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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Big Brother is watching you: Jim Rogers prophesizes death of cash & total govt control of spending

The time will come when you won't be able to buy a cup of coffee without being traced, warns investment guru Jim Rogers. To control people, governments will increasingly seek to hunt down cash spending, he adds.

“Governments are always looking out for themselves first, and it's the same old thing that has been going on for hundreds of years. The Indians recently did the same thing. They withdrew 86 percent of the currency in circulation, and they have now made it illegal to spend more than, I think it's about $4,000 in any cash transaction. In France you cannot use more than, I think it's a €1,000,”said Rogers in an interview with MacroVoices Podcast.

“Many countries are already doing this. Some states in the US you cannot make cash transactions above a certain amount. Governments love it. Then they can control you. If you want to go and buy a cup of coffee, they know how many you drink, where you buy them, etc., if they can all put it into electronic formats and they will. The world is all going electronic,” the investor said.

According to Rogers, governments will claim they are doing it for the public good, not for themselves.



Anonymous said...

Actually this is a ploy to get people to live within their means but they're too stupid to see it,because the really big noteworthy spenders are the cash spenders.AND that dynamic trusts credit cards less and less,which in turn isolates & identifies those who are living beyond their means.Pretty basic stuff really.

Anonymous said...

In this country, the limit for cash transactions is $10,000.00 before it has to be reported to the government. That's been in place for a long time.

Anonymous said...

Don't receive computer chips in your forehead or hand.

Anonymous said...

The Rapture will be soon,repent your sins so you'll be saved.

Anonymous said...

This is satanic we should fight this and NEVER NEVER let it happen. Sad that most are already in line awaiting there chip / mark of the beast.

Anonymous said...

Please get back on your meds.

Anonymous said...

7:35 there chip....nope "awaiting THEIR chip.

7:37 ditto

Anonymous said...

7:37&12:16 Educate yourselfs please. This is a very dangerous event. Just check it out you would be surprised who is involved. Or maybe you will push people out of the way to get your forehead stamps and are already lost