The small town of fewer than 600 people will become the first in the nation to encourage its residents to shoot down the unmanned vehicles if a drone-hunting ordinance passes at Tuesday night’s town council meeting.
In preparation for Tuesday night’s vote, at least 157 people already have signed up for a “drone hunting license,” which costs $25, according to Denver television station CBS-4.
Real smart having citizens firing rifles in the air without a backdrop.
I'm not a fan of drones, but allowing citizens to "open fire" on them is STUPID.
Colorado would be an awesome Conservative State without Boulder and Denver. Unfortunately Denver is a Progressive political paradise calling all the shots and Boulder is enviro-nazi weed smoking granola groovies.Oh Yeah, take Aspen and Vail too--nothing but uber rich liberals.
Um....the backdrop is an open sky, 528. Unless you are floating in air, I think you are safe. And, if you are thinking airliners at 5 miles high, most rounds go one mile plus a little. Time to shoot down drones? Yes.
And the scary thing is THEY VOTE!
The backdrop is the DRONE, unless they miss.
Vote to suport the constitution. Unlike you who supports a dictator.
Better yet. Put a $1,000 bounty on them.
The line in the sands needs to be drawn or they will continue to shove a boot up your arse...smart bunch hopefully many more to follow..maybe they will take the hint......NOT
I just hope every single one of them is trained in detecting a drone. Has no one stopped to think what will happen if they shoot at a helicopter or small plane?
Soon you will see the activist group PETD picketing (People for the Ethical Treatment of Drones). This is drone abuse at its worst.
When a drone is killed you cause great heartache to the gutless government agents controlling them.
If you can tell the difference between a mosquito and a hawk you would probably be qualified 8:47.
There are extremely large drones used in higher altitude military surveillance and warfare. Those drones can spot and kill you way before you are lucky enough to hit them with conventional firearms. Ask the relatives of any drone killed Muslim terrorist.
6:19 The backdrop is the open air, until the projectile DESCENDS, possibly into a family members bedroom window, while they sleep.
Guess no one saw the case of the child struck in the head on July 4th? What goes up, must come down, not like the bullet just orbits the earth.
Besides, about 1 in hundreds of millions of people could pull off a shot like that. I don't need Jeb and his cousin firing bullets that can travel miles, knowing they aren't hitting a f-ing drone.
It's BASIC firearm training, "sky""air""your target" are not good backdrops.
I guess, since I live in the country area, that I can just fire a rifle at a bird, because it couldn't possibly make it to the city.
Retard logic... not even once.
Objectively speaking, anyone who hunts and owns guns knows that a rifle is the last thing used to shoot a small moving object flying in the air. That's what shotguns were invented for. Buck Shot for example has less than 100 yards or so lethal distance and that is more so for small animals and of course birds. Shot sizes #6, 7 1/2, 8, 9 are even less by far. Nobody with any hunting or shooting experience would use anything but a shotgun to take out a small drone. If you do then you are either an olympic marksman or just being a plain wackadoo. With that said, blow them out of the sky.
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