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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

WORWIC Holds A Fantastic Debate

Ladies & Gentlemen,

Now we're talking! The turn out was far greater than I have ever seen. These were people truly interested in what's going on in the County and not just friends and family members of the candidates.

Could it be that people are actually starting to become concerned about what's happening in this County?

Just imagine if they allowed Charles Jannace to debate Ron Alessi. You talk about a huge turn out! Don't forget the Pittsville Forum tomorrow night at the Pittsville Fire House.

1 comment:

joe albero said...


As I normally do not respond to you for a multitude of reasons, how about you put your money where your mouth is for once and actually set it up?

You're always telling everyone what to do, you do it. We'll all await your reply.