The Town of Milton, DE. seems to be in the hot seat now with WWTP Violations of their own. Although the City of Salisbury is dealing with their own denial, Milton is now looking at a $10,000.00 a day in violations if they don't get theirs fixed right away.
The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control is claiming the WWTP is not filtering their water properly and discharging it into the Broadkill River. Sound familiar? Although the Town is cooperating so far, time will tell if they are fined or not? They too are planning on building a new WWTP in a year or so but maybe they could take lessons from the City of Salisbury?
The photo above is the illegal sludge pit at the Salisbury WWTP that is still in litigation with the MDE. The MDE has been asking the City to put in test wells for almost a year now to see if the liner that has been in place for more than 18 years and only guaranteed for less than one year is in fact leaking? The City refuses to respond to the MDE's request and are fighting them all the way.
Dave Pushkar, (from the MDE) stated to me personally that he felt it was highly suspicious that they refuse to respond and feels there's a very good chance the liner is in fact leaking.
Boat rides are available through the County Tourism Office on weekends only. Ask for John Jacobs or Dave Winslow.
Maybe we need to adopt the homeland security office's approach to keeping the public informed,
On the status of our river we could set up traffic lights at the ramps. Different color for different spills and leaks.
RED - No swimming, no fishing, don't even breath!
Yellow - Go ahead and try but the city is not responsible
Green - well... I guess never.
I've got it on good authority that there is definitely a crack in the liner. Sooooo just why wold they want to sink test wells? To tell them what they already KNOW?
This storm is going to leave us with even more run off and sewerage in our river. Just watch and see!
Here's proof that the liner is in fact leaking. Go back to this picture and notice a BOAT in the sludge. Then notice the WATER in the sludge pit.
Go look at it today! Rain or no rain, this thing can't hold water any more and they can't cover it up!
I rest my case. Oh, Barrie, don't think I won't be up in a plane after this weekend taking pictures!
No, the trees are not dead. This photo was taken last February.
Interesting that the MDE alwasys has a reactive mindset with these types of issues. Why not just slam the city one time with a whopper of a threat $$$ and get the show on the road. I can assure you my dealings with them have always contained clear "or else" communication. Perhaps Ernesto will prove to be the straw that broke the camels back with the sludge pit and a good old sewer overflow/spill?
Well, this weekend should show just how well the system can hold up. I'll be in the air as often as possible.
I have re-copied (below) a portion of Mr. Pushkar's response to me concerning the Sewerage situation. He is MDE and he seems to think Salisbury is doing the right things. I guess He's blind and can't smell.
Thank you for your email. The recent spill from last week is being investigated. As required by regulation, the Maryland Department of the Environment is expecting a written response from the City regarding the cause and other factors related to the spill. When that information is received, the Department will make a decision as to whether there should be any penalties levied against the City.
The City is not ignoring state law. The City is in the process of upgrading the wastewater treatment plant and this spill occurred while
crews were working to improve the pumps in the pump station.
Dave Pushkar
Are you aware that any "spill" of less than a 1000 gallons does not have to be reported! Now I would not believe there are poop meters on all these lines to measure exact discharge rates and with the current administrations fuzzy math I wonder just how many 990 gallon "non-occurrences" have occurred.
Are you aware that a woman, (especially a Public Figure, pardon the pun) should always wear a bra when going on public television, not once but twice in one day?
The Perdue Over Stuffer poppers/meters were working just fine that day so there was no need to call in the MDE.
My point here is, (pardon the pun again) that even though City Officials know right from wrong, it doesn't mean they can and will follow the rules. Especially when it comes from the tap. (LMAO)
I was being Sarcastic.
I wonder if Mr. Pushkar has any business interests in this local?
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