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Sunday, August 08, 2010

Washington Times: Obamas Live The High Life While America Suffers

The Obama family has been working hard to show their indifference to the plight of middle America. Whether it's the president's golfing fetish, private air transportation for family dog Bo to a Maine vacation, or Michelle Obama's taxpayer subsidized trip to the Spanish Riviera, the gulf between the White House leisure class and the American middle class has grown to unprecedented proportions.

Everyone is entitled to some R & R, though Mrs. Obama's jaunt is her eighth holiday this summer. Tone-deaf White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs defended vacation numero ocho by saying, "The first lady is on a private trip. She is a private citizen and is the mother of a daughter on a private trip. And I think I'd leave it at that." Note to the flack: Most private citizens don't have access to $150,000 in taxpayer funds and exclusive use of a jumbo jet.

The Riviera Romp coincided with a dose of bad news on the economic front. The economy shed 131,000 jobs in July, and the unemployment rate remained stuck at 9.5 percent. This is a continuing source of embarrassment for the O Force because the White House promised the almost $900 billion stimulus package would cap unemployment at 8 percent. The rate of growth in U.S. gross domestic product has declined two quarters in a row.

Two-thirds of the way through what Vice President Joe Biden loudly billed as "Recovery Summer," the recovery is faltering and a majority of voters sees the administration as the problem, not the solution.

Christina Romer, stimulus architect and chairman of Mr. Obama's Council of Economic Advisers, is leaving her job to return to the ivory tower at Berkeley. That can be taken as an admission of defeat. Details continue to emerge of frivolousness in stimulus spending, such as a study of monkeys on crack and $1 billion to the FutureGen Alliance in tiny Mattoon, Ill., to work on a planned carbon-dioxide containment system.

The administration seems unconcerned about the perception that it's looting the public treasury and running up record amounts of debt, but the electorate has noticed. Mr. Obama's Gallup weekly approval rating has dipped to 45 percent, and key traditional voting blocs - independents, those with middle income, married, over 50 and those who attend church regularly - rate the president from 44 percent to 35 percent. The Democracy Corps poll revealed that voters prefer Republicans to Democrats on economic issues by a 13-point margin. And according to a July Quinnipiac University poll pitting Mr. Obama against an unnamed Republican challenger, if an election were held today, the president would be a private citizen just like his wife.

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Concerned Retiree said...

Since O'Bama stated he feels my pain, I say he can deposit in my account just the taxpayers portion of the cost of this getaway. This would give me a salary for a minimum of 3 years plus. But since he will not means he does not know my pain. Obama knowing my pain means he would live in sub-standard housing with no luxuries for the rest of his term and have to do everything for himself. I am calling his bluff.

Anonymous said...

It was reported on FOX news this past Friday night whereby one reporter compared Michelle Obama's actions as being on the same order as Marie Antoinette.

In light of plight of our citizenry - I have to agrees.

Anonymous said...

The Obama's are the most classless first family we have ever had even after the Clintons .

Cory said...

crash and burn .... crash and burn baby ...... hope you liberals understand this

Anonymous said...

Even Oprah doesn't have much to say about the Obama's anymore. Makes ya think.

Bryan Fykes said...

I have no problem with the first family having some down time in the summer. and I understand that with the unique security concerns involved, its going to be a heck of a lot more expensive than a vacation for you or me. My problem lies in the fact that all that money is being spent overseas, when it could have been injected into OUR economy. As a member of the Hospitality industry, I can tell you that when times are hard, people cut out fun first- so our industry is hurting. s there something wrong with the beaches in this country? wouldn't it have shown solidarity and courage to vaction at a Gulf-coast beach? you KNOW those folks could use a shot in the arm right now. How about the great lakes, or one of our National Parks? Assateauge could have been easliy cleared for privacy a couple of miles down the off-road zone. Outer banks too.

Anonymous said...

Obama and President the two words together sickens my stomach, Hope all you liberas are happy. But not next time baby.

Anonymous said...

Just like alot of countries the government lives very well while others just survive in a sub standard most Americans.

Anonymous said...

9:59 so true! No class.

Anonymous said...

The Obama's are paying for all the expenses of the trip except for security and plane. Security expenses are the same no matter where they traveled.
Last time I checked they are not confined to the White house.
The plane expenses are a perk well deserved by Mrs. Obama who works hard for America without any pay.

Anonymous said...

Why aren't you all commenting in how the unregulated business leaders of this country ruined the economy (dem and rep) and walked away with more taxpayer money than all of our presidents combined in history...fools

Anonymous said...

4:59 It was the over regulation of the private sector that caused the collapse try reading a little history on the subject Fool !

Anonymous said...

3:21 you have got to be stupid. No pay? He gets to live in the WH free, he gets FREE medical care, Free food, free everything and he is given a yearly salary. Every time you turn on the news they are hiring someone else. The newest employee is a bee keeper. Yes Im sure they are making 6 figures just to tend to bees so they can have a little honey. Its pathetic.

They dont want to vacation in the USA remember they DONT like the USA they have made that very clear. Im sure alot of that vacation is being paid for by us including the people that tagged along for a free vacation.

Anonymous said...

It just shows how out of touch with the rest of the country the Obamas are. They live like the rich and famous while telling us all Americans need to tighten our belts. Nine vacations this summer golf trips, concerts in the White House, Chefs from all over the world. I think they should practice what they preach and tighten their own belts and stop spending taxpayers money. I hope everyone just takes notice of this and votes appropriately.