Dear Joe,
Something happen to my husband and myself over the weekend that is really sad. I do own a handicapped tag which I need. My husband let me off at the door of a local big box store to get in and sit down while he parked the vehicle. We finished our business and returned to our vehicle to find an envelope with a business card enclosed which was a HATE FILLED RANT from a very disturbed person who had indicated they had witnessed my husband parking and that he didn't have a disability. Isn't it sad that people have no peace in their own life and feel that they must strike out at everyone even if they don't know the facts of the situation. To the person who left the envelope.....I am so sorry for you that you are not able to walk well and obviously have no empathy for others. Please get some help for yourself and find your peace....you will feel better in the end.
FYI - if you have a handicapped person that you take care of - you are entitled to go to the MVA and get a handicapped parking sticker. The person that left the note was completely out of line.
If the husband isn't disabled than he should have parked in the regular parking area and picked his wife up where he let her out. Disabled parking is for the truly disabled. The disabled parking should be for folks that are alone and have to walk to the store, not those with a driver that could park anywhere. This whole disabled parking thing is getting out of hand anyway, usually there are more spaces than actually needed and most are not used.
If your husband dropped you off at the door, and he's not handicapped, why is he parking in the handicapped spot?
Everyone should be treated equally. You're in a 220,000 sq. ft store, yet you can't walk an extra 50ft in the parking lot?
It's ridiculous what you can get a handicapped placard for, and how badly they are abused. It's ridiculous how many spaces are wasted at Walmart, etc for handicapped spots.
Amen you said it all, don't criticize until you walk in someone else's shoes or at least know the whole story. Don't presume you are always right, and there is no excuse for nastiness.
Handicaps are not always noticeable physically. I always have to deal with looks and comments myself and it's not fun, sorry some jerk left you a nasty letter
10:04 maybe you don't know everything my wife is handicap as well as me she cant walk without help and i have a breathing problem you don't see me limping to the store or using a walker so you assume i am not handicap. you would be wrong. the old saying what happens when you assume you make an ass/u/me think before you talk
I'm not sure how this country got to the state that it is in today but the overall nastiness and contempt for each other is disturbing.
People just seem to go out of their way to share their opinion of others behavior while walking around with a log in their eye. (Reference from the Bible).
It isn't the outside demons that will destroy this country....in the end. It will be the very people who think they are entitled, smarter or holier than their fellow man.
WE ARE ALL FROM ONE FAMILY OF MAN... PLEASE stop abusing your family and find some compassion in your heart.
10:04 Many handicaps are not something easily seen with the eye. I have a friend who has panic attacks and to be able to get to his car quickly is vital to his personal ability to even think about going anywhere. All the writer is saying is that don't judge what you do not understand. To judge others when you don't know what is going on is just plain wrong. Can't we just be tolerant of one another in some little way?
Amen!!! I see caregivers alone use the handicapped spaces all the time. Those spaces should only be used when you are actually loading or unloading an actual handicapped person
When you point that finger remember you have three fingers pointed back at yourself.
I wrote the original letter. I understand there is limited tolerance with the use of handicapped signs....what I don't understand is the mental state of the person who was so hate filled he/she felt it was their business to leave a hate filled rant on my windshield. All I was asking is that you look beyond the moment and figure there might be circumstances that warrant this situation. I'm not going to share my disability with you but please know that I would trade anyone who is able bodied for my handicapped sign in a heart beat. Please let this not escalate to the point where someone is attacked physically because someone is so narrow minded they can only see their own rage. And over something this simple? There is already to much hatred in this world to be this petty. To those of you who feel that what we did was wrong... count your blessings and I hope you never need to explain yourself or the details of your personal life to someone who cannot control their emotions in a parking lot.
TRULY HANDICAPPED PEOPLE do NOT want to be treated any different than "normal" people. It's people with a sense of ENTITLEMENT or who want attention is who seeks out this special treatment.
10:52 I envy your special gift to be able to look into some strangers soul and know exactly how well they are and if they should use a handicapped spot. You have a special ability.
The people complaining about the handicap parking, are the same people who ride around the parking lot looking for the closet space to the store. Usally these people need to park at a distance to walk off their fat asses. People issued handicap parking are entitled to them. Our lazy and out of shape society should be embarrased. If all of the FAT complainers wait long enough, they soon will be entitled to a handicap parking permit.(i.e. diabetes, heart disease, obesity)
My husband is disabled and when we are together we will park in a handicapped spot, if I am by myself I will not park in a handicapped spot because I am not disabled and the handicap sign is not for me it's for my husband. It's that simple! If this person was with her husband they have every right to park in the handicapped spot, if he is by himself then he shouldn't. People really need to mind their own business and stay out of others, because you have no idea what they are going through!
Don't go to Florida if this troubles you.
As Dr. Phil said, "Soon the paraplegics will won't be able to get the motorized scooters at WalMart because all of the overweight people will have already taken them." Be fair. If you're not handicapped and don't have a handicapped person who has to walk from your car, leave the spaces for others. If you're just overweight but with no real disability, leave the motorized scooters for those who truly need them.
There are people who obtain these passes just to park their expensive vehicles close to the business and in a wide space. They also share the hanging tags with family members. Very wrong but it happens and they are easy to obtain.
Panic attacks? Really? SMDH
I don't understand either.
My friend took care of her paraplegic husband for over 40 years. She did the same as this couple did on their rare occasions out. To look at her, she seems the picture of perfect health but she wasn't. Taking care of her husband had taken it's toll on her as well. She had back pain, leg pain, bad knees and was constantly exhausted.
I say give people a break and yes Thank God every day that you have your health.
11:25 totally agree with you. I don't worry about the people who park in the handicap spots. I don't worry whether they are entitled to or not. Me I park far away from the door underneath a light. Makes it a whole lot easier to find my car when I come out of the store. Also helps me get a little more exercise. As you stated a lot of FAes could use some more exercise. Two things I would like to add many times I have pulled in to a parking lot behind someone and quickly parked my car and walked into the store while the other person was still trying to find a space to park. The other thing is when I do park far away from other cars it is amazing how many other cars will be parked around me when I come out of the store.
In order to get a handicapped sticker or tag, don't you need a doctor's signature? Only a good doctor would sign off on this for those who cannot walk very far. Too many folks are using excuses to get their tags...just like they do for other things that they aren't really qualified to receive. We have handicapped tags for my husband and I wouldn't think of using a handicapped space for myself. When he has a good day, he doesn't use the handicapped spaces either...he leaves them for others that may need them worse than him.
I agree that not everyone "looks" handicapped but why do so many other people leave their shopping carts in the handicap spots or the stripped area for wheelchair lifts? I've seen many people deliberately push their cart to an empty handicap spot and leave it instead of pushing it to the cart area or back to the store.
Most of those using the parking permits got them because of overeating! A bunch of fat pigs!
3:29 It is difficult to argue with your logic. It is very difficult to win an argue with someone so filled with righteous anger because he is so perfect himself. I would rather be handicapped than brain dead.
It irritates me more, when someone with a handicapped tag, takes up a regular spot in a crowded parking lot, with a dozen unused handicap spaces just sitting there empty.
There is alot of anger out there in the world today. Concentrate on yourself and try to be a positive influence on those you encounter.
I agree with 12:02 but I also agree that the husband was apparently capable of parking further out. There does always seem to be a lot of empty handicap spots.
This is an example of someone NOT taking a handout.
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