No matter how much the Mayor and Chief of Police want to hide how bad the drugs and crime are in Salisbury, all you need to do is walk the streets in the main residential parts of Salisbury any more and here's what you're going to see.
Just outside this home, (after School lets out) you are NOT allowed to drive your vehicle down this road, (Carrollton Street) because the children have taken over the road. They created a basketball court out of it and "if you dare" drive down the street and break up their game they'll stone your car.
If The Daily Times would like some directions to these neighborhoods I'd be happy to assist. If you'd like some protection while there, I charge for that. Nevertheless, this is yet another reason the Daily Times is falling apart. They tell a pampered news and not a reality news. Pampered news sells more papers and makes the City look clean. My kind of news may be somewhat hard to accept at first but it's reality and in the end holds people accountable to "clean up the City" rather than sweeping it under the rug.
Is this how you truly want to raise your children Folks? Just because you don't live in this neighborhood, know this isn't Church Street and within 2 years it will be. Yeah Chief, you're doing a bang up job there. Charles Jannace is going to change this and IMO you're history!
Gee Carrollton Street is so close to Bennett Middle School. Don't they have a realy basketball court over there somewhere?
This is a helluva post. Repeat it over and over. That picture speaks volumes.
I ain't sure what the answers are, but we all gotta get involved to make some change here.
I'm seein' red and it ain't just that door in the picture.
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