
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Friday, April 15, 2011

Anyone Else Hear About A Female Executive Escorted From Hebron Savings Bank?

It's been reported to Salisbury News a female executive was escorted out of Hebron Savings Bank yesterday. I kind of figured no one at the Bank was going to feed anyone any updated information so we thought perhaps one of you knew more about what might be going on.


Anonymous said...

Which branch?

Anonymous said...

Heard it was jim henderson's wife wanda henderson

Anonymous said...

I have no idea who this person is/was but she's been "deleted":

Anonymous said...

main office in hebron

Anonymous said...

Wanda Henderson worked for many years in the Peninsula Bank installment loan dept. What gives?

Jack Martling said...

If its her, good! Since her husband got off for torturing prisoners, she and her daughter have been running their mouths about how untouchable the family has been. Well it looks like little girl is going to have to get a job now since Mommy doesn't have a job anymore, and possibly looking at jail time.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Heard she took around 700k nice bonus for a dog catchers wife

John Dean said...

A close friend who was there when she was ARRESTED told me her name is Julia McDowel. She ran the teller division.

Anonymous said...

different banks, different names, different job titles, geesh get your story together.

Anonymous said...

Wrong information John Dean. Your close friend is a liar.

Anonymous said...

If she took $700k, then she needs to do at the very least 3 years of prison. Maybe she'll get a warden who is "nice" like her husband and tie her to a chair overnight without food and water. While the Feds are at it, they need to look at her family members and the mansions they live in. One just happens to work for Mike Lewis.

Anonymous said...

This one could get very interesting, stick with it Joe, you have been a little lax with Somerset County events lately.

Anonymous said...

Kristy Hickman and Davis Ruark will not be able to protect her like they did her husband. My, how times have changed!

DAN said...

Why are people saying somerset county? It happened in Hebron, wicomico county, duh!

Anonymous said...

If Jesse James were alive today he would be working the other side of the window.

Anonymous said...

Hear her daughter is building a nice new house and son-in-law has a nice new boat.Must be nice!

Anonymous said...

What the hell is up with this family? First her husband, allegedly, tortures and forces inmates to slave labor. Then her daughter, allegedly, rams a cop car and goes on a high speed chase with the Crisfield Police Dept and most charges get dropped, allegedly, because of her daddy. I also heard from the daughter that one of her family recently got kicked out of a school in Wicomico for, allegedly, assaulting a principle's son with a knife. And now you have the mother, allegedly, taking home a nice "bonus" for herself. Where and when will it end? In her case probably Camp Cupcake, but unlike Martha, she's gonns get up to 30yrs since she doesn't have Martha money.

Anonymous said...

No one is even sure who it is at this point. Henderson is just a plain ^$$h$@#, and he deserves anything he gets, but lets not falsely accuse his wife until we're sure. But Henderson is still a jerk who broke the law and had Hickman take care of him.

Anonymous said...

Get the case moved up to Dorchester County where Hickman can take care of it!

Bushman said...

This is scary,
I don't know any of the people involved but I do know "...innocent until proven guilty..."
Another thing I do know is one certain individual (not related to this issue/case) who was picked up by DSS for alleged child abuse, smeared, tarred and feathered by some readers of this blog, and then have all charges dropped.
I enjoy Salisbury News and it does provide a source of information not found anywhere else. However, when I read some of the comments I am again reminded of how dangerous the tongue (and written word)can be.

Anonymous said...

Well 7;46 Jimmy doesn"t work at the bank but Wanda does.He may be the brains behind the scam but only Wanda had the means to do it she is the one that is employed there.But we all know if you come from Somerset County and have the right name and know the right people you are above the law!

Anonymous said...

Bushman the Feds donn"t come down to the eastern shore for nothing!Plus Wanda is no longer at the bank that is a fact heard it right from an employee of the bank and that is all she would say!Remember what happened the last time the feds came to investigate someone from Somerset County a few years back!

Anonymous said...

Neither of the names mentioned have any results on the court case search to date since January 1st 2011. If they were arrested or facing criminal charges that left them "escorted" out wouldn't there be record of it in the court log? I mean if there is enough evidence to take someone out of an employers business then there must be at least arrest or charging documentation.

Anonymous said...

All charges dropped doesn't mean that the person didn't commit the crime Bushman (8:08), I'm sure that you know that. The Henderson crime family has been allowed to operate for way to long and it's time to bring the whole thing to a halt. I cannot believe that the county still exposes the taxpayers to the liability created by having James L. Henderson on the payroll.

Anonymous said...

It was Wanda Henderson she "resigned" and $500k is the number feds will seat grand jury after which she will be arrested and assets will be seized. Documentation was missing and presumed shred to attempt a cover up but, she's not alone as warden wacko is going down at the very least he was "aware" of the details and certainly the amounts is enough the family certainly benefited as well ie... Nice New House Elliot? All the information here is true not speculation.

Anonymous said...

All the information is true. The only reason Henderson got off was that his guards were too scared to tesify against him. He also had an innocent man sent to prison saying he pulled a handgun on him. Funny the handgun was never found. Ask his daughter how many times she had abortions before she had her first child. Plus went to the ER repeatedly to get drugs for back pain to sell on the street.

Anonymous said...

FYI: the person who sent you the comment stating it was "Julia McDowel" was a follower of Psycho Granny. They were just trying to screw with you.

Anonymous said...

12:18 PM

calm down. take a breath and say that again

Anonymous said...

Gosh, and I thought it was just a movie on the Eastern Shore being titled "making it thru the depression" but I could be wrong.

Anonymous said...

wow guys, you don't even know the full situation! leave the daughter out of it, she didn't steal the money so there is no reason to prosecute her.

Anonymous said...

The daughter may not of stolen the money 5:22, but if she is building a new house she may have very well had access to some of it. We will see if construction stops soon.

Anonymous said...

Wanda professed her love of Jesus on her facebook page. What bible has she been reading anyway?

Anonymous said...

daughter and son in law got new jobs and she went on Caribbean vacation

Anonymous said...

She went to Cancun last year and as soon as she got back she started planning a trip to Ireland. This might make a good American Greed show. I don't think that much travel is possible on a dog catcher and local bank employee's salary. Neither job pays all that much money.

Anonymous said...

this thread is very strange...if I had anything to do with things...
anyone that cannot spell Principal correctly would not be posted ...

Anonymous said...

hebron savings bank was the one writing alot of loans to that crook "developer" from somerset county paul thornton. any connection?

Anonymous said...

This bank needes to close down or bought by someone who knows what they're doing.

Anonymous said...

Everyone should close their accounts with Bank of Hebron!

Anonymous said...

11:00 Why do you say that?? There are a lot of honest families that depend on Hebron Savings bank for a weekly paycheck? Not everyone is stealing.... they are just the ones that get the news headlines!

Traci Parker said... quick to judge. Seems some of you are either supposed friends or stalkers to know so much about Wanda and her family. Shame on you. What skeletons would we find in your closet should we start looking? If all is true, than yes, she certainly did wrong. But to be tried by your friendly neighbors and to be tried by your courts is totally different. Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

For the record...Wanda Henderson was not arrested and DID NOT steal any money from the bank. I don't know where you all get your info from but WOW!!! Maybe Wanda needs help from the lord because of all you people out there spreading false rumors about her. It's enough to make anyone start praying. And the daughter has nothing to do with anything. She is building a home with her husband who does have a job for all of you who are saying that they don't have jobs. Leave her out of it.

Anonymous said...

It is not so much quickness to judge, it's that Jimmy Henderson has bragged to co-workers and friends for so long that he is above the law that it just makes us "common folks" believe more in the old saying of "what goes around, comes around." It's just more than time that he gets his come-upance. This probably wouldn't get so much coverage if it wasn't for the fact that she is married to him.

Anonymous said...

are most of your people blogging about Wanda and her family even know her or her daughter? It must be sad to think the only pleasure you get out of life is to comment on others that are going through a difficult situation at this time. Get a life don't make judgement on people that you do not even know. I would love to investigate most you holy people and see what you are keeping in your closets, No one is perfect it would be wonderful if everyone could live in a perfect world but I do not see that happinging anytime soon.

Anonymous said...

I agree with one thing and that is she would not be getting any comments at all if she wasn't married to James L. Henderson. He is such an evil person he deserves whatever comes his way. Someone said that Wanda didn't steal any money so could someone please tell us what she did? You don't lose your job and get questioned by the FBI for nothing.

Anonymous said...

Are you saying nothing happened 2:01? People defended Jimmy boy until the daily times published the police reports and the folks found out what he had been doing behind closed doors. I don't expect Wanda girl is totally innocent of whatever she has been accused of either. Am I wrong?

Anonymous said...

If what a previous poster blogged is true, and this goes to the grand jury, then I am sure there will be additional information forthcoming. The next few days should prove interesting. Any further posts will undoubtedly spark intense responses.Poetic justice - just when it seems all the Henderson posts had dried up. the mother load drops. This should prove interesting.

Anonymous said...

I know the Henderson's personally. I have no right to prejudge them or anyone else. If Wanda stole the money, she deserves to be punished. But I will tell you that she is one of the nicest people that I have ever met. Why would you people say such hurtful things about her daughter? And do you realize she has other family members that are just devastated? Do you really want to see her punished because of her husband? Remember, we all have families that hurt when we do something wrong. If she did this horrible thing then she and her family will pay dearly.

Anonymous said...

Hebron Bank is the BEST bank in the area. They helped so many developers and home owners when PNC called loans. Talking about BAD banks--PNC is the worst thing to happen on the sore. Ask any investor. Customers on the shore are just numbers to PNC. Ask the employees--they're not even happy. Wanda Henderson is a GOOD person, but if this is true, she made a bad mistake. But don't criticize her children. Hopefully this is not true.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:43 Why do you think SBY News exist? This Blog is to put the news out there and get opinions, some positive and many negative. The negatives by far out weigh the positives when it comes to news coverage.

Anonymous said...

I agree that Wanda Henderson is a wonderful woman. It's unfortunate that she is in this situation. People are saying that her husband and daughter have nothing to do with it. But truth be told they are the reason that Mrs. Henderson found herself in the financial situation that she's in. Her daughter has always expected nothing but the best and got it.

Anonymous said...

How could her daughter and husband have nothing to do with this. How can they not know anything about it?
What was the amount that supposedly is missing?
$500,000.....$700,000. Wouldn't that be something that was obvious?

Anonymous said...

If Henderson was dumb enough to give her daugther everything she wanted, than she deserves whatever she gets in the way of punishment in this case. Daughter must be a spoiled brat! It's about time for the old man to have another hissy fit and assualt someone also. They all deserve the big house.

Anonymous said...

Ok , people. Wanda deserves everything she gets for this one. She has always put on that sugar sweetness, but behind your back would talk about you in a second. Her daughter is like she is now spoiled brat due to her MOTHER thinking she had to have everything. She wasnt just stealing from the bank she was also stealing from her in laws who have always treated her like a daughter. She has gotten away w/it for way too long. If everyone thinks Mr Henderson Jr. is evil, then you really dont even know him. Mrs Henderson did this all on her own w/no help!

Anonymous said...

I work very hard each and every day just to pay my house expenses and put food on the table on my salary. And then someone like this has the guts and nerve to supposedly take this huge sum of money from a bank where she works just so her daughter and she can live like a queen/princess!
Why is this not making the Daily Times?

Anonymous said...

Oh I am sure it will, you can bet on that soon.

Anonymous said...

DT will only print the news AFTER it is common knowledge. Their news is old news. Joe does a good job of keeping us up to date on the local happenings. DT never does any investigative reporting. This kind of story would sell papers but I guess the DT had rather go out of business than dig into this type of story.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't make the news because they are part of the Somerset County "Good Ole Boys Club". Someone should look at everything done in Somerset County by these "club members" like the Mike Cooper Fundraiser.

Anonymous said...

Trust me, the Henderson's are not part of the "Good Ole Boys Club" at least Wanda is not. The daughter is only guilty of being spoiled according to all the posts on here. Why would you want to pursecute her?? She is a victum of bad parenting at best. This also includes her abortions, which are no one's business.
And I hope what is being said about Wanda stealing from her inlaws proves to be an untruth. I guarantee they knew nothing about this fiasco and Mr. Jim just had major heart surgery. I certainly hope all this negativity regarding his granddaughter does not have a detrimental effect on him. The family is going to suffer enough as Wanda goes to jail if these allegations are true.

Anonymous said...

Wanda was part of the Mike Cooper Fundraiser. They have done a complete audit this week to determine if any irregularities occurred. AND before you spew vile regarding this fundraiser, check out your facts. They provide money for scholarships to people in need. Their books are open to the public at any time. They are above reproach.

Anonymous said...

Wanda is a nice person but nice people can be theifs too! Funny you should mention the Cooper Fundraiser, she is on that committee too...Go figure.

Anonymous said...

So true, children live by the means they were brought up, wanda has totally spoiled her way way too much out of the norm. This is not her daughters fault and she didnt make her mother steal , she has nothing to do with it. She will pay for what her mother has done, just in a different way and it is a shame.
And as far as I know, no one has a mansion in the whole family!

Anonymous said...

Wow, do you want to know what is amazing to me.... the fact that a lot of these posts are from people she knows. I would be willing to bet that several of these comments are coming from people who are supposed to be her "friends". Who needs enemies when you have friends like this?! I guarantee several of these individuals have many skeletons in their closets!!
Regardless if she took the money or not, her daughter and family members have NOTHING to do with this situation. This whole scenerio is hard enough on them without people spitting hateful comments on other members of her family. Anon 9:43, yes, I guess several members of the family reside in mansions compared to the rock from which you crawled out of!!!

Anonymous said...

You need to repost this story at the top of your blog. This story has teeth and much more is going to come out. It is still generating many comments even though it is now buried many pages down. Post it fresh again so more will see it.
Do you have any new info?
BTW, it didn't happen last week. It happened about 3 weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

What is the deal with bashing every Somerset County resident? Every county has a good ole' boy system, along with every state, and the federal government for that matter. It's all in who you know and how much money you have. There are illegal things happening everywhere and people willing to cover it up. There really are good law abiding citizens that are from and live in Somerset County. Thought it might need to be pointed out to the people busy making generalizations. By the way, I was born and raised and have lived the majority of my life in Wicomico County.

Anonymous said...

The only reason this story is still getting comments is because the Henderson clan has been posting all the positive comments of late. You can tell by the use of the word "Wow" which they commonly use. And to the family member who claims her friends are talking about her......what's the old saying "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool mw twice, shame on me".....we all stood beside you when that lazy SOB Jimmy lied through his teeth to get out of jail, and we won't get fooled again. By the way Wanda, word on the street is Jimmy is ready to bail on you and Elliot when something hits the fan. Looks like he really is a sociopath!

Anonymous said...

Well, Well, the daily times has posted something, her job is available. This is a shame this has happend, but Wanda did this to herself and anyone else she pulled into her little scheme. I am sure all her assets will be froze and any assets that deal with what she used the stolen money on. How did she really think she would get away with this? She and her family members will pay the price by loosing important things and she will be directed to go to jail for stealing if this is true. She also deleated her facebook page, wow she is feeling quilty. We know that if we do something bad we must pay the price and she choose to do this and she will have to pay the price the court system gives her. Her daughter doesn't work and her son-in-law only makes minimum wage. They couldn't be dumb enough to not know anything. When family members go around bragging to other friends and people of the community then this is when the realization of people see that there is something going on and its not long before the investigators are on there way. They don't fire executives unless they have some proof. Remember THOU SHALL NOT STEAL! Not only does the court system punish you, God does as well, Wanda you need the lords prayer... Lead me not into temptaton! God Bless You...

Anonymous said...

If I was a customer at Hebron Savings Bank, I would be making sure all my statements, balances, etc. were what they should be. A family member of mine several years ago discovered one of the employees at their bank (not local) was forging signatures on accounts and apparently got away with it. It's hard to prove but in an instance like the Hebron Savings scheme and such a large amount "presumed" missing should not be too difficult to figure out. Why would someone think they can get away with this? Unless they think they are above the law possibly.

Anonymous said...

J. Henderson is due all the trouble that can be dumped on him. He has done so many terrible things to others no matter what he gets it will never be enough to make up for all his meaness. Just think of all the poor animals he is around that can't defend themselves..

Anonymous said...

Throw them under the bus Jimmy, save your own sole like you have done many times in the past. Somerset needs you as dog catcher, we couldn't possibly replace you.

Anonymous said...

I find it disturbing that the newly elected commissioners of Somerset County have kept Henderson on the payroll. He is a liability to the county and has exposed the county to law suits in the past. If he cannot control his own family, how can he possible be an effective county employee? I agree with 9:36 in that the animals at the pound are probably being mistreated and again I can't understand why PETA and other organizations do not get involved and get the mess cleaned up.

Anonymous said...

I am so hoping the previous post is sarcastic...

Anonymous said...

12:04am-i have been there a few times and every time henderson is sittin on his @$$.i do not believe he has any interaction with any of the animals there as he always tells the other employees to show me what they it is my belief they are safe with the other employees there.henderson doesnt know his @$$ from a whole in the ground.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how cruel people are. I am sure some of the statements on here are true, but lets face it, the "Real" truth has not even come to light. If what she has been accused of is true, let the courts decide her fate, not a bunch of people getting on a blog and posting their opinions. I'm each person who posted a negative post lives in a Glass House! Always remember that.

Anonymous said...

so what if he went and got a dog on a Sunday, he is "on call" after hours also.

I also agreee, gossip gossip gossip, that is all PrAnne is about.

I am sure you are not perfect, obviously not considering the way you people are talking about others

Anonymous said...

Mr. Henderson's brother had a job at the Somerset County Landfill and got fired for theft. Maybe it runs in the family!

Anonymous said...

You people are pathetic get a life and stop stalking Wanda and her family. Losers, only happy when you see others fall.

Anonymous said...

We are not the ones who live in glass houses. You really need to know the family involved and their circle of friends who do. There is a clique in Somerset County that have thought way too long that they are above the law. Look at the Judge who has two children who have been arrested for drugs and never saw a day in jail. If it was my child the book would have been thrown at them. People in this county have had to deal with the "Good Ole Boys" for way too long. Justice should be the same for everyone not depending on race, financial status, or who you know. As far as people passing judgement, they are getting what they have dished out to others. I was always wondering when the water was going to get too deep that they would drown from their nose being too far in the air.

Anonymous said...

10:57 Sounds like you are really closly involved, like maybe the dog catcher, himself. You've responded to the blog about the lost dog on the wrong site. That comment was not even on this blog site.

Anonymous said...

11:15 What did Jimmy Henderson's brother steal from the county landfill, trash? OMG..........

Anonymous said...

To the person that commented about the Somerset County Judge's children. Let me set you straight. They have been sent to rehabilitation from the court system and justice has prevailed because neither child has been charged or arrested for distribution of drugs. Look up the records. The last incident with one child may very well end up in a jail sentence. Look at the court cases in the paper. All possession cases get put on the stet docket. No partiality shown those kids. Just following the law. AND when did this become about someone else from Somerset County? Wow, you have some anger about that area???

Anonymous said...

Jim Henderson should have never been rehired by Somerset County after he was forced to resign or face charges for abusing prisoners at the detention center. Rex Simpkins is the only commissioner left that made that decision and I think that he should explain why they rehired him. I expect Rex will explaine that when he and the new commissioners explain why nothing was ever done about the Kristy Hickman situation.

Anonymous said...

wow if somerset county is such a crooked place then move away and if you dont live there then just quit talking about it

Anonymous said...

8:24 must have been written by the Somerset political boss. Why so sensitive, 8:24?

Anonymous said...

The people of Somerset do care about what is going on around them, that is why there are so many comments when anything happens in Somerset County. Thanks to Joe, we know about this situation. DT never prints anything until it is old news. Maybe Joe should move this to the top again!

Anonymous said...

All I wanna say is people need to mind their own business.I know the family and they have always been nice to me. Its sad whats supposedly happened, but making nasty comments isn't going to do anything to change the situation. Instead of being mean why don't people try praying for them. Its funny people judge others when we all have skeletons in our own closets. Everyones ready to judge people, but the last time i checked the only person aloud to do the judging is Jesus and that aint any of you!!!

Anonymous said...

Wanda professed her love of Jesus 12:04, on her facebook page, but I don't expect Jesus is to proud of her right now, what do you think? I doubt she contributed all that much to the church. I doubt that she claimed the money as income on her tax return either. Maybe the IRS will check that out before all of this is over.

Anonymous said...

Leave Elliett alone ! Funny how fast you are to bash others , do you even know what your family and or person next to you are doing ?

Anonymous said...

To borrow a word from several of the comments,"wow"! Local news and newspapers are mum on this, and I think the public needs to know what is happening.
And is the Thornton guy one of you referred to the same guy that flips houses in Princess Anne? What is his relationship, if any, to all of this malfeasance and theft? Inquiring minds just want to know.

Joan w. said...

To be judge and jury , so many perfect people on here ! Must make you feel so much better about your selves to bash and bully . Your no better than all the accusations your making . God Bless you all

Anonymous said...

Why is this not making the local newspaper? Just curious. Something like this happened several years ago to a local neighborhood association and it was kept very quiet! Why?

Good Ole boys?

Anonymous said...

Because the local news outlets are worthless. They will only report old news 5:15. They do no investigative reporting and only reprint court documents. If no one is charged they are afraid to report anything. That is exactly why blog sites are doing so well. Keep up the good work Joe, it's the only way we know what the local news really is.

Anonymous said...

It does make us feel better to know that the high and mighty are fallible too. Then again we already new that but they didn't.

Anonymous said...

How come this is losing "strength"? If this was me, I would be sitting in the brink and the key would have been thrown away. Guess because I am not a who's who of Somerset County makes a difference.
It is upsetting to think that her family was benefiting from all of the "alledgely" stolen money and living high on the hog! New car, home, boat, clothing, vacations to name a few.......makes you want to go hmmmmmm!

Anonymous said...

Just as I thought, this whole thing is going to be covered up.It has been a week and no major news outlet has reported anything.

Anonymous said...

2:21p. What would make anyone think that the Henderson family is "high and mighty"??? So many people in Somerset County have the "big fish, small pond" thing going. You could put so many of Somerset County's "finest" in a more populated and culturally abundant area and they would shrink to their real level in society which would be very very low on the totem pole! You can own a limo, live in a big house, etc., but it just doesn't give one class. These people live in their own little ignorant world and if taken out of that world and placed with intelligent, cultured human beings, they would be lost and would scurry back to their tiny "pond" where they believe they are important.

Anonymous said...

Anything new on this? They sure are keeping it quiet around town.

Anonymous said...

There are 3 MSP marked cars and 2 unmarked cars there right now.

Anonymous said...

I would only hope that just because she is a Henderson does not make her anymore special than anyone else who has "alledgedly" done something like this. Things that make you want to go "HMMMM".

Anonymous said...

For one thing" SHE IS NOT A HENDERSON" She is an original Waller from CHANCE.
There has been NO MSP or Sheriffs @ their house YET!!
Elliett has a new house on land that her in laws gave them and her husband and father in law has built the home part time while continuing to work full time jobs and they are paying for it, they have a 2 used vehicles.

Anonymous said...

Okay so someone gave them land. Where did the money come from for the building supplies? Elliett doesn't work, her husband works when he wants to, her Dad works as an Animal Control officer, and her Mom, well we all know where she worked! What about the child support her husband has to pay for his other 4-5 children? Who pays the car payments? Where did the money come from to buy the new boat and crab pots. Elliett's husband never had a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of! You can say what you want, someone was benefitting from Mrs. Henderson's profits. It just doesn't all add up. I guess only time will tell!

Anonymous said...

Your quite the ignorant one, haha!! He only has a daughter by someone else and a son by his wife Elliot and if you look back it has taken them almost 2 years to build the home, so obviously Ms Wanda didnt give it to them. She is probably hiding the monies in the account w/her sister she is using from monies they say they supposedly got from cleaning huge homes for some bank customers , which sounds a little sketchy to me.