick to the bs reporting and we will stick to the firefighting
Joe, there were men in the basement of this house, fighting fire, It is dangerous but it needed to be done to put the fire out. If you just stood back and let the place burn to the ground, it would catch the adjacent structures on fire, and so on.
It amazes me how you can sit back and talk like youre some firefighting expert, when you know absolutely nothing about what you are talking about.
Anonymous said...
And there were a bunch of "Fire Police" there as well from Delmar and Hebron. WTF are they good for. These fire departments need to be regulated by a countywide fire department instead of a bunch of freelancers riding as fast as the can in their nice parade fire trucks.
Joe, thanks for bringing this to our attention. As a retired firefighter from the city I can tell you this would never happen across the bridge.
7:51 PM
Spoken like a true union idiot.
8:04 PM
Now what makes you think the commenter was a member of a Union?? TICK!!!
And you are a fucking retard...Ever heard of a flashover? how about a backdraft? and no i am not talking about the movie. Joe you are clueless and will be eaten alive by people about your rants and raves from the fire service. Things can go wrong very quickly in a house fire. Flashovers are one of the deadliest things to happen in a fire and each year alot of fireman die from them. As far as going into a basement when the fire is above them , happens all the time. If the fire is in the basement, you gotta put it out to stop the fire on the first floor and so on. Bottom line is this. You really dont have a clue about the fire service, so just stop with the fire stuff. Your clueless....
Anonymous said...
A 3 department is SOP for a house fire. If you disagree with this, I suggest you get your Doctorate in Fire Science and a job with the NFPA, and work on changing their recommendations. You are absolutely right in that there is intentional overkill built into the response. In fact, one unit is supposed to be a "standby unit" that is there, ready and waiting, just in case something goes wrong. This is how it should be. Until someone invents real world Star Trek transporters that can beam people and equipment directly to fireground in no time flat, this is the way to do things. You get assets coming from a distance in motion JUST IN CASE you need them. There are so many things that can go wrong. For instance, these houses are packed like sardines in this area. What if the a house next door catches fire, and suddenly you have 2 structure fires? What if there is a structural collapse, and your entire inside crew is trapped in the basement, under the rubble? Are you going to call and wait for firefighters from Hebron to help then? Guess what? All those firefighters will be dead by the time they get there. This level of response is not something Chief Gordy or See or Delmar's Chiefs dreamed up. It is part of a NATIONAL STANDARD that fire officers and other emergency personnel go to school to learn. It ensures the safety of emergency personnel as much as possible, and they are to abide these guidelines when managing a fire.
9:13 PM
Cite your facts idiot!! First of all I don't think you can prove there is such a thing as a Doctorate in Fire Science. Prove it!!
And another thing I love all these "what ifs." What if my house caught on fire tonite? I think you idiots ought to be parked outside my front door just in case because this level of response is something cheefy see and gordy dreamed up. You guys try your best to spout lies and scare tactics just to justify your joy riding thrill on the fire trucks.
Get a life and a real job.
Anonymous said...
you do not know what it takes to put a fire out. you stick to the bs reporting and we will stick to the firefighting
9:35 PM
Ummm,,, You put wate on the fire!!!! Duh, you stupid idiot it isn't rocket science. You rednecks need to quit watching Backdraft and sporting those FDNY t-shirts. Hey ladies and gentleman anytime you see someone wearing an FDNY, Boston FD or Washington DC FD t-shirt you will be able to recognize one of these wannabe firman rednecks posting on Sbynews.com. Yep, the rednecks on here that threaten you and other citizens. Yep, the rednecks that shouldn't have dropped out of school so they could hang around the firehouse and ride the big red firetrucks and blow that big bad siren. OOOHHH, I bet they get a woody thinking about.
I fight what you fear!!! ROTFLMAO
Anonymous said...
9:44 PM
Look redneck the NFPA doesn't hand down SOP's. SOP's are created by your individual department. Go back to high school and try to finish your education. You may be able to get a real job after that.
Well if you are still young enough and living with mommy you can continue to sleep over at the firehouse and play drop the soap in the shower with your buddies.
To the firefighters that tried to explain, thank you. To the firefighters that chose to rant, rave and do the name calling thing yet again, please stop, it serves no purpose whatsoever. To Joe, thanks for the photos and the info, doesn't matter who is wrong or right since we have both sides, yours and the firefighters we can all come to a conclusion of our choosing.
Totmom, you are absolutely correct about renters insurance. It cost less than a pack of cigarettes (major cause of fires) per day to insure your personal belongings. Actually, it is less than a buck a day to insure your possessions. My sister pays $29 a month for $150K renters insurance. She does receive a discount due to her multi car policy. Small price to pay for piece of mind.
And you all wonder why insurance is so high? Take a guess who insurance companies call right when someone opens a new homeowners policy??......you guessed it , the fire department. To find out how much equipment the station has, what other companies will come and what they will bring and the closet water source available...You guys are off your rocker thinking its overkill.
anonymouse 10:52,
You are so FULL OF SHIT! I mean, PLEASE! Like LOCAL Homeowner Insurance Companies don't know what's what in their communities.
SOME of you Fire Fighters think you are so damn important! I live in the boonies of Delmar. Do YOU think they called the Delmar Fire Department to check out their good when they signed me up? I think not.
OH, BUY US SOME MORE SHIT SO "YOUR" RATES WILL GO DOWN. UP YOURS! You guys should get jobs as Used Car Salesmen.
Anonymous said...
9:44 PM
Dear God, if you don't calm yourself, you are going to have a heart attack, or at least raise your blood pressure. Go have a couple of beers at the Greene Turtle, or tuck yourself into bed.
Thanks, anon 1013, for being the voice of reason in a "heated" argument.
Totmom, my husband and I have renter's insurance, and right before we got married, he "upped" his coverage in anticipation of me moving in. The only thing that is additionally insured is my wedding rings, as they were expensive at the time we got engaged 3 years ago, and at last appraisal had doubled in value.
For those who don't have renter's insurance, it is cheap for a lot of coverage, and well worth it, especially if you live in a building with smokers.
Joe, in reference to your 10:59PM comment....YES, your insurance company did "contact" the fire department when they insured your house. Insurance companies use an "ISO" rating system for fire insurance on both private and business establishments. This ISO rating is updated annually. And, yes, it is based on many factors, including....distance to the nearest fire station, distance to the nearest public or private water source, is the station manned or by alert response, what kinds of equipment do they maintain, is there and what is that mutual aid response(or multiple dispatch response), etc, etc.
And I must also say to the fellow that retired from a dept across the bay, his memory is failing. I did my EMS internship "across the bay" and in a full countywide system, I responded in the EMS unit to many reported houses fires that ended up being minor fires but with a response of 3-4 engines, 2 squads, at least 1 ladder, tenders, and a host of chiefs and officer vehicles. It's just that they all had the same name on the doors even though they were dispatched from 3, 4, 5, or more stations. We do the same thing in EMS; the response is based on the caller's report...I may be dispatched along with an engine, a rescue, a chief, and possible even a 2nd ambulance, depending on the nature of the initial report. Then, it is encumbent on me to update and adjust the response as I get more info and assess the situation.
Please don't whip the response. It took us years of work to get needed equipment headed our way to assist if needed. I don't want to see this change. Perhaps the change needs to be a quicker and smarter and ongoing re-assessment of the needs at the scene.
Thanks, just my thoughts.
Common sense says I should stay out of this, but sometimes I'm not so bright in that respect. I was there in the middle of things, and this Monday morning quarterbacking being posted here is bordering on the ubsurd. Let's take a look at what we really here and what my rookie opinion is, and if it gets published.
Older home, working structure fire with major involvement upon arrival. Fire extinguished with house still in tact, but with major damage, probably totaled. No known damage to adjacent structures, even though they were in close proximity. No firefighters or civilians injured. 2 LIVES SAVED- one canine, one feline- so you know our efforts were appreciated. Salisbury and Hebron assisting, with their manpower involved considerably in interior and exterior operations. SFD A/Chief Gordy was apparently in the area and was early to the scene, and helped with initial assessment, and later accountability. Thank you, Chief.
So, we got the wet stuff on the red stuff and saved what we could of the main structure, 2 beloved family pets survived a very close brush with death, the adjacent homes suffered no known damage, and the all the firefighters got the job done without personal injury. That, Joe, is nothing less than a AWESOME JOB WELL DONE BY ALL. Thank you Hebron and Salisbury for your help. Joe may not think we need it, but at times we do. We, as always, have your back in turn when you need our help. Even if it all the way over on the other side of the world in the metropilis of Hebron. That's what it all about, isn't it? Getter done and get home safe!
With all due respect, I do have a question for you, Joe. I was there, in the middle of this. I'm even in a couple of your pix. You were obviously there too, but I have no idea of for how long. If understand you correctly, you think we had too much equipment/people there. Specifically, who could we have comfortably done without? Every crew there was working at some point in the incident. Hebron and Salisbury did a great job working with us thru a deeply involved interior. Thank you, guys.
Oh. and yes, we were in the basement when the fire was still hot. Cause that's where the red stuff was.
Joe you should get a lower rate considering you have a pond right there at the house. You might want to check into that.
Mr. Albero, respectfully, you have not a clue regarding homeowners insurance and how your rates are directly tied to what your local fire department can provide regarding suppresion. There happens to be an outfit called ISO. Communities who have a lower ISO rating get better homeowners insurance rates. How do they now? Because they check to see what type of apparatus is available to mitigate a fire. Do some of your investigative reporting and find out if you don't believe me. And no I am NOT a firefighter, so you can bag that angle.
Joe i only wis wayne had kicked your ass....Its what so many of us would love to do...you such a one-sided pyscho-path...drop dead you fucking loser.
Mr. Albero, tell me how is the weather in never never land. You are a complete idiot. You run your mouth about things you have no clue about. For staters 3 stations are due anywhere in this county on any type of structure fire. so dont go there. 2 there were not 20 fire department vehichles there. See I was there to and could actually see things first hand. I will cut you some slack cause I'm sure the tree or bush you wrer cowarding behind hindered your view of things. 3, grow some balls! All you do is run your mouth on the net. Try saying something to these firefighters faces that you bash on a daily basis and see what you get, or take a walk in their shoes and maybe you can learn how hard the job is and how things work.4 ,Your actuall, going to down grade me as a Vol firefighter/EMT because i respond to the fire or ems call when the pager goes off no matter what the time. You better thank god there are people like me that do this. Exspecially with the path your going down. Joe your going to keep on and your going to get yourself hurt man. Don't take this as a threat cause thats not the case just trying to give some friendly advise. Don't Bash the people that are going to be the ones you call for help. As for your fireproof safe congrats you have one. Some people can't afford things like that. Did this ever cross your mind? What about pictures that people have of lost loved ones or other special things that have had handed down from their family members. That ever cross your mind? Our jobs as firefighters is to save life, property, and the enviorment. Yeah the was life saved on this fire by the engine crew from salisbury and yeah property was saved by all crews working on this inncident. The things in that house may have been all those people had. It's very sad and shows how low you are to use one of your neighbors as a chance to bash people in the fire service for doing there job and helping someone in the community. You may not give two shits about your stuff in your house but other people do. oh one last thing on the three companys responding to structure fires. The NFPA is a national standerd of whow to handle inccidents in the fire service and other things. The standerd is something that all fire departments go by. That standerd tells you how many people you should have on a fire along with how much and what kind of vehicles need to be there to. Yeah there were alot of people there but maybe you didin't notice from behind the tree or bush that everyone was working on that inccident. Take a firefighter 1 one classs as previousely suggested and you would learn how many things need to be done on a fire. Untill then do the world a favor and shut the hell up. And try reporting the facts for aa change not your opioions. You clam to be a news oriented web site. try reporting it.
Another pussy Fire Fighter with no name.
Joe would look good in a set of turnouts with fire rolling over his head...Bet he wouldnt call me a pussy..I would burn his ears off..Talk all the shit you want Joe. Everyone knows your a pussy, coward and heartless son of a bitch. When you and i cross paths i promise the outcome will be quite pleasent... WELL FOR ME ANYHOW....ROTHFLMAO or whatever bullshit you use. get bent asshole.
ANON 10:03 - it's not wicomico emergency management dumby it's wicomico emergency services dept aka central emergency management is a completely different dept in charge of large incidents such as hazmat and high patient accidents. and I know central doesn't decide but THEY have the SOPS and THEY do the dispatch...I was stating that fact so Joe didn't think salisbury and hebron just went to delmar for the hell or fun of it. God some people are dumb.
You guys need to grow up and get over yourselves. The idea of this Post was to clearly show you Boys are having way too much fun drive at high rates of speed to get to fires from other jurisdictions, as if you're going to be there to put the fire out.
One woman was already killed because of such bullshit, it needs to end. Many say, how many people have to be killed before they put a light in? Well, how many people have to be killed by such stupidity from one house fire too, OR a car accident?
It doesn't matter how simple the situation is, you guys are junkies for this crap. Last night I took another photo of me driving down the road, the speed I was traveling and the Fire Trucks from Hebron pulling away from me. I'm saving that one for later, in case I ever need it.
So stick to the subject at hand and stop the one upmanship crap and for crying out loud, grow up.
And i bet that will be a fat lie as well, since fire equipment is governed..lets see your bullshit story on this one you moron.
you should have backed that stupid little PT Cruiser out in fornt of the engine you jackass. Then you could have guessed the speed or hell even made one up like you do everything else.
So how does a photo tell us that a fire truck is pulling away from you?
Please explain that one!
If you want to talk about saving lives. Then go bust all the drunk drivers out there killing people every week!
PS: Your photos suck anyways!
WB, I thought I asked you to stay off my Blog!
so lets see your super investigative work into how fast hebrons engine was going. Come on JOE lets see it..Let me guess you had your radar gun that someone lent to you..Get a f***ing grip on reality. Everyone knows half the comments on here are from you posting under anon. I wont sign my name due to my job. So bash away..
Aw Joe, did the big bad fireman hurt your feelings.You have nerve to call him a pussy though...You sign up for firefighter 1 yet Joe lol. Here is the site again for you www.mfri.org just in case you forgot. Oh thats right your scared and can't hack it. Your a joke. Enjoy never nerver land dumbass.
This is a link to Firehouse.com 3 civilians killed by a Baltimore City Fire Truck
Everyone needs to slow down responding. Yes time is everything but you are doing no good to anyone if you cant get to the alarm
The reality is that someone did lose their house to this fire. And as someone stated before, it is sad that you have to use this to start the bash with the Firefighters. It is very sad that you would even think of doing this. And unlike you, people are not out to get rich off insurance companies and other dishonest ways. Think about what Christmas will be like for this family. And they will probably only be thankful that they are still here to celebrate it. Unlike you who would be more worried about how much insurance money you will get out of it. And how much you can brag about that.
And before you say it, no I am not a fire fighter. Just a human being with a heart. God Bless everyone, no matter your title. Life is too short and we need to count our blessings while we still can.
If all of you are finished with this pissing contest, is it possible that one of you could release the name of the family so those of us that would like to help with their basic needs can do so? Contact info would be appreciated.
Fire engines/trucks have speed govenors on them that limit their absolute top speed to 65 MPH.
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