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Sunday, April 24, 2011

MDGOP Statement On Kasemeyer, O’Malley’s Plan To Raise Taxes

ANNAPOLIS – Maryland Republican Party Chairman Alex X. Mooney issued the following statement today in response to Senator Edward Kasemeyer, Chairman of the powerful Budget Committee, announcing he and Governor O’Malley believe ‘we’ve got to tax more things,’ at a legislative wrap-up session:
“In these difficult times we need Democrats in Annapolis to cut their binge spending instead of continually reaching into the pockets of hard working Marylanders.  The notion that the same Maryland Democrats who passed a budget that borrows and spends an extra billion dollars just last week, would now consider sweeping new tax hikes is adding insult to injury to struggling Maryland taxpayers.  As one of the most taxed states in the nation, Maryland’s deficit isn’t the result of insufficient revenues, it’s caused by the Democrats addiction to borrowing, spending, and irresponsible budgeting.  All Marylanders including the over 200,000 citizens who remain unemployed under O’Malley’s watch, have had to trim their family budgets in order to make ends meet and it’s time for Democrats in Annapolis to do the same with the state budget.
“I call on Governor O’Malley to state whether he agrees with Senator Kasemeyer that ‘another year of belt tightening,’ means ‘taxing more things’ Marylanders try to buy.  O’Malley’s rhetoric and campaign statements would have you believe he would disagree, but his record of historic tax and fee hikes means Marylanders are in for another round of Democrats attempting to pick their pockets during the fall special session.  Voters should beware and get active.”


Anonymous said...

We should be just as concerned about Rick Pollitt's plan to raise our property taxes in Wicomico County!

Concerned Retiree said...

Who beleives A DemocRAT would ever cut Taxes when they can raise at will and keep their cushiony political position and keep their exceptional benefits and retirement. Voters allow this while losing their benefits and reduced retirement, which already is ridiculously low compared to Politians retirement and their double dipping retirements on the Tax Payer.

Anonymous said...

So tell me why do Maryland voters keep voting for these tax and spend Democrats all the time. Wake up Maryland voters it is time to cut the spending and stop the taxing. Even it it means cutting back on welfare and other programs.
The working man has had enough of this.