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Friday, August 25, 2006

Kitten, Tree, Chain Saw Or Ladder?

While sitting on the front porch enjoying a nice smooth JR Cigar earlier this evening I heard a quiet meow in the front yard.

I looked out and saw one of our kittens lying there under a tree looking up in the air. Notice the first picture in this group where the black kitten is on the ground under the tree.

Then look up in that same picture to the upper left hand corner where his sister had climbed the tree for the very first time and said to herself, self, how do I get down from here? Meow?

That's where the meow was coming from, up above. I thought, should I get a ladder or simply cut the tree down? The ladder was all the way in the barn whereas the chain saw was only in the garage. Hmmmmmm?

Then I thought, well, Jennifer would make me get the ladder, (damn women) so away I went. The problem here was, not only did I have to get the ladder and save this poor animal, I had to bring it all the way back to the barn after all was said and done, so this was quite a sacrifice! I mean, after all, couldn't I just call 911?

Fortunately my JR Cigar survived and I was eventually able to get back to relaxing and watching the horses munch on their hay. Oh, that's right, there was a cat in this whole story too. She's fine and I knew this as she refused to leave my side and sat in my lap purring away like the happy camper she always is.

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