The pickins are becoming more and more slim any more. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
Today, when you look around the local Blogosphere there are fewer choices. Many of the Anti Albero Blogs are disappearing.
Bill Duvall isn't worth reading any more, seriously. What used to be the best Blog on the Eastern Shore is nothing short of, GO HERE and CLICK HERE information created elsewhere.
Delmarva Dealings has been just like a car running out of gas. Every so often it kicks back and sputters, acting is if it's going to come back to life again, then it dies out.
The few remaining Anti Albero Blogs have simply lost credibility and people have grown tired of the bitching and complaining about one single person, Joe Albero. They offer no news at all and they've dropped in comments and posts like there's no tomorrow.
Could it be that Salisbury News has no competition any longer? Will my only real competition be The Daily Times Blogs? I have only gone there once, (honest to God) since they started them and I have yet to ever hear or read that anyone else has remarked about a single story in them.
It is very time consuming to do a decent Blog and of course there's always the threats of a lawsuit. I love the one about the Anti Albero people threatening a Class Action Suit against me. Here's the funny part. These people are "anonymous" and they think they're going to sue me. Now that cracks me up. Or as Larry the Cable Guy says, Now that there is some funny stuff. Hey anonymous, you're an a hole. I can't wait for that lawsuit too. LOL
Then there's the one guy who claims I'm a Terrorist. Love the Towel Head picture too! Robinson has a Blog, then he doesn't have a Blog. Then he gets pissed off again and starts up another Blog, then he shuts it down again. He should get to know Doug Church better because Doug does the exact same thing on a regular basis. Charles Jannace has finally given up the ghost, (from what I can tell) and he's still got his Blog but he hasn't posted anything in several months. I'm happy to see he's moved on and grown up.
Anyhow, although the pickins are getting slimmer, we still have Michael Shwartz who tells details like there's no tomorrow but doesn't have very interesting Posts. He's more about politics and does in fact cover it well. However, people tend to fall asleep arriving into the second paragraph. Then he covers stuff like local Bands. I'm sorry but people in our age groups are raising kids and have many other things to do than to go out to Night Clubs and watch the local Bands.
I can tell you that there will be a pleasant surprise coming to Delmarva starting next week. I can't tell you what it is but I will say that you're going to see a LOT more of Salisbury News being exposed through the Media and partnerships being born to create the Blog Industry in a much bigger way.
As a matter of fact you'll even see television commercials promoting the local Blogs in the very near future. The Daily Times has no idea what's coming. All I can tell you is it is a win/win situation for Salisbury News. Wanna buy some ad space? LOL
IF you have a Blog and want to participate you'll need to make Posts each and every day. You'll need to have been around for at least 90 days and your Blog will need to be informative about local information. If you'd like to get involved just contact me and I'll see what I can do to get you on board as well.
I wonder what will become of this Post and if we might see a few more Blogs kick up out of nowhere now? Remember, it's a lot of work and if you're just going to sit around and pick on me, you're not going to survive. Even Bill Duvall gave up on me after a while because people just couldn't stand it. Good Luck!
Your critics can bash you all they want, the fact is the blogs are essentially preseving the basic freedom of speech, for too long the Daily Times was regarded as the only news source and many citizens assumed it was factual. But we all know differently. The fact is those that oppose you are afraid that their dirty secrets will be exposed, from the Mayor to police chief and firehouse. The blogs are a forum for "whistle-blowers" that want to expose wrongdoing and illegal shennanigans but remain anonymous. That is the power of the blog. I personally thank you for persevering and devoting so much time and effort to making Salisbury a better place for the average middle-class worker. Controvesry is a good thing, it promotes change--gets people off the couch for goodness sake!! Thanks for all you do Joe!! SOS
I'm glad I have a DVR, i'll be able to skip your commercials.
I've always felt that Joe's blog could be productive and prompt change. Some of the stuff that goes up here borders on sensationalism and smacks the credibility of the site right in the gut. However, keep up the fight, and like I've told you in the past Joe. Keep it real.
Jon (Atch-man) If I can ever figure out how to log in. : )
Yes, do keep your blog going Joe. It's the only source of real news we have in the area, since the times is such a Drisgrace, with their one sided reporting. But do stay off the real personal stuff as much as you can. It only makes you look a bit childish and bores your readers. This is meant as constructive critism only.
A. Goetz
I hope you don't advertise on WBOC. There is a boycott movement underway regarding the blocking of competitive programming.
I agree that you should keep up the fight. You are obviously doing something right. We need to have the facts about the goings on in Salisbury government. I also agree that some toning down of the rhetoric and personal attacks is in order from both sides.
Do as Art Goetz suggests, please!
Joe, listen to your elders specifically, your father in law.
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