Chief Simpson has turned in his two week notice.
Hoppes takes trip to Canada at taxpayers expense to visit Fire Boat. This will come back and bite the SFD in a very big way.
Will Mayor Ireton start pushing for Hoppes to be the next Fire Chief, AGAIN? Stay tuned Folks, it's about to hit the fan and you read it here first on Salisbury News.
Originally Posted at 11:30 AM.
New Posts to fall below.
I don't know Chief Simpson at all. I only know about him from this blog. If the comments from the SFD members are any gauge, he apprently is not a good fit at all for the department. He must have the support of his employees if he is to be effective. Since he appears not to have that support--and I guess he knows that--then he has made a wise choice to move on. Now I wonder what Mayor Ireton is going to do. Hopefully, he will involve the SFD in his decision.
It's gone way beyond having or using common sense anymore, I mean seriously! Arent there laws in place to hold accountability for wasteful frivolous spending here?!?!
Why can the fire dept. spend all the time and every other dept. is really hurting? Ireton what the heck is wrong with you? There isn't a fire dept. in the United States that gets any more than these guys in Salisbury do and it really, really burns me up to be riding down the road with a fire truck following me with a bunch of guys just out for a ride - isn't that called wasting gas or diesel or whatever makes those big machines go. So very wasteful yet they just keep on getting more, I just don't get it. And you go the fire palace to ask for a smoke detector for your home and you can't even get in, you have to wait for someone to buzz you in then they will only let you have one - for a two story house, that's just wonderful.
Nice guy...but way under qualified for the job. Lots of inaccuracies on his resume. Best of Luck to you Chief. This is the right thing for the Department and the City.
Truly a shame. Chief Simpson was a strong leader that just didn't fit the mold of an Eastern Shore Boy. He had a different thought process that was outside of the bubble that people live in around here. Unfortunately, the hillbillies ran him off. He was a breath of fresh air and hopefully his successor will follow in his footsteps an keep the train moving forward. Best of luck Chief!!
January 9, 2012 12:51 PM ......
"Nice guy...but way under qualified for the job. Lots of inaccuracies on his resume."
Man you are sooo wrong. This guy is a liar and a thief. Ask around and you'll find out.
There's nothing sad about this clown leaving except that it took too long.
he never lived here and did not want to.. don't let the door hit you from behind
let's get someone that want to help Salisbury and be a part of the community
Ireton assured us this Simpson fellow lived in Salisbury. Somebody run Ireton out of office.
anon January 9, 2012 1:12 PM YOU'RE AN IDIOT - not because I don't agree with you, but be assured I don't, but because EVERY thing you said was not true. You and him share many of the same traits I see - why don't you catch a ride with him out of town !!!
Anon 12:39, don't you think that one smoke detector is better than none?
If you own a two story house you should be able to afford to buy a couple of $10.00 smoke detectors.
You must be one of those people that thinks the world owes them everything.
["Chief Simpson has turned in his two week notice.
Hoppes takes trip to Canada at taxpayers expense to visit Fire Boat. This will come back and bite the SFD in a very big way.']
Anonymous said...
January 9, 2012 12:51 PM ......
"Nice guy...but way under qualified for the job. Lots of inaccuracies on his resume."
Man you are sooo wrong. This guy is a liar and a thief. Ask around and you'll find out.
There's nothing sad about this clown leaving except that it took too long.
January 9, 2012 1:19 PM
The worst thing Ireton could do is put John Tull in as acting fire chief. They are both cut from the same cloth. Wasteful spending and only in it for himself.
Anonymous said...
["Chief Simpson has turned in his two week notice.
Hoppes takes trip to Canada at taxpayers expense to visit Fire Boat. This will come back and bite the SFD in a very big way.']
January 9, 2012 1:50 PM
Neither one of them, Simpson or Smith has ever fought any fire or rode the ambulance. Neither one is qualified to be a paid firefighter. I think on paper Lee Smith is a little more qualified than Jeff Simpson.
Why in the world would anyone want this job with all the ignorant bashings being directed at you? To the current and past fire fighters who have been and are part of the bashings, shame on you, you act like spoiled little brats. To the Chief and his family, thank you for your service and Godspeed.
What does the Chief job pay a year?
Why was Jeff Simpson hire in the first place?? When you bring in an outsider you are screwing over every hardworking employee in the department. What incentive is there to work for a place like that when you have now chance of moving ahead. It creates a hostile working environment. Shows a lack of leadership on the part of the elected officials that hired him.
Brenda Arthur, You've Been Blogged.
The boat isnt being built in Canada. The boat is Made In America as per the contract. Go see it being built at the American plant.
Will my darling drew be promoted back to assistant chief again? It was stolen from him.
Baby you can be the fire chief.
1;12 hillbillies? lived on the eastern shore my whole life, and havent seen either hill here! lol..thanks for the thought tho!
Ireton promoted Rick Hoppes to Acting Fire Chief again!
1;12 where are the hillbillies at now? are they still here on the flat lands of the eastershore? i agree with 1;46, you are a IDIOT! LOL
The SFD is a laughing stock, a bunch of men acting like women instead of professionals.
Ditto 3:51, shame on them.
Anonymous said...
The boat isnt being built in Canada. The boat is Made In America as per the contract. Go see it being built at the American plant.
January 9, 2012 2:54 PM
Wrong answer idiot!!
From the City Council Minutes:
AWARD OFBIDS presented by Internal Services Director Pam Oland
2 Award ofBidfor Fast Response Fire Boat 94607564
MetalCraft Marine Inc
Acct No5197072500205
From MetalCraft's Website:
MetalCraft is the only Canadian commercial aluminum boat company to have a US GSA contract. We have been an approved GSA supplier since 1996. Our GSA contract No. is GS07F0084J.
MetalCraft Marine U.S.
Box 961
583 Broadway East
Cape Vincent, New York
MetalCraft Marine Inc
347 Wellington Street
Kingston, Ontario
K7K 6N7 Canada
Notice the 2 addresses?? The NY address is only a post office box.
Go blow smoke up someone elses a$$!
Hoppes takes trip to Canada at taxpayers expense to visit Fire Boat. This will come back and bite the SFD in a very big way.
Not once, but twice. Paid vacations. Simpson did it with the 3 ambulances and the new air light truck.
Anonymous said...
The SFD is a laughing stock, a bunch of men acting like women instead of professionals.
January 9, 2012 3:51 PM
Actually there are some decent personnel in the fire department, but the problems lie with the leadership and the choice of leadership from the Mayor. His choice of leadership brings the laughing stock culture to the forefront.
I have never been to any firefighting training or driven big trucks before, but always thought it would be cool to be a fire chief when I grew up. Now that I'm 59, can I have the job?
Bubba Gump
Anonymous said...
I have never been to any firefighting training or driven big trucks before, but always thought it would be cool to be a fire chief when I grew up. Now that I'm 59, can I have the job?
Bubba Gump
January 9, 2012 5:45 PM
I am sure you are more qualified than Jeff Simpson is.
They should get new firefighters because when I see them they are just going down the ride and there wasn't a fire then about 2 years ago they were asking for donations on the streets to help cover the bills they "had" and now there going on trips to Canada with the taxpayers money who could have guessed that they would have been taking expensive trips and wasting the money they get from taxpayers.
January 9, 2012 6:47 PM Anonymous said...
["They should get new firefighters because when I see them they are just going down the ride and there wasn't a fire then about 2 years ago they were asking for donations on the streets to help cover the bills they "had" and now there going on trips to Canada with the taxpayers money who could have guessed that they would have been taking expensive trips and wasting the money they get from taxpayers."]
ROTFLMAO !!! Please tell me you can't breed! You are without the dumbest person I've ever seen post on a blog in my entire life. Your moma must have thrown you away and kept the stark when you were born !!! You must have missed your ECT treatment and haven't seen the psychiatrist in a while and ran out of your meds. Go back and get in your van and troll for little boys like you enjoy doing.
January 9, 2012 6:47 PM it appears that you are educated - let me guess, 16 years of education - you graduated from the 8th grade twice!
Jim Ireton needs to pick the best candidate that applies, hopefully from within and submit that name to the city council. The worse thing Jim Ireton could do is involve the input of the fire department members again. No forums and no email bashing. Jim's mistake was trying to let the fire members choose their own boss and it backfired on him. Have the balls and pick the right candidate. The city can't afford to go through 2 more years of searching for a loser candidate. It has been proven that outside candidates don't work out.
Hoppes had to visit the fireboat? Why? Was it getting lonely?
first off, the SFD firefighters don't just ride around wasting gas. everytime that piece goes out it is either for a called emergency, training, or some form of community outreach such as smoke detector sweeps where the firefighhters check homes for working smoke detectors and if they dont work or if there is none present then the firefighters install them. for the run volume that salisbury get each year (est 7000 ems calls and 3000 fire calls) the ems/firefighter personel in salisbur are way under paid. compare what they are making to a company across the bridge who makes comprable runs and you will see that they are on average making about $10.00 less per hour and haven't gotten a raise in quite a few years.
as far as the chief simpson deal, he never seems to fit in and he also cause a lot of commotion among members who had been in the SFD for many years. i wish him and his family well but i think this decision was for the better.
SFD should just fire everyone and start over, seems to me the big bunch of whiners are only about themselves and telling stories. Firefighting in the city is horrible but the stories are great, o thats right they are not about the job only themselves!
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