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Saturday, September 07, 2019


The accepted narrative by the media and Democrats in the wake of the mass shootings in El Paso, TX, and Dayton, OH is that such shootings in America are perpetrated by mostly white men/boys carrying “assault rifles," like the AR-15.

Statistics show that this narrative is not wholly accurate.

Using data compiled by Mother Jones, here’s what we found:

• While a majority of mass shootings are committed are white (and overwhelmingly male), they only commit mass shootings at a rate roughly equal to their percentage representation of the population.

• Native American, Black, and Asian shooters also commit shootings roughly equal to or above their representation in the US population.

• Handguns are the weapon of choice in most mass shootings by an overwhelming margin.

• A vast majority of mass shooters exhibited "signs of prior mental health issues."

• 83% of mass shootings were with weapons that were purchased legally.

• While the media focuses primarily on school shootings, only 18% of mass shootings are committed at schools

• Workplaces are specifically one of the more common scenes for shootings, occurring 29% of the time.

• The largest percentage of shootings occur at various locations listed only as “Other."

While a mass shooting is generally defined as four or more victims, the most accepted criteria is an event that has four or more fatalities, not including the shooter, and typically committed in one location with little to no break in between shots being fired.


• While Hispanic/Latino is not considered by the US Census Bureau to be a “race,” but an ethnicity, Mother Jones lists Latino as a race, so it is represented as such here.

The Census also makes a distinction between "White alone" and "White alone, not Hispanic or Latino." The former includes white Hispanics, and the latter omits white hispanics. It is unclear whether Mother Jones makes same distinction in their data.

We use "White alone, not Hispanic or Latino" for the purpose of this graphic. "White alone" would comprise 76.5% of total US population.

• The data included multiple instances where prior mental health issues were either "unknown," "unclear" or "TBD." These instances were omitted and percentages only include incidents where a shooter either had prior mental health issues or definitively did not exhibit prior signs.

• Data does not include incidents where the legality of obtained weapons was either unclear, pending, or simply omitted. For the purpose of this graphic, we only included instances where weapon legality was defined definitively.

• While a mass shooting is generally defined as four or more victims, the most accepted criteria is an event that has four or more fatalities, not including the shooter, and typically committed in one location with little to no break in between shots being fired.

• The Mother Jones database does not include shootings that are part of a separate crime, like robberies, or shootings as a result of gang violence.


SOURCE: Washington Examiner


Anonymous said...

No mention about shootings perpetuated by intelligence organizations who run false flag Psyop against the population.

Anonymous said...

Exactly what I was thinking!

Most shootings are either staged or completely fake

Anonymous said...

These groups like ANTIFA and the occupy groups who are one in the same are exactly as you state

Anonymous said...

Homeland uses mentally unstable candidates to run these operations so that they have an easy scape goat when the public is outraged. Usually formed around a Chabad house.

Anonymous said...

These “stats” are not factual. Ridiculously incomplete. San Bernardino? Las Vegas? Shall I keep going?

And it’s not a govt dark conspiracy. It’s a liberal west coast conspiracy. Violent movies, video games desensitize.

Anonymous said...

Quit thinking anything can be done to stop mass shootings.Nothing will help.There is no cure.