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Friday, March 25, 2011

Planned Parenthood’s Birth Control Campaign Destroying The Black Family

Planned Parenthood’s birth-control campaign in low-income, black neighborhoods is partly to blame for the breakdown of the black family as well as today’s epidemic of out-of-wedlock births, single parent households, sexually transmitted diseases, absent fathers, and high abortion rates, according to panelists who spoke last week at the Frederick Douglass Foundation’s annual conference in Washington, D.C.

Patrick Fagan, director of the Marriage and Religion Research Institute at the Family Research Council, a conservative group, said people do not like to talk about it but the decline of the intact black family dates back to the 1930s when the pro-abortion, family planning agenda was being pushed by groups such as the American Birth Control League, which was renamed the Planned Parenthood Federation of America in the early 1940s.

“The first family targeted by Planned Parenthood in the late 30s, early 40s was the black family,” said Fagan.

“Universally, in all the history of Christianity, contraception was always seen as a grave sin against God,” he said, “a sin by which one lost divine life and the soul.”

“Since the introduction of contraception, everything else has fallen,” Fagan said, citing the “alienation of men from women, the breakdown of marriage,” and “sex outside of marriage.”

Fagan also said that by the 1960s, birth control was widely available and inexpensive, so its impact on the family structure and family values continued to spread.

“[Y]ou had this mass commodification of sex outside of marriage, mainly through contraception,” he said. “Who pushed the whole thing? Planned Parenthood. They first got to the black family.

Why? Because they wanted to reduce black kids. They didn’t want black kids.”

According to the Guttmacher Institute's report, Characteristics of U.S. Abortion Patients, 2008, non-Hispanic black women accounted for 30 percent of abortions. The Census Bureau states that blacks made up 12.9 percent of the U.S. population in 2009.

In an e-mail to, Fagan said, “Margaret Sanger spearheaded the effort of population control of blacks through the Black church, exemplified in her Harlem Clinic, which started in the 1930's.  Adam Clayton Powell Sr.  had her address the Abyssian Baptist Church, Harlem's largest Black church.”

Sanger was the founder of the American Birth Control League, which became Planned Parenthood.

“By the late 1960's, after ‘family planning’ clinics were widespread, there was a clear pattern of a preponderance of them being in black neighborhoods,” said Fagan.



Mad Democrat Women said...

Abortion is my right! It is a womens right to choose (to end the life of my baby)
I am a proud Maryland Democrat, it is my right to do so!
That's why I ALWAYS vote Democrat. The Democrats THANK GAIA! is the party that PROTECTS my right to abort!
I have been a victim of rape as well as incest and the life inside of me is personally responsible for what happened to me, therefore it is my RIGHT to suck the brain out of that little mass of non living tissue in the third trimester!
Thank those great Maryland Democrat Leaders who CONTINUE to ensure that I am able to use abortion as a method of birth control!

Anonymous said...

love the sarcasm :) keep it up.

when does the "right" of the mother to chose life or death preside over the "right" for LIFE, LIBERTY?

Anonymous said...

While the above comment is too tempting to comment about, I have always lived by the motto that when you wrestle with pigs you get dirty. In regard to Planned Parenthood targeting specifc races, how about looking at the basic rule of economics: supply and demand. It wouldn't be prudent to open a business in a location that wouldn't need a particular service. In this matter, maybe it wasn't necessary to open a "planned" parenthood facility in a socioeconomic/racial area that lived with the ideals of 'sex after marriage.' With that idea in mind--maybe the unnecessary births of a certain area made a "planned" parenthood facility necessary and economically responsible. Maybe there was a NEED in these areas (that just happened to be vacated by African Americans) for free/low-priced contraception and abortions.

Anonymous said...

Humans are breeding themselves to death-literally.I am pro-life but also very pro-family planning.The poorest most unedcuated people in our country have the highest birthrates and simply reducing the size of their families is a huge step towards improving their quality of life.It is not a racial or moral issue but one of simple survival.

McGruff said...

It wasn't economics, 11:43.
Margaret Sanger, their founder, saw poor blacks as inferior and a drag on society, and sought to reduce their numbers.
Plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

5:07 PM

No, she specifically said she didn't want the org. viewed as that being the goal. Many first viewed that was her goal, mistakenly.

Anonymous said...

238-Why don't you read up on Sanger. She was a racist, who's goal for PP was to further the eradication of non-Aryan races. You can deny it all you want, but facts are facts.