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Saturday, October 21, 2006

Rapp Is Caught In Yet Another Lie

Jim Rapp has stated once again that the Salisbury Zoo had a record attendance at the Night of the Living Zoo. Although we're pleased to hear the Zoo did well, you're WAY OFF on that statement once again and it clearly shows Jim's lack of experience and maturity once again. I believe it was the second year they ever held the event where they had more than 8,000 in attendance, not 5,300+.

Jim regularly makes statements like this and is regularly corrected but all too many people just flat out believe what he's saying, hence there being 500 animals at the Zoo as another example. Then Ron Alessi will rubber stamp what Jim says, (knowing he's lying) at a Zoo Commission Meeting and in reality they can't actually feel good or complete about the project?

The Mayor runs this type of Local Government and in the past no one challenged it until the Blogs came along. My suggestion to "all" of you from here on out, know the Blogs are going to call you out on your lies and correct your patting yourselves on the back and "act" as if you're actually doing a better job. You don't have to lie Jim but as habitual as you are at it, I'm sure you'll come up with another excuse as to how I'm technically wrong about what I'm saying. A professional would simply say, thank you, our numbers were fantastic and our volunteers are second to none.

Now tell us the dollar figures and what you plan to do with all that money?????

Update; I just came to learn the figures were actually around 10,000 people the second year, (or so) the event had been going on. Just like the Zoo being one of the top 10 Small Zoo's in America, it disappeared from the charts once Jim Rapp became Director. Same goes with the Night of the Living Zoo event. It is almost 1/2 of what it used to be, yet Rapp tells the Press that they had a record year again. Not much different from what he released as their actual inventory of animals in the Zoo. Everything is around 1/2 of what he originally claimed with exception of animal inventory. That is actually far less than 1/2 his original number. The Zoo is failing under Jim Rapp's management and the lies stop right here.

1 comment:

joe albero said...

Let's not forget Jim Rapp's huge lie about the pipes illegally dumping into the Wicomico River recently he claims he had nothing to do with. Yet the pipes and exhibits were put in while Jim Rapp was Director of the Salisbury Zoo.

The MDE had to force them to cap this illegal pipe because as soon as they left, Jim Rapp allowed the valve to be opened and the very next day the MDE capped that pipe.

Let's also not forget that Ron Alessi supported and backed Jim Rapp's statement of such when challenged and lied right along with Jim Rapp. All of which can in fact be proven.

The pipes were not put in 30 years ago, (like they both tried to claim) it was more like 12 years ago.

This is a guy running for County Executive Folks! A vote for Charles Jannace is a vote for the animals at the Zoo!