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Sunday, December 31, 2006

The City Refuses To Remove Their Own Graffiti As Well As Others

Since the City refuses to clean up their own properties, I'm holding to what I said yesterday. I'm not going to be responsible for cleaning up the mess I pay taxes for anyway. Besides, the City hasn't cleaned up their mess in months, neither should we. Let it stand out every single day till the Mayor is so embarrassed she won't want to walk out her front door without dodging eggs from the citizens.


Anonymous said...

hey Joego,
you are only mad because they aren't spray painting your name in Hommage!

G®@pHiX said...

As for the city's "own graffiti"? Those names in the mural picture are the people who took part in painting it. I think they deserve credit for volunteering their time to give us such a beautiful image on what would otherwise be an ugly wall.

Dani said...

I think graffiti is pretty and artistic, maybe this is why no one will clean it