Jews run the US media and control perception. When Rick Sanchez said so, he was fired. Point made.
Rick Sanchez didn't understand that his role was to obscure this fact. He was Latino window dressing. He was the gentile front man. The shabbos goy.
His role was to keep the Left-Right puppet show going. But he committed the cardinal sin. He pointed to the Illuminati Jewish puppeteer.
He was sore that CNN was replacing him with "Parker-Spitzer." He was sore for being treated like the token Latino. He was sore that CNN wouldn't take him seriously and that the Jewish comedian Jon (Leibowitz) Stewart ridiculed his ambitions to be a serious commentator.
On Pete Dominick's talk show Friday, Sanchez said they were prejudiced. When Dominick suggested that Stewart is also a minority, Sanchez scoffed at the notion that Jews are persecuted and implied that they control CNN and other networks.
"Yeah, very powerless people. [laughs] He's such a minority. I mean, you know, please. What, are you kidding? I'm telling you that everybody who runs CNN is a lot like Stewart and a lot of people who run all the other networks are a lot like Stewart. And to imply that somehow they, the people in this country who are Jewish, are an oppressed minority?"
GO HERE to read more.
The bible refers to Jews as: "The money changers" and "The Goldsmiths". 2000 years has changed little to nothing.
Even the Jewish people themselves joke about how, if you want to be sucessful in Hollywood, then BE a Jew or convert. Its not a secret -- to anyone --...but UNLESS you are Jewish, you're not allowed to say it out loud. And as far as being a minority, THAT may be true...but POWERLESS???? LOL!!! Just look at the religious background of the major players in the finance industry or the entertainment industry...Sanchez got in trouble for telling the TRUTH!? What a sorry state we are in ... speaking the truth DOES NOT make one a bigot...especially when the truth is acknowledged by the very group screaming "BIGOT!!"....its a crazy world...
Thank you Joe for posting this controversial but important article. It is well written and makes some points that are not expressed in public
Henry Makow is great! I encourage everyone to check his website
So do you agree with Sanchez Joe?
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