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Saturday, July 20, 2013

Sebelius Compares Obamacare Opponents To Segregationists

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, speaking at the NAACP convention in Orlando Wednesday, compared the opponents of the Affordable Care Act to the segregationist opponents of civil rights.

"The Affordable Care Act is the most powerful law for reducing health disparities since Medicare and Medicaid were created in 1965, the same year the Voting Rights Act was also enacted," she opined. As recently as March, Medicare trustees predicted that the program will run out of funds in 2026.

Sebelius went on to compare the opponents of the Voting Rights Act—then Southern Democrats—to today's Obamacare opponents, urging the audience to fight for the new law with the same arguments as civil rights demonstrators.



Anonymous said...

Yeah, she's right. We need to run headlong into this thing and get it over with. Why delay bankruptcy by 4 years like Detroit did? It's going to happen anyway, so let the SHTF!

Anonymous said...

Race enters hospital Ins.

Anonymous said...

a friend of mine lives in Kansas. Jetmore to be exact. They were glad when she left. She was a Flaming liberal. And as they said, still causing them problems and not in Kansas any more. she was as corrupt as it comes during her tenure there I am told. She had to get out of the state. She followed tom Brownback as govenor, who was also extremely corrupt.

Anonymous said...

another low info leader that must go...

Anonymous said...

Sebelius is truly an evil person. While Governor of Kansas she purposely DID NOT ask for Federal assistance in the wake of the 2007 Greensburg Kansas tornado, so she could blame the slow response on George Bush. All the while the victims of the tornado were suffering.
What an evil evil person.

lmclain said...

You know your argument/position is weak when you have to start calling your detractors "racist" or other names in order to discredit them. The FACTS should bolster your position, not some inflammatory name calling. And its telling that the ones who support this travesty (obamacare) are the ones who have acquired "waivers" or "exemptions". If its such a good thing, why would they need a waiver from it?

Anonymous said...

I love how race is injected into everything. I think we can all agree healthcare COSTS should be addressed. Objecting to the solution being forced upon the country isn't racism. I hate to say it, but that sort of race baiting talk works for the President, so why wouldn't his staff use it too?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like another Ob' racist. Amazing what you can learn by studying Hitler's history.