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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Progressive Groups Want To Raise Income, Gas, Corporate And Sales Taxes, And Boost Minimum Wage

Progressive groups and legislators are aiming to raise state taxes on millionaires, corporations, liquor, gasoline and a broad array of consumer services, as well as boosting the state minimum wage to $10 an hour to help protect government services and the incomes of “working families.”

The proposals came in the annual “State of Working Maryland” report from the Maryland Budget and Tax Policy Institute and the Progressive Maryland coalition of liberal groups.

“The state of Maryland families has deteriorated” in the recession, said Neil Bergsman, of the Tax Policy Institute, an arm of Maryland Nonprofits. “The benefits of the recovery are not seen by working people.”

GO HERE to read more.


Cory Puckett said...

"The state of Maryland families has Deteriorated" So because some stupid Liberal or Jackass ie Democrat wants to increase taxes to help..... hmmm im not a genius here but more taxes do not generally help anyone nor does giving everyone handouts and free money. It just makes them think hey why work when i can get it for free this country is a joke anymore just because of this reason... most people that vote democrat simply vote that way to keep the guy giving away free money in office....

Anonymous said...

15 cent a gallon gas tax increase will send me to Delmar for my gas and possibly my car repairs. I would support tax increases on alcohol though. Minimum wage at $10 an hour would send even more business away from the state of MD. Higher wages also mean a business must pay a higher Social Security Tax on each employee. If you contribute $50 a paycheck to SS, the employer has to pay the same amount as well. The only jobs in MD will be Government jobs and services to those workers. Heaven forbid we ever have to fight a large scale war. We have very few workers who are trained to make anything these days, nor will we have any factories to produce anything.

Anonymous said...

10:51 Please tell me where is the free money?
Im not getting any of it.
Please help me i am one who needs minimum wage moved to $10 hour.
Because the good company i was working for they didnt want to pay taxes and they moved to mexico.
Now i am stuck ( for time being ) working for a ahole who only wants to pay $9 hour and mean while he is banking thousands.
11:04 dont worry the rich will remain rich , well maybe not forever but if you cant afford to pay your help enough to live on then you dont need any help.

Anonymous said...

I own a small business and even at paying $10.00 a hour to an employee would put me out of business. Unless that person can bring me lots of sales and make me lots of money, forget it. I will work for myself and only myself - no employees! They are the most expensive thing to a business unless they are the exception. By that, I mean they want to work and produce. Not sit on a cell phone and text all day long and talk on the phone when there is work to be done.

Anonymous said...

This is such a great idea. let's raise taxes and Min wage. so that unemployment will increase.

Are these folks lost?

All that this will do will be is to increase unemployment and stop any economic growth.

Anonymous said...

Increasing minimum wage will NOT help all working families.I already make more than $11 an hour,I just cant get FT hours because my employers sales are down,because people do not have money to spend like they used to.Make it so working families get to KEEP more of the money they earn working.Theres a novel idea,rewarding people who work.When did that become unAmerican?

Anonymous said...

2:57 you are an idiot.
I wouldnt work for someone like you for $29 an hour.

Anonymous said...

Why is everyone upset? This is MD. Democratic run and owned for decades. Quess what. You have ones like Conway, Cain and now Mathias that will be constantly re-elected under false pretense, during election time, and don't forget Pollitt or O'Malley and the other State DemocRATS. Md Citizens have only one alternative and that is a grassroots movement / revolt by all. This includes the ones on State handout and Illegal aliens in this sanctuary State.

Orsonwells said...

I own a small business and pay $14-$25 an hour because I don't want a bunch of minimum wagers sitting around waiting for Friday to get here. If you can't earn what I pay, you get gone, period.
Raising taxes just steals money from workers and slows the economy, a move we need to reverse right now.

Anonymous said...

Thank you , i dont know who you are but thats right pay your employees enough to live on and a good days work deserves a good days pay.
wish i new who you where.