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Saturday, December 23, 2006

Welcome To 408 College Ave.!

Sorry I missed the Party!!!!! But thanks for leaving out the trash for the Holidays!


joe albero said...

That's the point of this BLOG!!!!!

CrabbyBlogger said...

What a mess. Were they actually trying to recycle or did the run out of space in the cans? LOL

joe albero said...

Yeah, so is John Jacobs and Dave Winslow at the WWTP!!!!!!!!!

salisbury's best said...


FYI, there were multiple units bought with that 375,000 listed on the property search

Anonymous said...

You may not like that Salisbury is over run with students, but the truth is there is no where for them to go. And by the way even if there are only 2 students living in a house....THEY CAN STILL THROW A PARTY! so really what did that rule do? Nothing move if you hate it that much you live in a college town, and you should be supporting the students. Also, I would say that college students are much better than the low income families that are living over by south division st and around the hospital~

Anonymous said...

You live on a street named college. There is obviously going to be parties on a street named college, right next to a college. Get over it and quit bitching. You knew you were moving in next to a college, where there was definately going to be kids throwing parties. Maybe you are just a bad parent for thinking it was ok to raise a kid in that environment. Why don't you just start renting out your property to the college kids, and move into a nice spot over in Nanticoke where it will be nice and peacefull for you.

Anonymous said...

As a former resident of 411 West College (lived there from Fall 2006-May 2009), I have to say that I agree with a lot of what is being said here, but I think it is unfair to judge all students that choose to live in these houses. I lived there with the same people most of the time I was there, and we never had one single party and were quite annoyed at the people across the street in 410 who would have the loud parties, loud fights, etc. at 3 in the morning. I believe we and maybe one other property were the only ones that had never had the police called on us. Those houses that Sarah rents out are historical treasures. Now, I do HATE the fact that many of them have been "renovated" for rentals and not left alone in their original layout, as they were when they were first built; but my roommates and I respected the house so much that we wouldn't dare dream of abusing it or ruining it in any way by having some stupid, pointless party. I ADORED my house (and all of them on the block) and would give anything to still be living there (graduated and moved back to the Western Shore). I know the rent went up SIGNIFICANTLY after I left for my house and all of the properties (it was only $850/month total for all 3 years I was there, shot up to $1200 after I left), but living there was the best experience I could have had in the most beautiful setting this old soul could have asked for. Not sure what I'm getting at, I guess just know that not every college student is so irresponsible... though I know it tends to be the majority... I had to work my way through school and am now paying off loans MYSELF that allowed me to live in that house... ahhh bahh, what can you do!