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Thursday, February 17, 2011

People For The American Way Condemns Abortion Provider Murder Bill

South Dakota’s House of Representatives is expected to vote soon on a bill that would legalize the killing of abortion providers. The bill, reported today in Mother Jones, would expand the state’s definition of “justifiable homicide” to include killings meant to protect the life of a fetus. This is not a hypothetical issue: according to Mother Jones, eight abortion providers have been assassinated in the United States since 1993, and 17 more have suffered assassination attempts.

The South Dakota bill is part of a nationwide effort by anti-choice extremists to all but eliminate access to abortion services by asserting the “personhood” of fetuses. One such bill, introduced in the Ohio legislature, would make it illegal for women to seek abortions as soon as 18 days after conception—all but eliminating the constitutional right to access abortion services.


Unknown said...

Fot the life of me I have no idea why you keep printing this dribble. This web site is so far out in left field that it would take binoculars to see it..

dan said...

Left or not, Bob, the proposed law in South Dakota is off the rails: "We cherish unborn life so much, we will allow you the life of someone else."

Welcome to Crazy Town, population: us.

dan said...

On another point - you question Joe for running a story from a Left-side-of-the-ledger perspective, but I do not remember seeing your name questioning articles from World Net Daily, Fox News, or anyone else so far out in right field it would take a, well, you get the picture.

Is it the message or the messenger that you ahve the problem with?