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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

It's A Sad Day For Every Citizen In Salisbury!!!!!

Barrie Tilghman, Chief Webster & the Flying Monkeys sat and listened to the Volunteers of the Mounted Police Patrol almost beg to be a part of placing the three horses Barrie Tilghman has decided to make surplus items and auction off.

Bill and Judy Hearne sat patiently and suffered through even more lies as promises were made and not delivered once again. The Hearne's have unconditionally given for many, many years to these horses and you know what, they'll have no say where the horses go and they'll also get a plaque. Who wants to bet there isn't enough money in the world that will bring Bill & Judy Hearne to ANY plaque ceremony the Mayor is dying to hold?

These horses are NOT surplus items. A bulldozer is a surplus item. A run down police car is a surplus item. An old typewriter is a surplus item. Police Dogs are never considered a surplus item and these three horses shouldn't be as well! Your piss poor excuses are ridiculous Barrie Tilghman and the only reason you're doing this is to make 100% sure Jennifer and I do not get one of these horses.

I'll make you a deal then. If you'll allow Bill Hearne to place these horses into good homes, Jennifer and I won't bid on them. Fair enough? And don't act like you don't read the Blogs. Folks, do take note that Chief Webster was not present last night, probably because he didn't want to face Bill Hearne once again because he came to realize Bill will NOT back down and this event was televised.

I'll close with this Folks. Each and "every" employee of the Salisbury Zoo stated Jennifer Albero was the best Zookeeper the Salisbury Zoo had. Dr. Tragle will tell you the same and without Jennifer he couldn't do his job there. I have to live with the woman and trust me, everything is done 100%, not even 95%! These horses would have been in the best care of their lives, well fed and loved to no end. Each and every rider would be given free rights to our property whenever they wanted to ride and care for these horses as well. That probably won't happen in the future because Barrie and YES, Chief Webster are out to get those Officers that spilled the beans about these animals going up for auction.

One day it will come around Barrie and Alan. Karma has a way of doing that. Kind of like throwing gasoline on a fire after it's already been light, know what I mean?


Anonymous said...

Get em Joe.

Anonymous said...

to answer your question nancy... Very Small People! and I don't mean in stature.

joe albero said...

Yes Nancy, that is the same Mr. Hearne.

sparkly1 said...

I'm sure the Hearne's or the Albero's would provdide excellent homes for these animals. I don't understand why the horses aren't sold at a PUBLIC AUCTION. There are many people in the area that can give these beautiful animals a wonderful home. Wouldn't that be more fair? I don't think they are needing to be put out to pasture, they need to be riden and loved.

sparkly1 said...

LOL! I wish I could have such luck with my enemies!

Chesapeake Dogs said...

Now, a load o' horsepatoot! Frankly, I'm ready t'start cussin' someone over this.

Slap in the face t'Mr. Hearne, t'the volunteer horse patrol, t'the horses, t'the citizens, t'the world.

If'n these horses just need a retirement home, given what it costs t'upkeep 'em and do medical care and such, they oughta just do the decent damn thing like what's done with K-9 dogs.

These people make me sick. Anybody I can call t'change this matter?

Hell, maybe we oughta sic the Maulers on 'em fer this! THIS oughta be in the paper, too, showin' them t'be the scum suckers they are.

Rant over, but just fer now.